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Pink Kush and 7east (organic ish grow)



Thought I would make a grow log of my most recent and currently in progress grow. I have a couple indoor grows under my belt and I am starting to narrow down a process that I like, but I am also open to improvement and new ideas as well.

I started with x2 clones of Pink Kush. The PK cut comes from a professional grower so I know it will be good genetics. The other (smaller plants) are all Headstrong from 7east genetics (a Canadian company that offers regular seeds).

The clones are taking off and are currently in 15 gal fabric pots. The Headstrong was started about 17 days ago from seed and was just topped at the 4th node, they are in 3 gal fabric pots.

I am at a bit of a dilemma as the Kush is approaching flip size (not sure the stretch so I want to be conservative) and the Headstrong is still small. Originally I wanted to clone all the headstrong in case there was a standout keeper but I think I will go for re-veg if there is an exceptional plant.

It's my first time working with regular seeds so I think it should be interesting. I decided to do regular seeds because a: 7east genetics looked cool and b: I think it is good practice to be a well rounded grower.
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Just wanted to say something about the nutrients and soil I am using. I am using some recycled soil from my last couple grows. The soil that was recycled was amended with Gaia green 444 and bloom along with compost, worm castings and some bunny poo. I made an outdoor container box for the used soil, I would just toss in the root balls of the finished plants and chop it up a bit. I would sometimes throw in a bit of compost and scrapings from the worm bin too.

This box soil sat for a while and broke down somewhat. I also threw in some extra dolomite lime. I forget the exact amount of lime added per gallon of recycled soil, I figured the lime in the original promix would be somewhat depleted so I added some hoping to replenish what was lost. I am hoping the lime added boosts the cal and mag levels as well.

Anyways I was a little worried that there may be too much nutrients or at least unbalanced nutrient levels. Without a soil test I was going in blind with the things I added. I tried to be conservative and go for less than more.

I cut this recycled soil with about 1/3 fresh promix and some extra perlite for drainage as the recycled soil is a bit heavier than new pro mix.

One thing I have been working on is in-house compost creation. I have a fairly large compost pit where kitchen scraps, bunny poo and hay (I pick up from a strange lady who keeps like 20 rabbits) yard waste, leaves ect. This stuff its great and the plants love it. I swear I see them perk up when I do a top dressing. I am relying more on compost than just straight Gaia Green like my last grow.

Here is my last grow I documented here

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oh ya and the pics! That's what we are all here for right ;)

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I was just starting to think things were going too smoothly lol

Any ideas on what is causing this leaf folding at the ends? There is maybe a slight yellowing but not much...

Maybe a bit too hot or light stress....my photone reader (not the best Im guessing) is saying about mid 500 umol

Temps maybe 24-26C - 75-78F. and humidity 65-70%

It is mostly the one plant which is strange.

Also I have these 15 gal grassroots pots on the floor of the tent, should I put them up a bit on racks?

Thanks for any suggestions


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Things are chugging along here. I guess I misunderstood the format, after reading a bunch of other posted diaries I guess this supposed to be more of a journal (duh) rather than a rapid fire Q and A for my grow haha. So I will just post some pics of what is going on and continue to research and learn as I go.

So I have done a bit of defoliating of the large Pink Kush plants. Subordinating to some main branches. Even though they are clones they have a bit different growth structure. One is holding its branches tighter together and the other is more sprawling out. The tight together one also has more of the "tacoing" going on and a little bit of yellow on the leaf margins. I am thinking maybe a heat issue in that corner or possibly a ph issue and slight lockout of something. Not sure.

The Headstrong from 7east is recovering from topping. I am getting antsy and want to flip soon. but want to make sure the two new sprouts on top are big enough to yield decent colas.

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The plant with the curling leaves was also getting some interveinal chlorosis. It was affecting mainly newer growth so I wasn't sure if it was magnesium issue. Decided to do a bit of a test with some foliar spray with epsom salt solution. A bit lighter than the 1 tbsp per gallon ratio (I used 1/2 teaspoon for almost a litre).

Sprayed it two nights in a row just before lights off and what a difference! Still a bit of yellowing but plant looks way better. Not too sure about adding it to the soil at this point as I am not sure if it is a ph issue with the media or an actual lack of magnesium present in the soil.

The fact there is a 3 gallon rootball of coco that was fed with fert salts transplanted in the 15 gal of organic soil could be effecting things. Headstrong seems to not mind the soil as it was grown from a seed in it.

Also raised 15 gal fabric pots off tent floor with wire racks (about 2 inches off ground) roots were already matting on bottom of the pot and it was quite damp.
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Problem with reusing soil on starters is ya get some ph swings. Put some crabmeal and dry amendments on it and you shouldnt need to add anything tell ya crop but water. They look healthy enough. Id give the upward leaf roll to ph. Some strain are just more sensitive then other. Just K.I.S.S


Yes, and with re-using the soil I feel there could be an over abundance of some nutrients so it is hard to know what to add. That being said things are going decently well.

The Headstrong started from regular seed all turned out to be female! I was hoping to remove some males to make room in the tent but now they are all female I cannot bring myself to toss one out. So the tent is stacked and is a little hard to manage (it’s a 5x5).

I was hoping to repot the 3 gal headstrong plants into at least a 5 gal, but because of the timing and wanting to flip the Pink Kush, they are going to run in the 3 gal. I wrapped the fabric pots in plastic bags (bottoms open) and it is helping with the rapid evaporation.

I may just finish the 3 gal headstrong with dry amendments but open to using a liquid fert if things get dicey. I am studying everything I can about organic gardening and gardening with salts and everything in between. Hoping I can use either when the situation warrants it.

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Making homemade compost. Mainly for outdoor veg beds but also add to the indoor containers. Household scraps, coffee, straw, leaves, bunny waste ect. Also make sure I piss on the pile if I am working outdoors lol

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A little side note/project. Naturalized P. azurescens growing in the garden. Started a patch years ago and now they just pop up amongst the woodchiped covered garden beds.
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Little update:

3 weeks into flower. The Headstrong has stretched like mad. Also 2 of them turned out to be males, it was early and I mistakenly thought they were female. Which is good because the tent is quite full!

Pink Kush has a nice medium stretch and is a beautiful compact plant. Its genetics are from a commercial facility so it’s been vetted through their selection process.

Haven’t fed anything to the Pink Kush except a bit of seaweed liquid fertilizer. The headstrong I topped dressed with some dry bloom nutrients and worm castings and rabbit turds.

Can’t say enough good things about rabbit shit guys! More nitrogen and P by weight than cow, chicken etc manure and you can use it “cold” (where other manures you need to compost them first). And it comes in small pellet form lol .

I do dry it out first so it’s easier to crumble. But yeah, bunny honey. Get to know you local crazy bunny lady (or guy )

First pic: my favourite headstrong pheno, 2nd Pink Kush along the back of tent.
3rd headstrong flower

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Anybody want to take a shot in the dark to what might be going on here ? Probably very difficult without knowing soil ph and whatnot.

One of the headstrong phenos is getting some yellowing and some spotting on the leaves. It’s in a 3 gal with organic top dressing. Thinking about giving it some liquid nutrients possibly. I’m thinking a root zone ph problem as it’s a big plant (over 3 ‘ tall in a 3 gal pot) with so far water only and top dressing.

Not an ideal situation I know. Other phenos of same variety in same pots looking good so far.

Bit of yellowing on lowest leaves but quite a bit near top of plant.

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Here is the other pheno of headstrong , different growth structure and even different terps as of now. Looking much better than the other two.



Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

My newbie luck is running a bit thin lately. Things have been going a little sideways here in week 4 of flower. One of the Pink Kush is getting a bit of yellowing (starting at the crown in spotty locations around the plant).

Ph drift, light bleaching, lack of a key nutrient, overabundance of a nutrient? Who the hell knows. I am studying all I can to improve while also watching the plants reactions to my bumbling around.

My buddy who grows in a commercial facility sometimes laughs at my makeshift organic attempts when I tell him what I am doing (they use coco and fertigation and measure EVERYTHING). I am doing my best and trying to get more scientific as I go.

Anybody else find their emotional state goes up and down with the state of their plants. Trying to just remain impartial but sometimes I just want to scream to the plants; what is it you want!?!

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Little update. Added 1ml per Litre (I think that’s 4ml per gal roughly) of calmag (chelated liquid nutes). I am using rain water mixed with a bit of well water which may of been behaving like RO water. It was hard to get a reading with a ph pen and ph would swing around when using ph down.

With this calmag included in the water, I feel I could get a more accurate reading on my water ph as the ec is enough to get a reading on the ph pen.

One area I feel there is alot of differing opinion is ph’d water and organic soil. What made the most sense to me is that when the soil is fully saturated with a water column, the the roots are picking up nutrients in the dissolved solution that is surrounding the root zone. Even though it is organic nutrients and are often assisted in their availability by organisms, there is still uptake of soluble nutrients that are taken up by the plant when dissolved in the proper ph’d water.

Again I have read lots of different things on that topic and that is just my current understanding, I am not sure if it is actually what happens.

To sum it up; I ph’d my water and added haft dose of cal mag and things are looking better. Yellowing has stopped and even reversed a bit and things are chuggin along again.

One more question….The cal mag I am using contains nitrogen, it says on the bottle to stop week 6. Right now I am using a haft dose to re-mineralize my rain water. Should I stop after week 6 because of the added nitrogen in late flower? Also I am using a ph down based on nitric acid, will this matter during flower?

Thanks! ( Headstrong flower) vV

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Happy New Years!
Looking forward to spring and all the cool projects that come with it.

Rolling into week 6 here. Some things are going well, and other things are going ok but with looming concerns, but this just seems to be the way growing goes.

If anybody give their 2 cents or any help at all it would be appreciated! Or just lie and say everyting is going to be fine to ease my troubled mind.

What is mainly concerns me is the beginning of yellowing tips on the ends of the sugar leaves. Maybe it’s just ptsd from pulling yellowed sugar leaves to discover bud rot in the past. Trying to keep the leaves as fresh as possible until the final weeks.

The nutrients have been kept fairly light, used a couple tbsp gaia bloom with castings and 2 tablespoons of high P (no N or K) Guano per 15 gal (this was a couple days ago). I am holding off adding anyting atm.

Temps are about 25-26C day (77-78F) with 50-58 RH

This part of flower I have found difficult in the past. Week 6 to 8 has been the trickiest part of my past grows.

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