....Surly any 'alteration' is subject to another's Judgment, and attitudes from which the revelation(photo) brings...Does altered meaning, contain meaning still???..
....I'm sure there is some serious artist out there somewhere that will end doing something with one click stuff and the art community will go absolutely bananas over it.
Now I say, look at Andy Warhol ... how about it's now $1.8 million price tag?
To me, the only thing that matters in the art world is the appreciation..... appreciation of the viewer and the self appreciation of the artist involved.
The manipulation of someone else's image/photo ,, without their permission,, is a form of plagiarism. However many Artists are happy for their work to be used by fellow Artists,..What is Art? is one of the first questions of the philosopher... since it has few definitive answers. Peace
Doobie, you might want to consider networking with some local artists (or even online) and letting them re-create your photography in their preferred medium.
What do you mean by bracketed Lizard? I'm assuming you have three different exposure times, is that what bracketing means? Sweet pics too! Maybe we should start an HDR thread!!! Call it, shrooming without shrooming....lol