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Powdery Mildew Rx for flowering plants?


Well-known member
can you store the dipping water and use it more than once or is it a bottle of penetrator for every dip??
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Same ? as above . Mark6699331 if you could chime in on this one it could save some $$.



Well-known member
Any updates? I'm thinking about dipping some clones and moms pretty soon. I have humidity down to 23% and the damn PM is still spreading.


If you keep humidity under 45% during the "Lights Off" period, with a dehumidifyer, there should be no manifestations of PM.

A product called SOYANNARA is good -
Use at near full strength, it is harmless to the plants almost entirely. They seem to like it.

Don;t forget to add a wetting agent like Dutch Masters PENETRATOR>
To everything you spray, in fact. But only use up to 30-40 ml's / l, no matter what the label says.

Some strains are so prone to PM, one must simply assume one has it.

Keep in mind it is systemic, not able to be 'rubbed off,' It is in there like in a bloodstream.

SOYANNARA works as a dip.

Truly, the best protection is proactive spraying, and humidity control when lights go off.


Sulfur burners are effective. Might be your best option for a current mildew problem. If your humidity is always really high where you live, you may want to invest in a dehumidifier.

You can also prevent powdery mildew by misting with a a milk and water solution a couple of times during veg, as well as sprinkling boxes of baking soda on the floor of your grow area. Baking soda keeps spore spread at a minimum and the milk cultures fight off the mildew spores like an immunity.


Well-known member
Well i want to break the PM life cycle after i clean out my room... it's a mother/clone room so it's all in veg... the penetrator/zone seems like a nice systemic solution... if the pm is hiding inside the plant will sulfur/neem during veg just put it's eventual emergence on hold or will it get rid of it permanently??

What exactly is ZONE too??? Is it like SOYANNARA? I haven't really been able to find out much about what its intended use is as it doesn't seem like it's advertised as a systemic pm control... but mark seems to know his stuff so my ears are open.

wish i could pm him and ask but i'm not @ 50 yet.


Active member
whats the formula for figuring burn time with a sulpher vape? ive hung it up in my greenhouse which is around 680 cubic feet. im scared to burn any longer than 2.5 hours...
I'm trying the RX Zone/Penetrator as Foiler Late/Bloom. I have very light PM. We will see how it does.

UPDATE: As a foilar it works pretty good. I've needed to hit it here and there since posting. It's doing a much better job than anything else I've tried.
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Well I'd hate to blow the carma, but Mark6699331 may have done the trick for me. Did as he said and now I don't see any signs of the PM. I have been dealing with the PM for 1 1/2 years trying many different cures. Even got a sulphur vap. that helps , but the Zone and Penatraitor seems to have done the trick!!! I brought the grow rooms down to just the moms to make it easyer to do the treatment. 3 moms did the 5 week treatment spraying the moms untill dripping wet all over.
Mark I really thankyou for the help.



Active member
Thanks frog. The storage question- its best to remix new every time. I have reused for a day or two with no adverse results. But i wouldn't reallly advise it. Just remember. Dip it hard when you don't see the pm anymore. When everythings still green. That's what really gets it. Cause its in the cells living you just don't see it. Dipping it then prevents the spores(babies) from being formed and this disrupts the life cycle. That's why it may take a few dips over a month or two every couple weeks after your initial 3-4 times every 3-5 days. Sometimes spores hide in the carpet and walls too. Thats why you redip peroidically or even spray after you haven't seen it for months. I still do that in veg. once every month or two now respray all my cuts. BTW- zone also kills stem rot in cuts and i've applied it to unrooted cutting with good success. If they are alreeady rotting most will die but it might just save a couple precious clones- or use it as a preventitative before rot appears.

Good Luck you all- now go and kill that pm

thanks for the recap Hammer- hope alls going better with you.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
guess I am a lil late to this party. I just started using a product called "green cure" from what i understand, it is basically baking soda. while it has not completely eliminated the pm, it does control it. we are checking to see if cuttings taken from a plant that has been treated with this stuff develop pm down the road, but so far so good. the reason i am bringing this into the discussion is supposedly you can use it up to 24 hrs before harvest, even on the flowers, and still consume it.

also, a friend of mine did a lil experiment with nothing but high ph water sprayed on the affected leaves, and that seems to have done the trick also.


Active member
NO sulfur burners i'd only use in veg. Ever smoked sulfur bud- not too appealing. You can use zone and dip the whole fucking plant into a trash can buds and all right up to the stem base. Make a plastic cut out or someting cardboard so the soil doesn't fall into the water. Boom pm gone. Plants refreshed by next day. It does stunt the growth for a day or too and hairs will turn brown. So keep track of your flowering times cause the hairs will fool you. But after the initial shock the plant will rebound dramaticallly now that the pm fungi isn't sucking the life out of each cell by piercing them.

And spray clones and young veg every week with zone up to flower- your pm will be gone.

Another slightly more toxic product that works also but not as good as zone is physan. I wrote the manufacters email and they told me although it says only ornatmentals that you can use it on crops too. I like to put that in with my mite dip (when i used to have them) to get rid of or clean out pm while i'm at the dipping process- cause dipping huge plants can be a bitch. Kill two birds with one stone.



New member
Thanks Mark. I had fantastic results from the zone/penetrator combo and I also tried the aspirin/flax seed oil in my veg. and it seems to have helped with any small problems I was having. I appreciate you spreading your knowledge.


Active member
you can get a can of the 'air' (dust-off) and just blow the PM off the leafs when you harvest. just know itll put all the spores into the air, so do it infront of a window, or garage, somewhere outside the grow room.
itll also leave the hyphae in the plant, but you dont want too smoke too much PM you can get a lung infection.

next crop use a sulpher burner, or ph up and water as a foliar.
zone + penetrator = Best thing ever

zone + penetrator = Best thing ever

I've only been using it for a week, but it is the best thing i've tried so far. I was trying serenade but that stuff is the worst smelling stuff ever. The zone + penetrator works great and doesn't smell bad at all. Seems cool to use for the flowering stage
Dipping wasn't feasible so I decided to spray. I sprayed them about an hour before the lights went on. I sprayed on day 1 and 2....I was planning on spraying again on day 4 but the weekend happend and wasn't able to spray agian untill today which was day 7. just with the 2 spays it seems to have stopped the powdery mildew. the spray doesn't burn the pistols and it gives the leaves a nice healthy shine. Oh yeah... i also put some zone in my water solution to help out the roots and hopefully it would absorb some that way too. Thanks mark for the suggestion. You saved my growroom.

Has anybody else tried watering with it as well as foliar spray??? and can the penetrator amount be reduced at all without losing effectiveness????

Once this round of flowers is over I am going to do the complete dipping program and hopefully rid of this sickness forever.

This stuff is the best thing i have tried and i recommend it to everyone. :headbange


Active member
CelebrityKush said:
I've only been using it for a week, but it is the best thing i've tried so far. I was trying serenade but that stuff is the worst smelling stuff ever. The zone + penetrator works great and doesn't smell bad at all. Seems cool to use for the flowering stage
Dipping wasn't feasible so I decided to spray. I sprayed them about an hour before the lights went on. I sprayed on day 1 and 2....I was planning on spraying again on day 4 but the weekend happend and wasn't able to spray agian untill today which was day 7. just with the 2 spays it seems to have stopped the powdery mildew. the spray doesn't burn the pistols and it gives the leaves a nice healthy shine. Oh yeah... i also put some zone in my water solution to help out the roots and hopefully it would absorb some that way too. Thanks mark for the suggestion. You saved my growroom.

Has anybody else tried watering with it as well as foliar spray??? and can the penetrator amount be reduced at all without losing effectiveness????

Once this round of flowers is over I am going to do the complete dipping program and hopefully rid of this sickness forever.

This stuff is the best thing i have tried and i recommend it to everyone. :headbange

Dutch Masters needs to put more info on their labels. I didn't even know the zone could be used as a foliar. ...but anything that smells better than Serenade would be a blessing.

I have one strain of a really good kush that was really prone to pm. Using what I found in this thread, I started spraying the plants with Serenade when they were babies, and used Hydroguard as both a foliar and in the nute solution. I've alternated Zone and Hydroguard in the nute solution, one or the other 1x/week, throughout the grow and have yet to see a hint of PM.

I'm right now making new mothers and with the small plants I'm soaking them, spraying them, feeding them Zone and Hydroguard... LOL I want to see if I can just get the PM out of the plant's system. For the time being though, I'm going to do the preventative stuff throughout my grows - that seems to be effective at keeping the pm from ever happening in the first place.

I've used Penetrator @10 ml/L with Serenade just to make the Serenade flow across the surface better. It worked ok at that dosage for what I wanted, but I have no idea how well the plant absorbed it at that dose.

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BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
What about infected spaces? I get friend and his place is full of pm. What can you do to sterelize area?