I once made up a very similar history of a fictional secret cultivar kept for hundreds of years. Then the idiot I told it to must have smoked you up good and shared it.Yes piff is around in NY from the times It called New Amsterdam...its supossed to come from Roman Empire via Barbarians from India to west Roman empire than being kept in some basement for centuries under monsanto leds lights,and used only for masonic rituals...then it come to new amsterdam being grown in wall street which divide new amsterdam and colonist people with native people of part called today new york.
In fact i think it part of burning bush that talk to Mosis.
No one ever touched it.
It was breed out of 10 milion plants in commercial grow in ny basement run by dominicans via cuban lynx then it was discovered by old mighty piff coast farms and you....and it was strongest day wrecker.
Please dont share it around Us gov will ban weed if they know how it is strong it will be again classsifed like real dope.
With clowns I can only talk funny way...