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PK from SR-71 in Coco w/ House and Garden Coco Nutes.

Thanks Again

Thanks Again

Ok Brain! Yeah, I don't care what other people think. This is only for personal use and 1 person I caregive for. I just think that it's pretty. I would like to get some still shots with my camera like the ones that Soma has of his Rockbud plants. Those plants look pretty enough to dress a holiday table! Anyway, it's obvious I have no experience with this trait so thanks again for the help.


Active member
Brain said:
I'd pass on spraying budding plants with anything. Plus, your temps are fine for bringing in the purple. This is the first I've heard of applying purple maxx as a foliar. I know people like the purple but lets get real. Spraying your buds to get them to purple is straight up retarded. VV- Your temps are great. If you wanna make sure you get maximum purple you could drop the night temp another 5 degrees. My PK, also from SR71, purpled up completely with night temps in the low 70's. Just keep'em healthy and they'll start doing what they do around day 40.

I agree Pmaxx is not needed to make em purple up, especially with Purple Kush and I personally wouldn't foliar too late into flower, but foliaring heavily with pmaxx towards mid flower is the best way to use pmaxx if your goal is to get purpling with it.

In any case I've found the Pmaxx to work way better as a foliar. I don't even put it in my res anymore. It says on the bottle it can be used to foliar.

Anyhow probably safer to go with Brain's advice.


Active member
Nope I never check or adjust my pH. House and garden nutrients are pH buffered should stabilize themselves. I didn't adjust my pH with GH on Lucas formula or Floranova nutrients either.

Also, in on the feed chart BUD XL starts on week 4. Week 4 EC is 1.6. Even in veg the lowest EC in the feed chart is 1.2

I use the coco A+B with run to waste and I am using the Aqua Flakes A+B for my coco ebb and flow. Aqua flakes is supposed to be more stable in a recirculating reservoir compared to the Coco nutes. I don't adjust the pH with Aqua Flakes either.


Active member
^^^ How can you not adjust your PH? I use H&G nutes, and by the time I've finished mixing them, my ph is 3.2!!!! This is from RO water at 6.6 and is the same whether I use Aqua Flakes or the Cocos. What's your ph after mixing?

EDIT - I should point out, I use double strength nutes all the way thru though, but still, even with single strength (at the beg.) my ph was around 3.8 I think.
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Active member
have you ever let it sit overnight without adjustment to see if the pH stabilizes by itself?

double strength? why?


Brain hit the nail on the head,

The UV purples will purple on their own between days 40-60 with cooler temperatures, and without. More purple happens when cooler, but even in warm temps there is plenty of purp!

here's my sr71PK 25days

and a previous kGDP grow, ~ 75-85F night-day (49days... 10 to go)

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Update! Harvest! Pics!

Update! Harvest! Pics!

So I got lazy these last few weeks. Actually I just had to sit back and let things happen. I harvest all the plants at 57 days with about 30% of the trichs turning orange. Surprisingly my EC for this run maxed out at 1.1 which I won't complain about, my nutes that were supposed to last two runs will now probably last 3. Oh, happy days! I got some great purple coloring as I think you can see in the pics. When everything is said and done I will post the final weight and stuff like that. The littler plants never got very big and really had weak root systems. The other plants all did great, probably 2-3 ozs per plant. My camera ran out of batterines while I was manicuring so more will have to follow when the cure is complete.
Thanx for checking in,

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Active member
LOOK at the colors in those pics right there!

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