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Pothead Pets Stealing Stash



my dog took my quater off my nightstand few years ago, he's an aussie high energy all that. wel after he ate all of my weed he went back a got my hash that was in a small nalgene. he chewed trough it and ate the hash too! then he slept for like three days and when he came to he lost all excess energy and has become the most laid back dog. he has since taken a liking to good stems, meaning if i have some mids he wont eat the stems but if i have some good pot he'll gobble up the stems and beg for more.. fuking pot snob dog.

King Hippo

New member
I've got three dogs. Only one likes the dank and when I say he likes it, he really likes it. He's eaten brownies, cookies, buds left on the table, half-smoked joints left on the coffee table, sample buds, growing tips, fan leaves, little balls of hash that fall on the floor, the list goes on and on. Not to fond of smoke though.

The funniest thing about him is though is that he is a chihuahua/pitbull mix. Don't ask me how. He's basically a 15lb pitbull, so ugly that he's actually kinda cute.

I figure he's almost 3 now and he can decide if he wants something or not. If he goes out of his way to eat something left out, when he won't eat anything else around the house really, the he must really like it.
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New member
i have a st bernard and one night she ate like 3 grams of some really good cambodian shrooms. there was like a half-oz sitting on the table and she just walked up and stuck her nose in there and started muching. crazy animal


my blue fronted amazon parrot is a pain in the ass, leave it alone for ten seconds by any weed and itll eat it... whenever i smoke ill put her across the room and she always flies right onto lap as soon as i spark a bowl shes a fiend.. she can open my stash box, and when shes high she is so noticeably different she laughs alot and is super talkative haha



Sneak attack critical
I have a Quaker Parrot that loves to nibble on the ends of my blunts. While she's occupied, I'll sneak a nice shotgun in on her. It's cute and never fails to amuse...


Active member
ugh i can't stand seeing people get thier pets high!! one time my friends got this neighbor dog stoned, and it had the worst adverse reaction ever! the dog would flap it's ears so hard i thought he was gonna knock himself out. i've also read alot about how mj does not effect most animals in the sedatated way it effects humans.

cats are dumb, and super lazy, and always sleeping, so i can see them getting high. but dogs....come on, if dogs could talk they would say NO give me a BONE. :muahaha:
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Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
No, he wouldn't, because he specifically stole THAT cookie. :biglaugh:

And I get didn't get my dog high, he got himself stoned out of his gourd because he's a little thief.

I will, 100% guarantee, that it most definitely has the same effect -

I had a dog that couldn't walk straight for 3 days straight, and slept forever.


I love this thread. It makes me want to get a dog to smoke with. Hell, if I had a dog, I'd be shotgunning to him every time I took a hit.

NiteTiger: are your dog's eyes normally those colors or is that ......the kind herb at work??? :yoinks:


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
They're a tad dilated... :biglaugh:

I have follow up pics, but nothing spectacular. It looks like he's sleeping, but his eyes are at half mast.

And have been for 3 hours :biglaugh:


Yeah I wanted to make a post like this awhile back, but on the last forum I frequented the members would flame anyone that posted anything about this. Said that its inhumane and its basically animal cruelty because they cant decide if they want to do it or not. Everyone seems pretty laid back about it here though.

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
lol, TNS, dog didnt buy the ticket but he sure as hell took the ride! lol!

great pics. keep 'em comin! I have no pets who will get high...


I don't think it's cruel if your pet comes and wants a hit or to eat your stash. Especially if they're repeat offenders. My cat knows the sound of the lock on my stash box, will come tearing ass down the steps so fast I'm sure he's gonna bust his head on the dining room door. Hops right into my lap, which he really never does other than when I'm gonna smoke.

He ate a nice-size piece of scissor hash once, bastard. He was himself, magnified. Slept like 4 days and back to normal and begging for more. Must smell like something good to eat, especially a cat. Mine won't eat buds, will roll on them like catnip, though.

And NT, who would name a pet "dogsname"? Weird.

No, I'm serious. Up till now when I just blew my hit. :wave: Shit, these critters like it as much as we do! If they had thumbs they'd get their own.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
:biglaugh: @ Scruffy

Here he is, absolutely DONE!



I'd say he learned his lesson, but I tihnk he got just what he wanted.

Thieving little prick :biglaugh:


ROFL, he is way more high than me right now thats for sure.. i havent smoked in the 48 hours which is longest break i have had in more than a year :(


I would love to see a dog get shotgunned a hit and start choking like a fiend. Oh, wow that would sound so cruel out of context, but hey, you gotta choke when you toke right?

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