In Europa lupta cu consumul de droguri a esuat lamentabil, legislatiile mult prea liberale contribuind la raspandirea acestui flagel social in randul tinerilor si al adolescentilor.
Nu cumva galbejitii astia ne folosesc drept cobai ? este interesant ce ingoapa ei in pamant de ies rosii ? semintele sunt de la ei din Ceaina ? sub aceaste seminte cred ca se ascunde micul secret galbejit ! Atentie, nu puneti botu, s-ar putea sa aveti surprize dupa ce ingurgitati galbenele chinezesti...Mai sa fie, ne gasira pe noi de EXPERIMENTE..Mi se pare o bomba care deja se fasaie....
THC results
The THC results for this trial are as yet confidential but in general were, for each variety, higher than the tested THC percentage of their parent crops, in some cases up to 100% higher. This result was not unique to the Murphys Creek site, with other trial sites of the subtropical varieties also recorded higher THC percentages from the same seed stock. On the other hand, one private grower trial in south-east Queensland, using the same Futura 77 seed stock as AHRM, recorded half the THC percentage than in the Futura 77 at Murphys Creek (AHRM unpublished). This has raised some interesting issues with respect to the genetics and agronomy of THC concentrations in industrial hemp varieties. What has caused increases of THC concentration of up to 100% in these plants compared to their parent material? Empirical observations indicate that soil fertility, drought and/or heat stress and herbivorous insect loads are factors possibly affecting THC percentages and require further research to determine the role of each. While it has been recognized that cannabinoids may be a protective mechanism within the plant (McPartland et al. 2000), the results suggest that THC concentration may increase within a plant due to the presence of sucking insects. These trials suggest that managing the environmental effects on THC in combination with the genetic THC potential of the plant will be a critical factor in hemp cropping.