From what I understand the Type 1 Type 2 and Type 3 plants are how their ratios of top cannabinoids represent express themselves..
Ace is spot on in my opinion with his analogy with NLD/ BLD but we have to consider that 'Resin Breeding' would allow for variations in architecture.. A short squat fast flowering Sativa might have the typical Haze type effect or that of a traditional hash plant and vice verca. Architecture and effects of cultivated vareties will not neciseraly conform to those associated with wild 'Landrace' NLD/ BLD left to naturalise.
In any paper or post I write from here on in Sativa will be termed a cultivated variety as botanically that is what it is.
So I interporate it as NLD-BLD and NLH-BLH. With admixture.
Type 1 = High THC low CBD
Type 2 = Even ratios 1-1's Preferably 20%-20%
Type 3 = Low THC High CBD
They might be listed somewhere in a paper. I'm sure it's like common knowledge
If 1-1 is under 20% what's the point?
I see it that you need more plants to get anything and it's no Medical as it won't treat any particular serious illness.
Ace is spot on in my opinion with his analogy with NLD/ BLD but we have to consider that 'Resin Breeding' would allow for variations in architecture.. A short squat fast flowering Sativa might have the typical Haze type effect or that of a traditional hash plant and vice verca. Architecture and effects of cultivated vareties will not neciseraly conform to those associated with wild 'Landrace' NLD/ BLD left to naturalise.
In any paper or post I write from here on in Sativa will be termed a cultivated variety as botanically that is what it is.
So I interporate it as NLD-BLD and NLH-BLH. With admixture.
Type 1 = High THC low CBD
Type 2 = Even ratios 1-1's Preferably 20%-20%
Type 3 = Low THC High CBD
They might be listed somewhere in a paper. I'm sure it's like common knowledge
If 1-1 is under 20% what's the point?
I see it that you need more plants to get anything and it's no Medical as it won't treat any particular serious illness.
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