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Post up photos of your big ass outdoor stalks

Great outdoors

Active member
We all know a big difference between outdoor and indoor is the size of the plants you can grow. And with big plants, come big stalks. I always find stalk size to be one of the biggest indicators on yield.
So let's make this thread all about stalk porn.

I will start. This years two big contenders for me.
Psicodelicia and Golden cobra.


Rico Swazi

Active member
Cool thread and pics everyone... stalk porn lol bigass noless lol! Hope you are doing Great!,,,, Great Outdoors.
Saw this thread before I took a long hiatus from news/social media. Raining today
smoking hash having fun banging on the keyboard like a chimpanzee posting on the interwebs again.

Bumping this to say big stalk = big harvest thing didn't work out that way for me in 2019.

Had a volunteer grow to over 11 feet with 6-8 ft lateral branching
Started to break branches soon as it put on any weight early flower.
Sooo tempted to cut it early but let it finish as a novelty.

I don't like weak plants in my garden. Most are cloned and sent into the wild.
Broken branches are a vector for disease and are not much good in a clandestine grow.
Plants gotta be tough in today's climate.

The pic in front of the greenhouse shows her literally lollypooping herself in real time.
heard the branch make a loud snap and took the picture of it drooping slowly.
left some of the lowers resting on the ground but cut the upper branches as they liked to peel the stem down a good bit.
one pic on a 4x4 for scale was taken last year shows a bit of wear and tear.
Last pic taken today with mullein stalk next to it. Just in case. lol
Most of the stalk is still intact smidge under 8 ft kept around for conversation piece.

long lateral braching 9-04-2019.JPG - Click image for larger version  Name:	long lateral braching 9-04-2019.JPG Views:	0 Size:	151.3 KB ID:	18104964

temptation 9-4-2019.JPG - Click image for larger version  Name:	temptation 9-4-2019.JPG Views:	0 Size:	133.2 KB ID:	18104965

size 10s with socks on 9-17-2019.JPG - Click image for larger version  Name:	size 10s with socks on 9-17-2019.JPG Views:	0 Size:	123.5 KB ID:	18104966

11 ft 10-6-2019.JPG - Click image for larger version  Name:	11 ft 10-6-2019.JPG Views:	0 Size:	104.0 KB ID:	18104969

11 ft 10-6-2019.JPG - Click image for larger version  Name:	11 ft 10-6-2019.JPG Views:	0 Size:	104.0 KB ID:	18104969

mullein volunteer 8ft    3-21-2022.jpg - Click image for larger version  Name:	mullein volunteer 8ft    3-21-2022.jpg Views:	0 Size:	55.8 KB ID:	18104970

How did the stalk/harvest ratio work out for everyone?


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St. Phatty

Active member
I suggest uprooting & drying your stalks, than selling them on Craigslist.

People will pay money for wood they can carve.

People who live in cities pay amazing amounts of money for "Naturey Stuff".

Rico Swazi

Active member
Goodherb one love brother

Anyone know of a protocol for drying cannabis stalks? Any success? Big mistake for me leaving it outside leaning up against the barn over the winter . My thought retting would be good for it. Worms were doing worm things on the end touching the ground all winter long which took on the look of driftwood which I liked but with a light balsa wood consistency with deep cracks which I no likey.

wide deep cracks.jpg - Click image for larger version  Name:	wide deep cracks.jpg Views:	0 Size:	62.8 KB ID:	18105923

obligatory hand not foot for scale lol
too far gone.jpg - Click image for larger version  Name:	too far gone.jpg Views:	0 Size:	72.2 KB ID:	18105924

I'm waiting for the day when someone transforms a stalk like this into a bad ass cane.

Good to see you Mr Squall , that was an idea of a good friend to use some of the glass I have to embed it in or on the stalk to make a 'wizard staff' . Played around a bit and my fav is the middle glass that could be made to look like a all seeing eye and mouth parts with some simple carving. You can almost make out a face. Maybe a fish? My friend likes the pointy glass with stalk cut to fit same diameter on top with copper and brass inlay. Neither will happen with this one as its too far gone. Inlay done right is lots of work

wide deep cracks.jpg - Click image for larger version  Name:	wide deep cracks.jpg Views:	0 Size:	62.8 KB ID:	18105923

:wave: Hey Rico, great to see you back.

Hanging with the big boys eh, 40 ? I see you are BPA free too, Nice. College running mate with initials TC we nicknamed tomato can and was quite popular with the ladies. Easy to tell as they were the bowlegged ones. Good to see you too my friend . Did you save that stalk? People willin to pay good money for exotic whittlin wood or so i hear. lol


Well-known member
Naaa Rico, I’m still a little boy with a very big heart but........l do manage to fluke one or two every season. :gaga:
Yep, the high density plastic is ok, l remember doing the research when I was setting it all up but l still went back and checked after you made that comment.....to be sure to be sure.
I’ll keep it especially for you Rico, once she’s done with it and round these parts you never know what you’ll find laying around the forest; ghosts of seasons past.

El Quijote

Well-known member
I think it must be here, wish I could plant legally...
I would make them twice



Hola estimado amigo el mani como va todo? hay puedes hacer un columpio para niños 😂🤣 como engordan las raíces en tierra firme, solamente las raices son más gordas que algunos tallos de plantas :tiphat:

hello dear friend el mani how is everything going? there you can make a swing for children 😂🤣 as the roots get fat on dry land, only the roots are fatter than some plant stems

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