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Peacefrog's Summer Haze Hybrid Seed Sexing Run


Well-known member
Greetings! I come bearing lots of pictures. These are probably the last shots I'll get of the seed plants before I start butchering them for cuttings and prepping for flowering. They are recovering nicely with the top dressing and a little trimming of the undergrowth.

Here's a family shot of the 5x5 tent.

Back row - THH1 (Leaning to female), MG (female), DF3 (female)
Middle back - AB3 (female), THH3 (leaning to male)
Middle front - AB2 (male), THH2 (female), DF2 (male)
Front - AB1 (female???), DF1 (female)

And the 4 x 4
Back - MB1 (female), GF1 (male)
Middle - GF2 (female), GF3 (female)
Front - MB2 (female???), MB3 (male???)

Closer shots of the females and undecideds ...

Acid Beauties #1 front left, #3 front right, #2 back

Acid Beauty #1 - She has cone shaped flowers that I'm sure are going to sprout pistils but it hasn't happened yet.

Acid Beauty #3 - first to show flower

DF-13 Haze #1 - little slower to show sex than her sister #3 and a little stouter

Her sister DF-13 Haze #3 - second to show sex, second tallest of the batch

Group shot of the confirmed ladies in the 4x4. MB1 in the back with GF1 poking his head in. GF2 and 3 in the front.

Grand Funk #2 - all of this strain have a very similar structure.

Her sister Grand Funk #3 - her branches grow a little more out than up compared to #2.

Next up is Mind Blower #1 - she was third to show sex. Her siblings are taking their sweet ass time.

Mind Blower #2 - I think this will be a female but nothing for sure yet.

Mind Blower #3 - I'm a little more sure this is going to be male but not quite yet ready to make the call.

Mexican Grail - tallest plant of the batch.

Finally the Tom Hill Haze repros from Pandora, starting with #1. I think this is going to be a female but a couple days ago I was sure it was going to be a male. I still see cones that look ready to sprout pistils but still not quite there.

THH #2 is one the shortest plants in the whole bunch. She has a nice structure to her, just a little slow to get moving.

One last group shot that has Mister THH3 on the left, mini THH2 front and center, and DF 2 and 1 in the back.

And that's all for tonight. Happy growing!


atomizing haze essence
with thai haze hybrids it is hard. sometimes I think it is male the whole time as it puts out something similar to balls, but not it, and then from nothing it puts out pistil

these hybrids should give out 70% of females or more.




Well-known member
with thai haze hybrids it is hard. sometimes I think it is male the whole time as it puts out something similar to balls, but not it, and then from nothing it puts out pistil

these hybrids should give out 70% of females or more.


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It's been 10 weeks since these seeds broke ground and 5 out of 16 still haven't given me a clear indication of their sex. Typical hybrids show sex by 9 weeks. This is why I planned to give the seed plants in this run plenty of time to mature before even thinking about clones and flowering.

The Mind Blowers have been especially frustrating. They have been alternating nodes for a couple of weeks but the preflowers have been maddeningly slow to develop. I expect that from the THH but not a plant with Paki genetics that looks like an adult at 8 weeks.

The last Acid Beauty had been a little different. That strain is all barely starting to alternate nodes indicating a long flowering tendency but the fan leaves and stature show a more short flowering appearance. Two of this strain were very quick to show sex. This last one was the first seed of all of them to crack but still hasn't given me anything conclusive a week after its two siblings were sexed. It has been the least happy of the bunch. But now she(?!) is rallying and maybe even flexing.

DF-13 is the alpha of the whole batch, even more than the THH. They all have some stretch and massive fan leaves, traits of wild NLDs. But #3 was one of the quickest to show sex. And I called #2 a male 2 days later.

I have 2 Grand Funks that will yield some nice straight cutings and give me no reason to think they will stretch out of control. I should get a nice yield out of these 2 seed plants along with the MB1. THH2 looks like she could be part of the early festivities. The others ... well I don't know but I'm going to try.

This is going to be a fun grow.


atomizing haze essence
It's been 10 weeks since these seeds broke ground and 5 out of 16 still haven't given me a clear indication of their sex. Typical hybrids show sex by 9 weeks. This is why I planned to give the seed plants in this run plenty of time to mature before even thinking about clones and flowering.

The Mind Blowers have been especially frustrating. They have been alternating nodes for a couple of weeks but the preflowers have been maddeningly slow to develop. I expect that from the THH but not a plant with Paki genetics that looks like an adult at 8 weeks.

The last Acid Beauty had been a little different. That strain is all barely starting to alternate nodes indicating a long flowering tendency but the fan leaves and stature show a more short flowering appearance. Two of this strain were very quick to show sex. This last one was the first seed of all of them to crack but still hasn't given me anything conclusive a week after its two siblings were sexed. It has been the least happy of the bunch. But now she(?!) is rallying and maybe even flexing.

DF-13 is the alpha of the whole batch, even more than the THH. They all have some stretch and massive fan leaves, traits of wild NLDs. But #3 was one of the quickest to show sex. And I called #2 a male 2 days later.

I have 2 Grand Funks that will yield some nice straight cutings and give me no reason to think they will stretch out of control. I should get a nice yield out of these 2 seed plants along with the MB1. THH2 looks like she could be part of the early festivities. The others ... well I don't know but I'm going to try.

This is going to be a fun grow.
reduce portion of light and preflowers will show earlier. what is light regime? 18/6? if you will flower it from cut, I dont see any reason why you should continue to veg them, flip them, take cut, root it and when it is rooted, veg it for 2 weeks and flip it again.

yeah DF13haze can make huge jurassic leafs. yet it is mostly about 12 weekers.


Acid Beauty will narrow in flowering and will take 14 - 16 weeks to finish, not less.
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Well-known member
reduce portion of light and preflowers will show earlier. what is light regime? 18/6? if you will flower it from cut, I dont see any reason why you should continue to veg them, flip them, take cut, root it and when it is rooted, veg it for 2 weeks and flip it again.

yeah DF13haze can make huge jurassic leafs. yet it is mostly about 12 weekers.


Acid Beauty will narrow in flowering and will take 14 - 16 weeks to finish, not less.
Thanks for the info. It's hard to imagine these tame little Acid Beauties taking 16 weeks but I trust you know what you're talking about. What can I expect from Grand Funk and Mind Blower?

Lights have been at 15/9 through veg. I've been reducing lights on by a few minutes a day for the last couple of weeks hoping to nudge things along. I didn't want to flip until I had cuttings and I wanted to put all the cuttings in the cloner at the same time. So I've been waiting as long as my schedule allows hoping that all the plants would show sex so I wouldn't have to bother with the males.

The time has come to fire up the cloner and start butchering my babies. I know I won't be able to flower out most of the seed plants so I was merciless. Very few branches went untouched. Almost all tops were chopped off and went in the cloner along with a backup or two. I now have cuttings of all plants except 2 males in this run. The remaining carnage is tough to look at. I couldn't bring myself to take photos of the seed plants. All of my work has been condensed into one cloner full of promise.

A good chunk of these will get tossed after the remaining males have been identified and I see what the seed plants do in flower. My next task is to finish trimming the seed plants and give them another top dress and then see what they do under a flowering schedule. I've got a week or so before the clones are rooted and then I'll have some more decisions to make and work to do. I don't want to think about all of that now. Good night!


Well-known member
Greetings! Time for a quick update. All the seed plants have been under 11.5/12.5 for 8 days now. I'm at 9 confirmed females, 5 males, and 2 still pissing me off - Acid Beauty #1 and THH #3 still haven't convinced me one way or the other. I think that if by now I still haven't seen any pistils on either plant that they are most likely male but I still haven't seen any balls. I'm going to have to start killing off some plants real soon and it would be nice to know for sure with those two.

Most of the clones have rooted and are sitting in dirt awaiting their fates. I now have multiple backups of all the females. I'm still waiting on a few tops from the seed plants with thicker stems that are taking longer to root. They should be in dirt in a day or two. Some of these will be kept for mothers/backup, some will be flowered, and the rest will get tossed.

After I took cuttings I clipped every remaining branch on the seed plants and then gave them another top dress of a veg/flower blend with an extra dose of cal/mag and flipped them into flower. 10 days after the massacre, the female seed plants are recovering pretty well. I'm not seeing a lot of stretch yet so I'm getting hope that I'll be able to flower out most of these girls. All of these plants are confirmed females except Acid Beauty #1 in the front right.

I'll throw in a few closer up pics. These are mediocre quality but it's going to have to do for now. First off Mind Blower #1 on the left and DF13 Haze #3 on the right.

Acid Beauty #3 (first female) in the foreground, Mexican Grail lurking in the back corner.

The miniature Tom Hill Haze #2 on the left, DF13 Haze #1 on the right.

Corner shot with Mind Blower #2 in the foreground, Grand Funks #2 and 3 to the right and diagonal, and Acid Beauty #3 to its left.

Acid Beauty #1, the one that pisses me off so much I can't even get a good pic of it when it's in the front of the tent. This was the first seed to crack and one of the last to show sex.

Finally, a group shot of the males with the yet to be determined THH #3 in the front right. Acid Beauty #2 is the one on the left farther along than the rest. I may try to collect some pollen from at least that one but that's on the back burner until I figure out a plan for the girls.

That's all for tonight. Things will probably look a lot different with the next update. I've got some work to do. Good night!


Well-known member
Acid Beauty #1 is a girl! I had seen some possible pistils recently but not in pairs so I was very slow to call it. But I'm finally convinced. She was the first seed to crack of the bunch I soaked almost 3 months ago, several hours ahead of all the others. I thought at the time that this seed sprouted so fast that it wants to be grown. But then she was the unhappiest of all the seed plants throughout the veg cycle. Now she has rallied and looks like she could be the wildest and longest flowering of the bunch. The ganja gods have spoken to me. I must have this Beauty! I didn't need a 10th female to grow out but I can't ignore the ganja gods!

Tom Hill Haze #3 is the last seed plant yet to be sexed. It was very slow to recover from being trimmed down and is just now starting to get momentum with new growth. I'm fairly convinced it's a male but that might be wishful thinking because I really don't need another female.


Well-known member
Greetings from the indoor jungle! Tom Hill Haze #3 finally showed herself to be a female. That she took this long to show pistils indicates to me that she will probably be very difficult to contain indoors but I'll try. That makes a total of 11 females and 5 males. All 5 strains that started with 3 seeds ended up with 2 females and 1 male. The extra female is the Mexican Grail.

I've been in get shit done mode the last week getting my space reconfigured to handle all these females and haven't had any time for taking pics. As of this writing, all of the female seed plants are still going about 18 days since flip. I've potted up 2 clones of each female - 1 for backup and 1 to run again. All plants have their Blumats installed and set and ready to take care of themselves for a few weeks while I leave them again.

The seed plants have bounced back tremendously from the trim down. I'm amazed at how well they are doing. I did get a family pic of the tent. All plants are in the same spot as the last picture. There's 10 of them in there (Tom Hill Haze #3 is sitting in a smaller tent by herself right now).

Some of the branches are within a foot of the lights. I think they are close to being done stretching but I'm going to have to trim a few tops before I leave. If I can keep this mess alive and upright for another 10 weeks or so all of these branches could be a beautiful sight to behold.

They are still in the same #2 fabric pots I transplanted the seedlings into over 10 weeks ago. They've only received RO water to drink and had 3 top dressings during that time. I've been adding extra Roots Organic Elemental to every top dressing to give it an extra boost of cal/mag and other goodies and I think that's made a huge difference in how well they have responded after clearly struggling with magnesium deficiency early on.

I originally thought that I would just sex all the seed plants and kill them off and flower clones. But now that I've taken them this far into flowering I'm starting to believe I can see them through to the finish.

Normally I would pot these girls up into #5 pots with a super soil type blend but at this point I don't want to move any of them because they would start flopping over as soon as I pulled one out of the tent and then I would have to trim and stake all of them and I seriously don't want to mess with that after all the other work I've done to get to this point. Plus a bigger pot would just encourage them to stretch more. Anything I get out of the seed plants is a bonus and I have another batch with all the same plants a few weeks behind this one.

So my new strategy is to get down low and trim out all of the undergrowth, cut down any branches that are getting too close to the lights, and give them another top dress with a flowering blend and another extra dose of Elemental. Hopefully that will hold them over until I get back in 3 weeks or so and I can figure out what to do from there.

That's all for tonight. Before I leave I'll try to get some pics of the clones and early flowers. Good night!


Well-known member
I originally thought that I would just sex all the seed plants and kill them off and flower clones. But now that I've taken them this far into flowering I'm starting to believe I can see them through to the finish.
Well I'm back after an absence of a few weeks and my original thinking was correct. There was no way some of the seed plants were going to finish. A couple were growing through the lights all the way to the top of the tent. A couple had dried up because the reservoir ran out. Those compact little Grand Funks were the wildest bunch in the tent and look like they could take 14+ weeks. The branching on them is crazy. The Mind Blowers look to be the most vigorous and best yielding of the batch with one of the DF13 not far behind. The other DF13 was barely showing bud starts after 6 weeks of 12/12 and reaching for the stars. This was going to be my first female cull but the clone is flowering quicker and not stretching as much so she has earned a reprieve for now.

I ended up killing off 7 of the 11 female seed plants. I had to detach myself from my attachment to female plants with buds to make the room I needed for the clone runs. So much healthy promising 6 week old bud was tossed into trash bags. But I ended up getting the information I needed about each plant and can plan future clone runs better. I didn't take time for pictures. I had a job to get done and got to chopping.

The work is ongoing. I have a lot of plants to transplant into larger pots to finish flowering before I leave again. I'll get pics up after the work is done. I'm just posting an update because it's been a while and I've got a buzz and feeling chatty.

As implied earlier I saved 4 of the seed plants to finish:

Mind Blower #1 - the stoutest and most vigorous plant of the bunch. I had to chop a few branches of buds that were in the lights but there was enough bud sights left after that to go through the trouble to transfer her into a new pot. She looks like she will finish in 12 to 13 weeks and will produce a very nice yield when grown properly. Handling her put out a very pungent sweet and sour odor. Her sister #2 has a very similar structure with a little more stretch and slightly smaller bud sites. She could have been saved for the flower run but she was in the front of the tent and fell victim to my emotional detachment as I carved a path to the plants that I knew had to go.

DF13 Haze #3 - Her response to all the butchering earlier in her life was to produce a lot of floppy stretchy branches that had some nice bud sites at the tips but could not support themselves. Luckily the seed plant was in a corner of the tent and couldn't flop over the way she was leaning. I lost a few branches in the transplant to a bigger pot due to a moment of stupidity. I won't go into the details but I lost a lot of bud due to getting greedy. I saved the big buds I lost and have them hanging to dry out for a test in a few days. The clone in flower is much more manageable and has very little stretch. This plant looks like she could have a nice yield with a single topping and a few weeks of veg. Odor is similar to Mind Blower with a little more fuel. I'd also put her in the 12 to 13 week range. Her sister #1 on the other hand does not look to be suitable for indoor growing but I haven't quit her yet.

THH #2 & #3 - Surprisingly the two "pure" haze plants made the cut. #2 was the seeming runt of the batch during veg but once she went into flower she started stretching out and producing some stout upright branches that need very little staking with nice colas developing. She looks to be in the 12 to 14 week range. #3 was a little more stretchier with thinner buds but also has strong upright branches. Both of these plants look to be indoor friendly but of course I need to test out the finished product first.

Thoughts about the other strains:

Grand Funk - both plants responded to the butchering with vigorous stretchy branching and they kept stretching in flower. The best approach to thest plants is 1 to 2 weeks of veg for the clones and avoid topping them. They will still end up 6 feet tall. They don't look to have a very good yield so they will have to earn favor based on their effects alone.

Acid Beauty - this is the strain I was the most excited about when I started this grow. #3 was the quickest flowering of the bunch and could have been finished but unfortunately she was one of the ones that dried up and couldn't be saved. From what I could tell she looks like she will produce some airy buds but it's hard to be sure from the dried up plant material. She has been very hard to keep happy. I'm going to try putting a clone in seedling soil and see if she does better. The other female #1 is easier to grow but has more stretch and very fluffy bud sites. I had to kill off the seed plant because she was huge and taking too long to develop. The clone looks much more promising.

Mexican Grail - Stretchy and floppy with slow developing buds. Not as bad as her Eldorado aunt but she will take a while and won't be a yielder. She'll have to be special to make the cut.

So that's all for tonight. I'll take some pics once everything is in its place for the home stretch. Good night!
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