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Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

have you given him a black kong yet? stuff it with busted up biscuits and a few dabs of peanut butter, it will be his focus, black kongs are nearly indestructible.......

Green Squall

Well-known member
My dog, pic a few posts above, is doing amazing. Last May he was given 6-9 months to live; Stage 4 lymphoma. It's been almost 9 months and you wouldn't even know he has cancer by looking at him. The tumor behind his eye has shrunk and is almost unnoticeable. He will be taking an oral chemo drug every 3 weeks indefinitely and it seems to be working. I have not noticed any side effects which is also awesome. Will he make a total recovery? Very unlikely but one can wish.

I just wanted to make this quick update in case anyone else is in a similar situation with their pet and to say that there is hope!
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Active member

mans best friend , pure black and tan kelpie , grandfather was australian champion ....Tumut Fly ...she's just a pet as we finished farming so she lives a privileged life and at just 12months spends most days carving up the beach ..:biggrin:
me and my boy, Boscoe, half lab, half beagle. very quiet, very smart, and runs following his nose. almost 10 and he has started to slow down, down to 2 walks a day, sometimes 3 in the summer.
I have a Jeep Bolio. Named him BooBoo.
Best dog I ever had. Love this dog. He has a leopard coat and green eyes. Very loyal dog. Training him to track wounded game, mainly deer.


Active member

My old dog when she was young. Her mother was a Blue Heeler. Her daddy was a Rat Terrier.

Great all around farm dog. She would heard sheep and goats and kill rats without command.

Terrible guard dog. Everyone was her friend.



Well-known member
Heyah dog lovers :tiphat:
Here`s mine doggy...I luv Black Labs..coz they dont look soo huh "cute" like goldens...
