Denial N Error
How many days/weeks is 'before' and 'after' sexing?
What I mean is; is 'before' 2 days, 20 days, etc?
And once they've shown sex, how much time is 'after'? 1 day? 2 weeks? etc
Have you tried various before and after dates?
For example; the 'before sexing topping'; Have you tried topping at say 5 days of veg vs 20 days of veg?
All great Q's!
Before sexing, I basically topped as soon as I had a set of leaves to top.. prior to sexing, around a week before it was sexed. So I would guestimate around the 2-2.5 week mark.
In regards to once they've shown sex, I topped literally right after I noticed it was a female. (That day).. Havent tried various before and after dates yet.. But im gonna keep testing the topping theory
Maybe you would be willing to test a few as well? I dont have a ton of room yet Going to start 4 more here in a week or two.. and repeat the same before-sex and after-sex topping and see what happens.