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Project EDEN - the COCO-COOP



some plants... that look like possible keepers. the production is far above twice or more compared to less productive plants. also the resing glands are BIGGER and there is a lot more of them..

later we will find out the potency etc.. this time i will cut them as early as possible to get a clean and quick reveg. its essential they make.. more important than me smoking good bud rigth now.. gotto think about the future.. sometimes the price seems high but to be sure to keep a good plant for ever is something that pays off..

this time the big ALIBI, and the 3 SSH x PTK's and one CT x PTK are allready sure shots for a second round of trials.. later i think the SSH x LP and one or both of the Diva-G x LP..

some other plants look like seriously tasty smoke, but im sure they need sun for getting better bud production. the jamaicans i got, the beeniemans and the negril comercial are both very very resinous, but in some way they are not productive enough under the lone HPS. later i will plant more seeds of them and try them outdoors and under 1200W. the negril one is very suited for a sog style grow - since the whole plant is narrow, and the leafs alove good ligth to pass around. the structure is more or less like a columnar sativa, but it sure seems to have a bit of indica in it. the beeniemans choise smells a bit like fuel/acidic and the negril smells like fruit-chewingum. a very sweet/tangy smell on the later..

one of the SSH x PTK is getting very big calyx and resin glands. one other is similar but with a bit wider leaf and it seems also to get fat calyx. the last flowering now has bigger buds, and quicker build up in size. its a bit less resinous though, atleast now.

the BIG alibi is just lookjing awesome - and im sure its going to perform even better with more light or outside :D


CT x PTK by me





Nice shots! I wish I had a camera that can do that.

I also plan to reveg. Instead of chopping entire colas off the plant, I will just snip the buds off the cola, starting from the bottom, as far as I can get up the cola until the top where the buds are just too compact. This will leave me with much more foliage, and while the recovery might not be faster, the plants might have a headstart on producing clones with more vegetation.


the CT-PTK doesnt like a lot of nutes - next round i will give it even less PK and later in flowering - maybe around Week 5-6. im sure it will yield even more. also this plant is a a little bit calciphobic and didnt like too much the molasses and PK combo.

gotto keep in mind the PTK is very dominant and it is a highland variety and likes pure mountain water.. the Cheese/trainwreck is also a bit nute sensitive so the combo is a plant that wants it smooth..

the more ptk leaning pheno is a bit more sturdy than the cheese pheno still.

im counting days to cut a few more lower yielding strains and give space for the good one.

the best tip i ever got from a breeder is "dont waste time of runts, because maybe they might get bla bla.. - just throw em!" the thought is to concentrate all efforts on the most productive. thanks Charlie! :D



freeradical - the flowering parts in the tops contain the least possible of growth hormones in a flowering plant. instead you have a concentration of flowering hormones.

the parts you REALLY HAVE TO SAVE are the lowets buds that are the least mature possible. these parts are the ones most likelly to reveg, and to do it as fast as possible.

leaving the top nug is really contra-indicatory and just making it unlikelly to happen.

i have reveged very many plants and its experience making me reveg like this - NOT experiments :D

then camera is a sony pocket cam. the DSC T10 - very cheap!



how a reveg works..

the actualy reveg does start in the bud it self - from the un mature parts of it. you will see how the calyx start bit by bit turning into leaf and later into branches.

taking away the bud takes away the part that will reveg. revegs dont start from the stem - and if you leave a flower in the top - the chanses are great the plant will just stress out and try to mature the nug as quick as possible and then dies.

the best revegs are the plants with several inmature branches left.

i dont ever cut away lower branches really on a plant i might want to reveg beacause of this. this time however i did cut the lowest branches on the CT x PTK's since i didnt think i was going to reveg any of them. now i decided to reveg one. so i will just cut most of that one and leave around 6 branches in the bottom. the rest of the plant i cut away. the bottom branches left i dont cut away any nugs what so ever.

later if the plant revegs fast - the nugs can be cleaned out a little bit with a tiny scissor to make sure its not a tight ball of leaf that will atract illness. leaving 2-3 shoots only per tip is more productive. a revegged plant can give clones to cut within a months time of the early harvest - as long as the nutes and light intensity are suitable.

Fluorecent lights give me the best reveg since the wavelengths of light promote rootgrowth.

also giving a deacent nute dose will kick it into action.

the longer it takes the less likelly it is to happen. some plants can stay in an extended state of half flowering almost for several months untill they die without revegging.



I believe you misunderstood my plan, I probably should have typed it more clearly! What I meant to say was I am taking individual buds off the colas, and cutting the tops of the colas off (not leaving any buds on top). Essentially the colas will be cut to be stems with fan leaves, with the very-tops being cut off. I'll leave some lower bud sites as well.

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hehe fun drawing :D ok man cool.

but i dont know if leaving the stem with a few leaf will help or not. usually cutting the plant stem at the level u want to reveg it and will concentrate the energy to one spot and gets it going fast.

just make sure you cut it very early - Week 6 or so as soon as you think it looks like a keeper. remember one crappy harvest will be made up by many future ones. hehe i cut it normally as soon as some calyx in each nug is getting brown hairs - and smoking will produce some high - normally a pontent strain will let you know early if its going to be kick ass or not.

peace :D


thanks man - that plant and her sister similar to her are most likelly gonna get revegged. its looking a lot like our keeper.

its SSH x PTK from cloneman.



wait untill i reveg these mofos ;) hope the alibi revegs quick :D

and there might be a few different SSH x PTK to try out too :D

peace !


one of the ssh x ptk is behaving exactly like our keeper - its been holding back and suddenly it just started whipping out calyxes everywhere - this pheno is by far the bigget top nug i got going this round... gonna be fun to see a bit more the development before the reveg..

the sativas in the ex-male room are behaving well - they are continuing to flower nicelly - and the fun part is they get a lot of direct sun from the low winter sun.. thru a window that is.. anyway - as long as the temps dont drop more - as soon as i get mroe space in the floewring room - i will put them right back in there to finish off. i can see in about 2 weeks there is going to be vacant spots :D

the ecsd x OGK maybe need to get cloned and grown in a different manner to entirelly express the traits. i will give her more tests later.

seem my coop partner is planning a 3x600 room :D hm.. with light movers that would cover nicelly a 3 x 4 meter space.. hehe

but i know :D the style of vend is small plants - all nugs and no waste on vegetative time :D and im going to go over to it ASAP - since the big plants from seed yield so little.. i need to do a few good runs with the best yielders to feel confident to plant a lot of seeds again.



im hoping the blueberry/blockhead is going to kick into action soon..

ive been having a closer look at the plants, and the pheno III of the SSH x PTK is in a pot way too tiny and now in late flowering its getting a bit affected. i presume the salt levels are slightly higher in that one because of the small amount of coco in the strange pot i used :D hehe if and when i put that one to reveg i will have to transplant it and maybe clean up the roots a bit.

all 3 of the phenos are now getting into the second mode of flowering, and its exploding into action. i will give them a slightlly higher dose of PK next watering since now they can take it up. i watered today with a low dose of AB and i gave a nice dose of Panela.

pheno I has a very strong pungent smell, with touches of cooking herbs and mint. also there is some citric touches in there.. all in all it smells like something VERY dank - and hopefylly this nice yielding one will be a new winner :D its very resinous, and filling up nicelly. it might become the best yielding of the lot. and hopefully most potent..

im soo disapointed on the ECSD x OGK - i mean what - do they need 1000W per m2 to get fat nugs? thats outrageous... i will do tests outdoors etc but every time i see these two i feel like its a waste of space.. also they are so small and tight i cant really get the light to penetrate deep at all into them.. im sure cutting of most branches and leaving only 2-3 colas might improve them for indoor growing - but for the moment i wont plant more of them.

the "sugar shack" i planted a while ago is easy to spot - the OGK male used was the same and the growth patterns is equally rediulous - almost no nodal spacing and extremly slow growth.

the beeniemans choise are going for it slowly - and they are going to fatten up a bit more - they seem to take an other 2-3 weeks or so minimum. the negril one is looking a lot more resinous, and its smelling dank.. the beeniemans choise are very smelly too - but a whole different aroma.

the DivaG x LP are slowly continuing to flower - its going to be some od foxtailing nugs - and even though i know its gonna be potent and relativelly productive from the looks of it - its still very early to see if they are revegging material. if im lucky it will be the sativa mom im missing at the moment... its very interesting to see how it goes..

the SSH x LP flowering is most likelly going to get a very big BUD - but it does look like it might become a bit fluffy - but this one is also going to take a whole lot more of time to finish so i im not saying too much yet. also i gotto say i got high hopes! the SSH is the same as in our keeper - and the LP i have smoked and grown has been topgrade smoke. not too fluffy nugs really - the calyx got fat i remeber..

the guatemalans and the mexicans are taking their time :D hehe its gonna take a lot of time before they get to something nice.. although the guatemalan might end up rather productive - and the verdelimon has resin although small tops this far..

the CT x PTK is swelling up more. the glands on this one are small - but there is a lot of them.. the smell is strong and nice - but maybe its not going to be extremly potent.. but this far it looks like a good smoke! so this one is gonna get revegged ASAP it gets mature enough to cut it. it seems to take a week or two more before i can cut to reveg..

just waiting...


to sample a plant to see if its reveg material - i quick dry it..

my method works well and pretty fast - use the ballasts of the fluorecent lights - they get pretty hot - but wont burn the nugs since it way below 80 degrees.. in about 12 hours its smokeable..

the flavour is a bit crap but the effect is 100%

hehe peace


i just went thru the seedlings that al are marked X after the falling tray incident.. and there was 3 confirmed females of more sativa dominant origin.

it could be of the following crosses;

LESOTHO X UZB (50/50 sativa/indica)
ANGOLA VERDE X BANGHI (i think maybe 75 % sativa?)
Haze x Nepal (50/50)


the alibi i include as suspect because its a very vigorous plant allthough not a sativa it has some tall phenos. for example the one i cut to reveg was taller than the guatemalan sativas for a while.. but im sure with a bit of trimming and training it will looks different..


i transplanted 2 and put them under the HPS in the new room. they are going to get qiote crowded in there - so im planning on moving them as soon as i can to the other room. since the new fems are very vigorous, i might cut a some non-productive plants earlier - or move them to the room with the window to finish of without costing me money..

there were a few more plants that might be females - but im gonna wait a few days to make sure. also i cut 2 males.. there is still a lot left to go thru... its going to be a relief to plant less seeds.. so much less work to have a handfull of new ones instead.. and later on when we have the coop working 100% again - there is still going to be 2 locations to plant seeds at with all in all 5 x 600W for floewring if things go rigth and a good bit of W for Veg too, so the number is not really gonna go down.

.. :D


Throbbing Member
bonecarver_OG said:
...the longer it takes the less likelly it is to happen. some plants can stay in an extended state of half flowering almost for several months untill they die without revegging.


Got one of those. Put a SOL adventure mix female in re-veg mode and she is just sitting there. I repotted her into a smaller pot cut 90% of the plant away and left the bottom to re-veg. No go. It has been 3+ months now. :(

Even the clone taken late in flower produced roots, but is just not producing new growth. Oh well, she was going to be used to provide clones to others, because of her outrageous odor and taste, but after a series of smoke test :rasta: I find her to be just another average SweetTooth :joint:

Which is to say, a big producer of big fat sweet smelling flowers that put a warm fuzzy buzz in you. The downfall is that the high only lasts 1 hour or so. Nice pot, but not an improvment over what the medical growers can get around here.

Now, I am going to have to re-veg one of the (OldTimerHaze x X18).
The one I didn't clone :( She is much more fat than the other and looks to finish in 10 weeks or so. The other could go for 14+ weeks.

Thanks for sharing your expierence with re-vegging. I hope the Alibi produces some nice flowers for you :D


the alibi is a sweet strain not too overlly potent, but it looks very very nice. im thinking of giving it an other round to see if my mates like her... me i want more potent smoke. although i saw on my friends they were impressed.

i think at the moment my faves will be the ssh x ptk's, and the ssh x lp - they all show signs of beeing a lot like the mom.

im sure the oldtimerhaze/x18 revegs well of u cut it as early as possible :D i think best is to cut when one "think" it looks good - atleast if its for revegging, no need to make sure on the first round the potency. if it looks promising it goes to the next round of out takes :D hehe its like a casting for the mom spot hehe 2nd round determines if its worth continuing or not.

i cut today the jamaican negril - its not gonna yield a lot and it was taking the space 3 other new plants couold use.. so out it went..

picking out the ones that are not looking like keepers as early as possible allows to plant try more new ones faster..

we have so hard demands on keepers - they gotto be VERY darn potent, yield well, and have a nice flavour. the flavour is the least important. the high will allways make up for anything selecting in that order.

today i moved the 2 new sativa dominant females i transplanted to the big flowering room. also i moved back one more Thai mex banghi now when i got a bit more space.. its the best looking of all the sativas.. thought ill take it back in to see how it develops..

very soon the 2 other jamaicans are going to get cut - and i will put in some other new plants as soon as they been sexed and vegged to about 8 nodes.

from now on all plants will be topped. i dont want too many plants to grow tall and give shade..




today i saw the clones are full of mites..

so nothing else besides spraying em and hoping for the best..

this might be part of the reason they are taking so long time.. well since i finally got the temps up to 28 degrees in the cloner, using 2 blankets and a lot of isolation..

the bad part is the spidermites like the warm temps also.. so they have gone crazy..

im off down to spray 1 ml /1 liter of kannemite..



i think there might have been mite eggs incubating inside the cloner.. the last clones i got were clean as a whistle..

i sprayed em good and closed the lid shut. gonna keep it like that untill tomorow... also i sprayed the closest plants in veg - but nothing more.. - tomorow ill use the excess for stuff in the garden.. or something..
