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Powdery Mildew Rx for flowering plants?


Active member
Im telling you guys the zone is the cure all. you can spray. But for 100% effectiveness dipping is better. Its a pain in the ass but you'll be happy in the end. You can even dip buds. I'd spray them down with water or dip water b4 harvest. But the zone is a chlorine product like used for drinking water and most of it evaps so not much residue left over. The bomb is once you've dipped a couple times and don't see the powder mold at all, then dip them hard when you see no signs of spores. Its still in the cells. This really fries it out, and disrupts the lifecycle.

Everyone has pm out here and i'm one of the few that has eradicated it without sulfer or other bad products. I tried it all h2o, scorpion juice etc etc and the only two that work are the zone and another more chemie product called physan 20-20. I found the zone works better though. And yes the penetrater is a super surfactant. It makes whatever you put in it systemic in the plant (translanier- or some word like that which means it can translocate through the leaf tissue- spray it on the top and it can "penetrate" all the way to the bottom.)
good luck y'all

but i'm tellin you this works-
I wish the Dutch Master peeps would check out this site.



I would have focused there also.

I would have focused there also.

Very nice photos babaghanoush. Wow. Go with the Zone, like Mark has showed us.
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Hi mark6699331,

Do you find it best too dose them in the morning or at night fall? I really like the Zone.Thanks.
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hey Mark,,Hammer,, i lost an og to p.m...and did some real damage to my T.W,,and some other strains on my last crop..i livein an old farm house,, feild stone walled basement..not the best ventalation..but i have a small fan for fresh air intake..and dehum,, plus two fans on them...i notice the the pm is coming back on the t.w..im into 30days flower..i received,,these cuts from cali...and never had problems with pm before...will this P.M lay kinda lay dorment on walls,,floors etc and spread in the basement???or will it only stay on plants only,,i dont know if my basement may be the cause. or if i juust received some infected cuts..i posted a thread about P.m,, and a few said penetrator and sm 90 or the zone or a sulfur burner..i dont know what to do im 30days in flower..so i can spray penttrator and zone close till harvest ????? or do you think i should just get a sulfur burner do to my basement condition????.....I finaly got a nice T.W.going.id hate to spray her down with anything nasty....great thread, hope we can RID pm...thanks everyone JIMI
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Mark Hammer i got some dutch masters pentrator and zone on the way.when you talk about diping,,is that just for cuts????is is safe to spray both pentrator and zone..to flowering plants 30days or older???.


Active member
mark6699331 said:
I put a whole bottle of scorpion juice in the rez and it didh't kill the pm. BTW a cheap way to produce your own scorpion juice is to put one crushed aspirin per gallon and a tablespoon of flax seed oil/gallon.

Both of these ingredients produce a systemic acquired resistence.
The plant produces these naturally, but bumping it up couldn't hurt. I read this in a college plant bio-physiology test book.

I'd heard that SJ helps with the plants SAR, but that shit is damn expensive - it cost me $200 last time and it was too late - that was for budrot, though.

I really like the aspirin idea - for the acetyl salicylic acid, right? I read a guy in an advanced foliar thread that used aspirin, but he used the non-coated kind at 82 mg ... anyway, how much and what kind aspirin do you use?
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Active member
I found the answer to my question from the foliar thread:

"The dosage Martha [a univ. researcher] arrived at after numerous experiments was 1.5 aspirin (81 gr. strength) to two gallons of water. Important note: The tablets should be the uncoated type. She also added two tablespoons of yucca extract to help the aspirin water stick better to the leaves. (The yucca extract can be substituted with a mild liquid soap)."

Oh, wait though, that's for the foliar spray. I still need to know how much to add to the rez. mark said 1 per gallon, but what gr dose? I've never taken an aspirin so I don't know what diff. sizes they come in.


i sprayed dutch masters pentrator and zone,,2 days a ago,,the plants look great,,the leaves even look greener..ill spray again in a couple days,,,i whish i wouldve used thiis on my last crop,thanks Mark and everyonelse..hopely this pm will stay away this time..


Active member
You can spray, but dipping will kill in in the stems and all plant matter. Whatever you do spay or dip every five days for a couple weeks for total eradication. Dip when you don't see any mold (remember the white stuff is their babies) by the time you see it its gone on too long. Assume its in the plant and dip when you don't see it- that's how i got rid of it

Oh and ive sprayed zone even on unrooted cuts to keep damping off at bay and stop any funal rot in the stem. That's what it was originally designed for i was told. It doesn't harm them, the perk up. Same with flower- i've used it up to a day b4 harvest. Just sprayor dip with water the day before you cut just to be safe and get all the residue off- not that there is any but just to be safe.

I swear this stuff works wonders- and your plants will respond and really perk up and get growing much faster. The pm lives in the plant cells and punctues the cell walls. Even when you don't see the spores (white stuff) it can greatly afftect the plants ability to grow healtily. Tw is known up here in norcal for getting powder mold bad, people generally spread it by accident when sharing cuts.

But don't worry with zone and pentrater you can finally get rid of it. All my strains are now pm free (after like a year and 1/2 battle) and free of mites as well- that's a trickier one- i use something nobody knows about yet and it killed them all dead in three applications and that was it- now half a year later and all borg and replicaters are DEAD- GOOD RIDDENCE!

humboldt seed co.


Any links to where I can find the Dutch master zone and penetrator?


Active member
Most grow stores carry it. Just make sure you use the penetraer and zone together so it becomes systemic. Or google it. Their website is like dutchmaster.com or something like that.



i got it too ,,,OG kush is the biggest pm magnet i been told ,,i'll be trying the dutchmasters way asap ,,i use most their products and they really do work so i'll give them a go



New member
Growing OG Kush most definetly always has PM as far as I'm concerned also. Have a few girls outside and they have been under the gun with PM since long time ago. Have been using Neem from health food store and it has been helping. Tried Piranha cuz its supposed to help but that was a waste . Will try the assburn and see it that takes care of the headache. LOL, Kush has always given me PM , must have something to do with genetics and global environment where it comes from. Have read before that most asian strains are known for PM.


Active member
Nice Dutch Master pics-- They're new gold line of nutes is PHENOMINAL. MY buddy liked it so much he gave away all of his advanced line. Also the new Liquid light is excellent- you can see changes liteally 10 minutes after you foliar it!!

Oh and BTW- the zone/penetrater mix got the pm out of my og kush too. I haven't seen it in almost five months (i hate to say things like that though and jinx the project- but its true).



^^^^^^^^^I just ordered some from 4hydro, I am hoping this works. I have been fighting pm forever, I keep in under control but I cant seem to kill it. I have been using a product my buddy gave me called fungastop L&G, it keeps the pm under control but doesnt kill it. Thanks again for sharing you info.

Blue Shark


I came across this product with the following description:

Protector has been specially developed to prevent and fight against powdery mildew. This power packed formula contains a proven and safe remedy. Protector is not a fungicide nor does it contain any harsh chemicals. Protector is safe to use on all types of plants. Protector is backed by our performance guarantee.

Is it any good?


Blue Shark said:

I came across this product with the following description:

Protector has been specially developed to prevent and fight against powdery mildew. This power packed formula contains a proven and safe remedy. Protector is not a fungicide nor does it contain any harsh chemicals. Protector is safe to use on all types of plants. Protector is backed by our performance guarantee.

Is it any good?

can it be used in late flower ?


Active member
The zone/penetrater can be used in late flower. Remember though to dip them in a bucket because spraying isn't as effective. That pm has a mind of its own and will invade the inner stem if it has to to hide and survive. Dipping prevents all this. Its been six months now and i'm still shocked i got rid of it (and those damn borg too-hehe-all dead).

ps- i've been real disappointed by all the advanced products. The scorpion juice didn't do squat and was real expensive. And the folks that own advanced weren't too nice to the humboldt folk on their last trip down here. JMHO



mark, at what rate do I apply the zone/penetrator??? ML's a gal ration?? and when y0u say dip, you mean the whole plant with fruits on them. I'm in 7 weeks of flowering ready to cut and I notice the pm spreading fast. Thanks


PM sucks

PM sucks

Colt888 said:
mark, at what rate do I apply the zone/penetrator??? ML's a gal ration?? and when y0u say dip, you mean the whole plant with fruits on them. I'm in 7 weeks of flowering ready to cut and I notice the pm spreading fast. Thanks

ML's a gal ration:
mark6699331 said:
Dudes and Dudeettes, I'm telling you. The dutch master zone at 10ml/gallon and penetrater at reccomended strength (for dipping one bottle of penetrater makes 3 gallons dip water). The penetraters a little pricey but the zone will last you forever.

I've actually eraticated the PM 100%. A feat i never thought possible. It is no longer systemically in my cuts. I did the above mentioned treatment every five days for like a month. ALL GONE!

For smaller gardens you could hand spray and save $$ on the penetrater, but make sure all keaf surfaces are sprayed.


The dip
mark6699331 said:
I've heard sulfur burner in veg kills it before it hits flower. don't forget by the time you SEE it its already gone through its life cycle and those are the babies. So just cause you don't see it, doesn't mean its not there infecting plants.

For flower, I've found that dunking the plant for a second or two in dutch master's zone (10ml/gallon) and dutch master's penetrator (accord. to instructed dilution) fries the shit right out of the plant- or disinfects it, I should say. Spray with water the next couple days and no residue I could notice and it was gone for over two weeks. Only thing I've found that WORKS in flower- and my opinion, BTW is that serenade sucks-it actually made it worse. I'd go sulfur in veg, dutch master zone in flower, get a dehumidifier. And dunk every 3-5 days for two weeks to break the 5-7 reproductive lifecycle of p.m. A hepa air filtration system will filter out spores in the air.
I've spent lots of time and $$ contemplating this one.

good luck-

oh also look for pm on plants outside your grow. It loves blackberry bushes. Often it will HIDE outside and then pop inside after you've sprayed. OR vice versa -its a very sneaky complex fungi for sure.

Good luck Colt888.