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PH in Organics?


Active member
I agree grapeman, but people have their goals and that should be respected.

Wow - i didn't know I showed any disrespect.... even after I re-read my post. Just supplied the facts on how and why gypsum is used. Oh yeh, tomato growers use it also as a source of calcium to prevent bloom rot & drop.

Sort of a pompous response to the messenger.

Oh well.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i have another point to make in favor of adjusting the pH of alkali tapwater in organics :)

most plants have evolved to be watered by rainwater - which normally has a pH of just under 6. (aften more acidic these days due to polution but rainwater is never alkaline (except in freak circumstances))

so by ensuring the water we use is of a similar pH arent we making our grows MORE natural rather than interfering??

just a thought



Ok,here is the deal people since my ffof soil is just about out of nute from my last transplant am just going try burn 1 suggestion no ph'ing and I will have a new thread on it.The thread will be call"something I haven't figured that out yet but,basicly im not going to ph the solutions,no lime in the soil im using camg for ca and mag,Pura Vida Organics Grow (6-4-3) and bloom 2-6-6 and the water source will be tap 170 is the ppms,its good to know what is in the water which should be good to use oh,one more thing i will bubble the tap water with an airstone which all will be explain later in the thread thanks all and happy growing......I had to repost in this thread because this is where it belongs


No damn given.
ICMag Donor
You can't just go your own way and say you're doing it my way.
Make some LC's Mix and you don't have to worry about pH. FFOF will not work. You must add more worm castings, powdered dolomite lime and perlite to it. FFOF is mostly peat. Use it in the LC's Mix recipe like ProMix.


Active member
Question please. I did not make my own soil and am showing slight Mag deficiency. Not too bad but enough to piss me off. I'm 3 weeks into flower and it's just showing here and there.

What I want to know from the soil experts here is although you do not ph your water when you have the perfect soil mix, what is the soil ph we all should be trying to either maintain or have... if we use the proper soil. Just for my education please.


My thing is this;I use fox farm ocean forest which has [FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Ocean Forest® is a powerhouse blend of premium earthworm castings, bat guano, and Pacific Northwest sea-going fish and crab meal. Composted forest humus, sandy loam, and sphagnum peat moss now, i dont have lime in there.For fertilizer [/FONT]I use Pura Vida Organics it has already been broken down before it ever goes into the bottle, it is 100% readily available nutrition like mineral nutes.The ingredients are seaweed powder,kelp extract,alfalfa,molasses,potassium sulfate,epsoms salt,boric acid,copper sulfate,magagnese sulfate,zinc sulfate.should I be concern about ph sense I have no lime in the soil.what other additive should I be using

When I used FFOF and Pura Vida together I absolutely needed to adjust my ph UP to around 6. Even the last two I did in a homemade mix with lime, I absolutely needed to ph the nutes before adding. If I ph balance, everything goes swell. If I neglect to, obvious signs of ph lockout occur.


You can't just go your own way and say you're doing it my way.
Make some LC's Mix and you don't have to worry about pH. FFOF will not work. You must add more worm castings, powdered dolomite lime and perlite to it. FFOF is mostly peat. Use it in the LC's Mix recipe like ProMix.
ha,ha,ha well what I meant was,by not ph'ing organics,not your recipe,but when I'm done with this I will try it.I was getting the point that the solution i'm using is basically like what you do,feed the plants organic nutrients but with a different method fast acting and slow.I am adding worm casting with the fox farm big bloom.I'm confused now so, with the method im using I should ph it that I want to know.


When I used FFOF and Pura Vida together I absolutely needed to adjust my ph UP to around 6. Even the last two I did in a homemade mix with lime, I absolutely needed to ph the nutes before adding. If I ph balance, everything goes swell. If I neglect to, obvious signs of ph lockout occur.


No damn given.
ICMag Donor
Question please. I did not make my own soil and am showing slight Mag deficiency. Not too bad but enough to piss me off. I'm 3 weeks into flower and it's just showing here and there.

What I want to know from the soil experts here is although you do not ph your water when you have the perfect soil mix, what is the soil ph we all should be trying to either maintain or have... if we use the proper soil. Just for my education please.

There isn't enough dolomite in FFOF for magnesium hungry plants.
The pH of your soil or liquid nutes isn't important. In a proper soil mix like LC's Mix, the plants are able to take up nutes even though the pH of the soil or the liquid nutes are within a wide range. We don't try to "correct" the pH of anything. We use a grow medium that lets the plant tolerate wide pH ranges.

ha,ha,ha well what I meant was,by not ph'ing organics,not your recipe,but when I'm done with this I will try it.I was getting the point that the solution i'm using is basically like what you do,feed the plants organic nutrients but with a different method fast acting and slow.I am adding worm casting with the fox farm big bloom.I'm confused now so, with the method im using I should ph it that I want to know.

I don't know. You'll have to decide that for yourself.
Try the recipes in the Organics for Beginners sticky. Don't use your pH testing equipment and just see if you don't get an easy grow with big tasty buds.
It's so easy. Why make it complicated?


Living with the soil
Burn,It's amazing seeing you continually say the same thing over and over again about humic sources and dolomite. As I read these things it occured to me that when my garden was doing great,I was using powdered dolomite in the exact quantities recommended by everyone forever,it's when I put my trust in so called "balanced" peat mixes that stuff went goofy. I never realized how much EWC and dolomite played a role in my soil until reading all this stuff dug up a memory of when those were the days that I didn't need to check ph all the time.....DUH!!! I've grown this shit for a very long time man!!! Why did I all of a sudden just realize this!! DUH!!!


Active member
There isn't enough dolomite in FFOF for magnesium hungry plants.
The pH of your soil or liquid nutes isn't important. In a proper soil mix like LC's Mix, the plants are able to take up nutes even though the pH of the soil or the liquid nutes are within a wide range. We don't try to "correct" the pH of anything. We use a grow medium that lets the plant tolerate wide pH ranges.

Thanks - I am using roots organic soil mix but regardless, it must still be lacking in the proper amount of dolomite lime. As a farmer, I still would like to know the soil ph maintained in successful grows. I've always looked to numbers to substantiate and control variables.

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