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Portable Dabs


I probably wont get a chance to check it out in person until after the new year. You could contact that seller on alibaba and see if they are willing to provide you a "QA Sample" of less than the minimum order quanity of 10 pieces or just buy the 10 pieces. They would be happy to answer any questions you have about it, the sellers on there are generally friendly.

I am sure you could find the same thing in single units on AliExpress or Ebay though, not sure since it supposedly just was released.


I used 24g kanthal and slim readyxwick for the diamondback coil, came out to .7Ω. Good vapor production, easy loading, and it is interchangeable between juice and concentrate. The mod is a 4nine (18350 battery) and the atty is an tobeco orchid v3.

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Could you give some insight on the benefits of using an RTA vs an RDA when not using juice? Do you just use it to catch more of the stuff that drips off the coils or you just like the design of the atty or what.


Atmos R2

Atmos R2

it hits wonderfully

hold it vertically and remove the spring that's for use with flowers


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New member
So I found a few things and I'm not sure If I really like any of them

nice, but seems quite large and not at all portable or discreet.


seems like a good design but I can't see how the water is in there and it looks to be the wrong size (which I can remedy with some rubber gasket)


My favorite new toy

My favorite new toy


Sigelei 150w box mod, patriot 2.5ml RDA, single .3 ohm coil made from three 24g kanthal wires.

Haven't touched the bong all week. When I was first experimenting with it I got higher than I've been in at least 6+ years lol.

I should also mention I'm not using any wick, instead I just used two wires twisted together with a third wrapped around that to increase surface area and create small crevices for the oil to capillary into.

All the different wicking material created nasty flavors, this coil self cleans between dabs and give the smoothest cleanest tasting dabs I have ever experienced. The lung expansion and intense terpene action can burn in the lung and sinuses slightly but its different than a harsh hit, its just super intense, but it is extremely pleasant once you get used to it.
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Active member
ya u need a clone or mod.. or something like that above.. to get real DAB size rips. off a pen.. needs a real battery.. the gpens are cool if u aren't dabbing yet.. and u don't want a huge tolerance super quick..

but if u like getting fucked up. grab a REAL VAPE.. rebuildable atomizer and a mechanical mod. or something similar..


RDAs are designed for custom coil builds, so about as hard as wrapping the coil and tightening some screws, I put some coil building stuff earlier in the thread but there are literally thousands of ways you can build your coil.

I have switched over to the Stillare Cartel clone rda by infinite, much preferred over the patriot. Adjustable airflow and not as many o-rings to lose / replace when they get worn.


How easy was it to outfit that Patriot tip with your custom coil? Could you talk about that process some?




During my discovery process, I built and tested ~12 coils of varying resistance and design. I settled on what I have now because of both the size of hit, and taste.

Two wires are twisted together and then a third is wrapped around that.

There is some difficulty initially figuring out how to fit it, but once I had a good idea of the shape and size it got much easier.

Ill come back with more pictures later, but you can see in the one above how, to get it to fit, I had to bend a tail around the center post, and 'come in from behind' so to speak.


RDAs are designed for custom coil builds, so about as hard as wrapping the coil and tightening some screws, I put some coil building stuff earlier in the thread but there are literally thousands of ways you can build your coil.

I have switched over to the Stillare Cartel clone rda by infinite, much preferred over the patriot. Adjustable airflow and not as many o-rings to lose / replace when they get worn.

Yes, I'm disappointed with the patriot. It works, but I'm actually designing something more ideal or our purposes, just need to find some local CAD and CNC skilled fellas to help me.


Nice thanks. From the looks of it you just thread that 24 ga wire into the hole on the posts correct? I'm super interested in making one of these.


Yes, its a thread and screw type of operation once you have the coils twisted. Some RDAs are going to be better suited to using multiple strands of thick wire than others though.


Yep, the three twisted wires are through the hole in the post.
So did you have to use a specific amount of wire to get the .3 ohm resistance you wanted, or is that just something that is controlled by the sigelei box? I'm not very familiar with this.

Thanks for the help!



The resistance of your coil is determined by the number and size of the wraps, as well as the gauge and resistance of the wire itself. There are a lot of online calculators that will help you get a coil to a specific resistance if you want. Go back and read through the thread, there are quite a few coil designs, mods and rdas shown


Yes, differing lengths of wire will create different resistances. You have to have the right batteries to go sub ohm, volts/restitance=amps, so 35-45 amp battery to be safe.

I wasn't particularly shooting for sub ohm but because I want lots of surface area i needed more wire than most general ecig users would bother with, which lead to the very low resistance