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Police and Prison Guard Groups Fight Marijuana Legalization in California


Well-known member
What a surprise. They are worried about losing revenue with the new law. What worries me is they will take away Medical and make everyone buy Recreational (with the high taxes). I am from Colorado and Medical is written into the state constitution, but I am really worried they will raise the taxes a lot.


Active member
I will be voting no too....yeehaw...law enforcement wont loose any money as the taxes brought in will far exceed any money gotten previously from any source by a far margin...but I will take the help anywhere I can get it...JUST SAY NO...if they come up with a reasonable law that don't restrict my home growing then I will say yes...I can already have an lb and 24 plants plus grower exemption and caregiver for a few folks...I wont be taking a step backwards if I can help it...current medicinal is better than the bullshit legalization being proposed....

How do I know you're not dumping fertilizer down the storm drain? How do I know you're not using systemic insecticide and fungicide on your crop? How do I know the cannabinoid profile and concentration of your crop?

From what I gather, you can still be a caregiver under this law.


Active member
IF it stops one person from getting arrested for cannabis I will vote yes ,as a competitive fellow I like to win against the police , and guards .


IF it stops one person from getting arrested for cannabis I will vote yes ,as a competitive fellow I like to win against the police , and guards .

It definitely does not stop the people already incarcerated for Cannabis from being incarcerated ;)

For that fact alone; i would absolutely never vote for this dystopian bill. Fuck Sean Parker; period.


It definitely does not stop the people already incarcerated for Cannabis from being incarcerated ;)

For that fact alone; i would absolutely never vote for this dystopian bill. Fuck Sean Parker; period.

Actually it does:

RELIEF FOR PRIOR OFFENDERS: Persons previously convicted of offenses that would not be a crime or would be a lesser offense under AUMA may apply to the court for a recall or dismissal of their sentence. (11361.8)


(a) A person currently serving a sentence for a conviction, whether by trial or by open or negotiated plea, who would not have been guilty of an offense or who would have been guilty of a lesser offense under the Control, Regulate and Tax Adult Use of Marijuana Act had that Act been in effect at the time of the offense may petition for a recall or dismissal of sentence before the trial court that entered the judgment of conviction in his or her case to request resentencing or dismissal in accordance with Sections 11357, 11358, 11359, 11360, 11362.1, 11362.2, 11362. 3, and 11362. 4 as those sections have been amended or added by this Act.


Just Say Grow
you wouldnt currently be in jail for anything that is legal under auma unless you were growing less than 6 plants without a rec right?
If you vote yes you could help all the prisoners/people with criminal records.. The people that said they would vote no sound like jerks. Never heard of baby steps? Once its legal and the haters see its no big deal then you can get picky. What part about voting to change a law makes you think that a new law can never be ammended?


Active member
Wow! Stoners against legalization and the police have something in common. Voting no on AUMA because they are afraid of losing revenue.

Hello all,

Would be clearer as..." Both voting on AUMA...."

Might have to find alternative incomes.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
They should have said they are afraid their children will have less toys when their income drops. More honest.

I had no trouble getting pot in high school back in the 70's, I am sure it is no problem today. Holland has less pot use for minors than US and has had pot shops for decades.

On the plant limits (should be canopy size), I do not like that but this is a start anyways. The cities are banning medical cultivation all over so that medical exemption is effectively over for many right now.


if it smells like fish
How do I know you're not dumping fertilizer down the storm drain? How do I know you're not using systemic insecticide and fungicide on your crop? How do I know the cannabinoid profile and concentration of your crop?

From what I gather, you can still be a caregiver under this law.
testing of product is available and done in some situations...theres a choice of labs I can use if I don't mind driving a bit...sdpharmlabs,,,csalabs [.com].... yeehaw...I don't need to test for pesticides/insecticides/fungicides or pgrs as I don't use them...mold,bugs,thc,cbd cbn,terps whatever is all good with me ...if requested I can get it tested without any issues..simple as taking gram samples and dropping em off...even with test results how does a consumer know its the same weed as tested ?????????...well its called trust gained by having good ethics and a great record of trust


Active member
like rifling our pockets like government.

Really? I mean how lazy are you?

Yeah buddy, everyone would rather not pay taxes, but someone has to pay for infrastructure maintenance, environmental protection, food and drug safety, education, healthcare, police and fire protection, so who pays for all that?

The real world sucks doesn't it? So suck it up and pay your share, just like the rest of us.
I think the problem that cannabis growers have with paying taxes is the people they are supposed to pay want to incarcerate them. When it's 'legal' many of these same growers will still be on the other side of the law and will not want documentation of it, nor will they want to line the pockets of the ones trying to steal their freedoms, hence no paying taxes. I don't mind paying since nobody is coming for me right now, but if I'm somehow prevented from being able to compete we'll see how I feel about it then. It has more to do with maintaining freedoms than being lazy or trying to cheat anyone.

jump /injack

It not bad enough that the Politicians will get a wind fall to blow, its not a secret that they have bankrupted the State which once was the 7th largest economy in the world and those in power for the last couple of decades ruined it until it has a F credit rating and the State is slated for bankruptcy because of profligate malfeasance with the Calpers fund, the retirement fund for states unionized workers who vote 100% democrat for their raises. The money generated by taxes tax money should not go to the voracious thieves in Sacramento but for research of cannabis. No money for the politicians, guards, police,unions who have fought against even medical cannabis, they deserve nothing because they've done nothing but obstruct, jail and damn cannabis. Hold out for money to go to medical research universities, government has fought cannabis for so long there has to be a cure for cancer in that plant.


Really? I mean how lazy are you?

Yeah buddy, everyone would rather not pay taxes, but someone has to pay for infrastructure maintenance, environmental protection, food and drug safety, education, healthcare, police and fire protection, so who pays for all that?

The real world sucks doesn't it? So suck it up and pay your share, just like the rest of us.
my share has been paid buddy. and you can suck it lol, and the rest of the world don't suck.:moon:


Active member
my share has been paid buddy. and you can suck it lol, and the rest of the world don't suck.:moon:

Nah, you're the guy who complains about paying taxes then quickly turns around and complains about the potholes in his street or the poor teachers at his kids school. You can't have it both ways. So man up.


every body complains about paying to much tax unless you work at macca's, our streets are full of pot holes,we have the greatest teachers, load of bollocks lol.