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Most of the kangals I have seen had full ears. I am sure some lines have smaller then others. It's weird to see the ones with naturally cropped ears. Thanks for sharing the pics. Kangals are bred to be livestock guardian dogs. They will defend to their death. I have read reports of 3 kangals actively finding and engaging with a wolf pack. The wolf pack left with injuries. They are amazing dogs but are working dogs and NEED that work.
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Active member
Any cultured or conscious person today wouldn't crop a dog's ears. Seeing someone that crops a dogs ears shows their own ignorances and inflated self projection issues

And that is the truth .
some dogs are bread for natural cropping :):biggrin: kangal

I'm pretty sure (99%) that those are NOT naturally short ears. They are just cropped extra short like Neapolitans or working Filas. Some breeders will do it themselves at just a few days or weeks.

The ears are pendant, medium sized, triangular in shape and rounded at the tips. The ears are set even with the outside corners of the skull. When alert, the ears may be carried slightly higher. The front edge of the ear is carried close to the cheek and, when pulled forward, the ears should amply cover the dog's eyes. In puppies, the ears may appear disproportionately large. In Turkey, the majority of Kangal Dogs have their ears cropped as puppies. Cropped ears on a dog imported from Turkey should not be penalized, but cropped ears on a domestic-bred dog are a disqualification.

Faults: Any ear carriage other than pendant; ears set too high or too low; ears too large or too small.
Disqualification: Cropped ears on a domestic-bred dog"

Hey Betterhalf, you'll like this...Some boxers will produce short tails without docking. Here's a cool article about breeding them, lots of fun crossing and backcrossing...


it also shows how ridiculous breeding to an aesthetic standard can be.


Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
heres my garden gnomes/muttz


one Summer variety and one Winter variety like mine Boyd, they are cuties...both of my pups were rescues but if I had the right fence a pair of Doberman Pinschers (with tails and ears intact) would be pretty cool....although Dobies are not cold weather dogs

anyone have a Doberman?


Active member
I'm pretty sure (99%) that those are NOT naturally short ears. They are just cropped extra short like Neapolitans or working Filas. Some breeders will do it themselves at just a few days or weeks.

The ears are pendant, medium sized, triangular in shape and rounded at the tips. The ears are set even with the outside corners of the skull. When alert, the ears may be carried slightly higher. The front edge of the ear is carried close to the cheek and, when pulled forward, the ears should amply cover the dog's eyes. In puppies, the ears may appear disproportionately large. In Turkey, the majority of Kangal Dogs have their ears cropped as puppies. Cropped ears on a dog imported from Turkey should not be penalized, but cropped ears on a domestic-bred dog are a disqualification.

Faults: Any ear carriage other than pendant; ears set too high or too low; ears too large or too small.
Disqualification: Cropped ears on a domestic-bred dog"

Hey Betterhalf, you'll like this...Some boxers will produce short tails without docking. Here's a cool article about breeding them, lots of fun crossing and backcrossing...


it also shows how ridiculous breeding to an aesthetic standard can be.


TBO there are certain breeds of the kangal from different regions of the turkish mountains you are correct the kangal tends to have the long ears as well as the akbash dogs
then you go to another region where Boz dogs where the natural ear crop is dominent in the breed these are the bad ass dogs really fucking huge i owned 145 pound dogs but when you start talking 245 + pound dog they mean fucking business they have a stronger bite then a lion over 800 pounds per Sq inch well above mastiff bites and far above pitbulls
I am presently waiting for next litter from a reputable breeder that does not just sell them to the Dark side
and to give people here a idea on cost expect min 3000.00 for a pup

These dogs have a head the size of a grizzly bear


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Well-known member
i love staffy bull terriers. i believe my dog is part sbt at the very least and she's great. i posted a bad pic of her in here, i'll try to get some new ones tomorrow.

just some cool staffy pics from google. i love the blue staffys the most but the black and white one is gorgeous right here;







I love staffies too cannavore but it would'nt surprise me if they try to ban them in the next few years in the UK, a friend of mine had his staffy cross taken from him because they said it was pit type and said he would have have to pay £ 600 + and abide by loads of rules to keep him. He never had the money and they put him down, he had this dog for only 6 months and got it from the local dog kennel.
Wannabe ganagsters are giving pits and pit types a bad name and staffies are being singled out in same vein add to that a few high profile child deaths from uncontrollable dogs or should i say uncontrollable owners and you've got a shit storm headed for all us good owners. when I walk my 4 dogs together people look at me and my dogs this way and it annoys the f**k out of me. there's no bad dogs just bad owners.


Active member
I like many diff breeds... Pits, Yorkies, labs, poodles. Most dogs r pretty great given the right situation


TBO there are certain breeds of the kangal from different regions of the turkish mountains you are correct the kangal tends to have the long ears as well as the akbash dogs
then you go to another region where Boz dogs where the natural ear crop is dominent in the breed these are the bad ass dogs really fucking huge i owned 145 pound dogs but when you start talking 245 + pound dog they mean fucking business they have a stronger bite then a lion over 800 pounds per Sq inch well above mastiff bites and far above pitbulls
I am presently waiting for next litter from a reputable breeder that does not just sell them to the Dark side
and to give people here a idea on cost expect min 3000.00 for a pup

These dogs have a head the size of a grizzly bear

Kangal males are generally 140-160lbs. If you are getting one that is 245+ that is a monster. I have had several 200+ pound dogs(not kangals)and would prefer a 160 lb kangal. Much more agile and practical for working. Ridiculously large dogs just tend to want to lie around, everything takes too much energy.


Well-known member
Hey Betterhalf, you'll like this...Some boxers will produce short tails without docking. Here's a cool article about breeding them, lots of fun crossing and backcrossing...
Interesting article, thanks PH. I still have to finish reading it though, lol. Dog breeding can be pretty intense, especially when talking about show quality. I wonder how the pedigree would hold up though, meaning with a Corgi in the mix. I think it has to be so many generations removed. I also think the results of the first gen outcross would be a cool dog to have, a “Borgi”.

One of my favorites in regards to breeding is this Saturday…the Kentucky Derby. I love the ponies, those fine tuned running machines (freaks) that are the result of very careful breeding and following of bloodlines…and a lot of luck (let alone money). They don’t call it the Sport of Kings for nothing.


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I like dogs that belong to someone else :D
Seriously though I think chihuahuas have a lot of good qualities. They yap when necessary, are intelligent, crap the size of AA batteries, and don't have to be walked much to get a good workout. Perfect for the lazy man like me.
Howdy DRFever,

Those are some impressive dogs for sure. I can't seem to find any other info about dogs with naturally short cropped ears including Boz sheperds. It seems like a very interesting genetic trait! I'm still not believing it... do you have any pics of puppies born this way?

this is all i could find about Boz ears:
"Ears are V- shaped, rounded at the apex, and set no higher than the plane of the head. Ears are medium in size, carried flat to the head, and wide at the base with length sufficient to cover the eye if pulled forward. The historical practice has been to crop the ears to medium, rounded, bear or lion-like appearance to prevent the ears being a safety or health risk in confrontations with predators. It is still encouraged that Turkish Boz Shepherds used as livestock guardians in large-prey areas have their ears cropped for the dog's safety. Ears overly cropped to produce an intimidating, harsh appearance, are outside breed standard and highly discouraged. Both cropped and natural ears are accepted. "

and as far as cropping Kangals, i didn't think about those crazy spiked collars they wear, floppy ears wouldn't last long.

"Like all the Turkish shepherd dogs, a working Kangal Dog will probably have had its ears cropped by the shepherd at the age of a few weeks. This is done for various reasons, not all of them plausible, it must be said. First of all, for appearance: the cropped ears give a fierce, bear-like expression to the animal. Secondly, for protection: in an encounter with a wolf or other predator, ear-flaps are easily bitten or torn, and so could be a site of infection. Associated with this is the wearing of spiked metal collars to protect the throat in an attack; as soon as the young dog begins is working life the shepherd will provide it with an iron collar fitted with very sharp, and sometimes quite long, spikes. The ear-flaps of a young Kangal could catch on a collar of this kind.

Finally there is the popular notion that cropping the ears enables the dog to hear better. A rather unpleasant story exists that when the ears are cropped the offcuts are cooked and fed back to the dog to increase his strength. It is certainly true that a cropped Anatolian looks very different from one with the ears intact. When the first imported specimen with cropped ears was brought to Britain, those who were called upon to inspect her found it difficult to recognize the breed they were familiar with."

TBO there are certain breeds of the kangal from different regions of the turkish mountains you are correct the kangal tends to have the long ears as well as the akbash dogs
then you go to another region where Boz dogs where the natural ear crop is dominent in the breed these are the bad ass dogs really fucking huge i owned 145 pound dogs but when you start talking 245 + pound dog they mean fucking business they have a stronger bite then a lion over 800 pounds per Sq inch well above mastiff bites and far above pitbulls
I am presently waiting for next litter from a reputable breeder that does not just sell them to the Dark side
and to give people here a idea on cost expect min 3000.00 for a pup

These dogs have a head the size of a grizzly bear


Well-known member
I had a basset and he had, well, an aroma, lol. He also had a nose. You could never have him off a leash, he’d just put his nose to the ground and go, not really caring where he was going or where he came…just following whatever scent.
my guys run a few miles from home just about the next town over.fortunatly i had nice nieghbors and they took him in til i found him.he wasnt as smelly a few years ago but now that hes older he stinks but damn i love him.he will come to you with a smile every morning no matter what.i cant even find people that do that!


Active member
Caucasian shepherd shipped from a small breeder out of bulgaria. Dad: 210 pounds. Mom: 175 pounds. Two biggest of the sex I could find amongst all the European breeders!

He is 6 months, 80 pounds right now.

My baby girl is a 75 pound 1 year old 50% Great Pyrenees*25% German shepherd*25% lab. She's built like a wolf and is a lil wild, though friendly unless ur trying to contain her or she feels threatened. Sharpest senses and understands full well her job is keeping the yard secure. The two of them hold down my 5 acres in the mountains perfectly!


Active member
Since such a definition hardly slips off the tongue easily enough for natural conversation, I offer my explanation of it and also an elaboration of additional relevant factors.

Crop Ear is an inherited defect of the outer ear.The defect is inherited autosomally, i.e. it is not inherited on one of the sex chromosomes and can thus affect both sexes. It is inherited monogenically, i.e. only a single gene is responsible. It is inherited dominantly, i.e. a heterozygous carrier (in other words, an animal that has inherited the crop ear gene from one parent only) also exhibits the ear defect. The phenotypic expression is variable, i.e. with the same genetic makeup the externally discernible characteristics of the ear defect may differ greatly from animal to animal. The defect usually presents itself more or less symmetrically in both ears.


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