Greetings DJXX & everyone !
How are you all ? Things are fine here and I can only thank deeply all of you people for all the good vibes you ahve sent to me. As a matter of fact it worked pretty good ! Things have been nicely improving during the last week. I've gotten back my welfare money and as I didn't received anything for 6 months, then I received those 6 onths worth of money in a single time ! wooohooo ! I was able to pay for the big debts I had with social security and that's quite a relief !
I feel lots of positiveness surrounding me, and I can feel how it is a time for changes. I just can't explain it, it's just in the air ! A beautifull feeling like I hadn't experienced in a long long time. I'm now quite confident about tomorrows, it's only up to me to do what must be done for things to get even better !
My computer crashed few days ago and I had to buy a brand new one. Old one was bought when I started my mineral business, so its "death" and me to buy a new one feels like a new start ! Really, I feel like I'm at some crossroad and that great changes are to come provided I do what must be done. This good, I'm happy !
There's only this darn lack of energy I'm still struggling against, but I will overcome it in the end, because it must be so !
Thanks everyone, many love & blessings for your help & support !
Irie !
ROJO,everybody likes a handsome bastard!Cheer up guys,at least yer not an old broke down broke dick sarcastic bastard like me!!That oughta make you happy!!