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Peacefrog's Summer Haze Hybrid Seed Sexing Run


Well-known member
Hi there. I smoke a lot of weed. I consider myself a pothead of discriminating tastes. I grow my own weed to get exactly what I want and not have to pay the man taxes. I've grown out many seeds over the years and I know what I like. I'm excited about this grow and I want to record it and share it with anyone that cares to look.

Like many of my compadres on icmag, my tastes lean towards strains that elevate my mood and don't tire me out so I gravitate towards anything sativa or haze related. Life circumstances have limited me to growing hybrids over the last couple of years. Now I have built a solid inventory of a variety of strains and it's time to play.

I mostly grow feminized seeds because of limited space. Every once in a while I'll do a sexing run of regular seeds and the stars have aligned enough for me to do a run of especially challenging seeds. Like I said, I'm excited about this run because I have absorbed an enormous amount of hype over the strains involved and my god I have seen some pictures that make me want to grow those seeds out!

Here's a family shot of this run that will probably won't see a harvest until 2025.
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Red = Acid Beauty from @MAHA KALA , first seeds to show tails in the run, they want to be grown!

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Purple = DF-13 Haze
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Green = Mindblower Haze
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Blue = Grand Funk, all these seedlings are much shorter than the others but have very long flowering stretchy leafs.
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Yellow = Tom Hill Haze repro from @PandoraSeedBank

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Black = NHxMM from @ojd x Nirvana Eldorado = my own creation, this is the 1 out of 6 seeds that germinated. I did something wrong before I stored these seeds. The germination rate has been horrible.
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I'm just getting started on these seeds with low light intensity appropriate for the hot summer months. My plan is to pot up all these seedlings into some healthy soil with some Blumats providing some water while I leave this residence for a few weeks. When I get back in late July I will hopefully have identified the plants I want to carry on and will take clones and start over. I don't expect to grow out any of the seed plants but those Grand Funks are showing an inclination to stay short and they may be manageable.

Anyway, this is the start of a journey. I want to record this grow for posterity so here we go!
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atomizing haze essence
nice! I am looking forward to the show :lurk:

good luck!




Well-known member
Boutique Breeder
Hello peacefrog, good luck with that project, I hope you find excellent plants from all of them.

Tom hill haze has a lot of genetic variety, the best genotypes in my taste are the most NLD and long flowering, I hope I find some in those 3 seeds.

How was the % germination?

All the best!


Well-known member
Happy Friday! Thanks for the well wishes everyone!

Hello peacefrog, good luck with that project, I hope you find excellent plants from all of them.

Tom hill haze has a lot of genetic variety, the best genotypes in my taste are the most NLD and long flowering, I hope I find some in those 3 seeds.

How was the % germination?

All the best!

I had 100% germination on the 15 purchased seeds using the paper towel method. Two of the THH seeds took a couple days longer to show tails than the others but they've basically caught up now. All 3 of the THH have a stretchy NLD look to them, as much as I can tell from 3 week old seedlings.

My homemade cross of NHxMM x Eldorado was only 1 for 6 on germination and it was the last one to crack of the whole batch. I knew from prior experience that I would be lucky if I got any seeds from that cross to crack so it's a bonus to get even one. Hopefully it's a female. I invested several months trying to flower out its Eldorado aunt but it was too wild and slow to contain indoors. This cross might still be too wild. If it is I have plenty of other plants in this grow to play with.

The seedlings have another set of leaves and are starting to differentiate themselves. They are resting now. I'll get some updated pics after they wake up.


Well-known member
I topped off the pots and moved the seedlings to a new tent with a dimmable light turned down to 20%. They will have a brief stay in this tent and then on to bigger pots and a more spacious tent where they will be left for a few weeks to find their way to maturity.

Here's a family shot. Progress is slow at this stage but some characteristics are starting to emerge.


A closer look at each strain ... first up the Acid Beauties. #2 has a stunted leaf on one side but it looks like the new leaf set is developing fully on both sides. The leaf shape is a little more rounded than the rest of the tent which I wouldn't have expected for this cross (Acid pheno of Original Haze x Black Vietnamese). They are all showing some early stretch with #1 especially tall, possibly an early indicator of a male.


Next is the DF13 Haze - (Sour Diesel x F13) x Original Haze. There's a little height variation in this one already. The middle one was a day or two behind the others but still looks to be more compact than the others.


Speaking of compact, check out these Grand Funk - (Arcata Trainwreck x Thai) x Original Haze. The much stretchier THH seedlings are towering in the background.

Here's a better look at the Grand Funk leaf pattern. They certainly look to be indoor friendly but it's still early.

Moving on to the Tom Hill Haze. These have the biggest leaves and are the tallest in the tent. Not looking indoor friendly at this point but that won't stop me. #1 was 3 days ahead of the other 2 but I think it just wants to stretch.

Up next is Mind Blower - Hawaiian Paki Thai x Original Haze. They aren't as stretchy as some of the others, possibly more indoor friendly.

Finally, here's the single homemade seed of (NHxMM) x Eldorado that survived. It looks very tame at this point.

That's all for tonight. In the next few days I'll be potting them up and moving them to their new home for wayward youth. Good night!


Well-known member
Greetings! The kids have been moved to their summer home and got some new dirt to dip their toes in. I don't usually pot up this many plants in one sitting. That was a lot of work! Setting up the Blumats probably took longer than repotting but it makes things so much easier in the long run and they allow me to leave my plants for weeks at a time. So the work pays off in the end but it's still work.

I used some reclaimed flowering soil from last year amended with a dry organic veg blend and EWC. I was a little worried that it might be too hot for the seedlings but they seem to be taking it to just fine. They better like it because that and water is all they will get to eat for the next 4+ weeks.

This is my main 5x5 flowering tent with a Growers Choice 720 watt LED, which is massive overkill for this project. I'm starting out at 15% on the light with about 5 feet between the light and the plants. PPFD is about 80 at seedling level. I may slowly work it up to 20% but that will probably be the max for this stage. Thanks to the Trolmaster Tent-X I can control the lighting intensity in 1% increments remotely - that was such an awesome addition to my garden that I bought a second one for my 4x4 tent.

The tags are color coded similar to the seedling pots. No individual pics in this update since they don't look much different than they did 3 days ago.

Yellow = Tom Hill Haze
Red = Acid Beauty
White = (NHxMM) x Eldorado
Blue = Grand Funk
Purple = DF13 Haze
Green = Mind Blower

I'll be leaving these plants unattended for most of July. Assuming the Blumats do their thing and keep them alive they should be showing sex by the time I get back and then I can decide what to do next. The main plan is to flower out clones of the females and get some primo ganja and maybe a keeper or two. But it might be fun to cull all but one male and let the seed plants flower out and make some seeds and find out how the females grow. I think my practical side will kill that idea but it's fun to dream when the plants are only a couple of inches tall and there's plenty of space in the tent.

I have a security camera mounted in the tent so I can keep an eye on things while I'm gone but it doesn't take very good still photos so it might be a while before I can post any quality updates. I have an old cell phone I could mount in the tent and use a remote control app to snap some better quality photos. Anyone have experience doing something like this?

That's all for tonight. Good night!


Well-known member
Happy Friday! The kids have been on their own for a week now and are getting a little bigger. I snapped a few quick photos before I left. I was in a hurry and contorting around the tent to get angles on all the plants and some didn't come out very well. But these are the last of up close pictures for a while so I'll show what I've got.

First off a family shot. All of the pics in this post are from a week ago, 28 days after I started germinating the seeds.

Following are the Tom Hill Haze. #1 is the king of the tent so far. #3 is a little more slender than the other two.

Next are the Maha Kala strains, starting with Acid Beauty. They seem like they might be a little unhappy, just a little droopy compared to the others.



Next up are the DF-13 Haze. #1 and #3 are giving the THH a run for king of the tent.


The Grand Funk got the center spot in the tent because they were by far the least stretchy and the happiest looking of the bunch.



Next up are the Mind Blowers, also looking happy and not so stretchy.



And finally what I'm calling Mexican Grail - (NHxMM) x Eldorado.

And now the watching and waiting starts.


Well-known member
Here's a few pics to show the weekly progression. These were taken from a cell phone mounted in the top of the tent. AirDroid did the trick to give me remote access to the camera. It's a little better quality than what I get out of the security camera but not much.

This is from last Friday evening.

This is from early this morning, not quite a week later. It's strange that the phone came up with a different light filter in this one. Nothing has changed from a week ago besides the size of the plants.

Here's a look at the tent from the security camera mounted in the corner to the right of the phone. This is also from last Friday evening.

And early this morning ...

They are coming along nicely. They'll be fighting each other for space before long.

That's all for today. Enjoy the weekend and stay cool!


Well-known member
Weekly update ... the plants are chugging along. Here's a legend of how the plants are laid out.

THH #1, DF #1, and DF #3 are starting to tower over the others. I'm guessing they will end up being males but it doesn't always work that way. All look pretty happy for the most part. AB #1 still looks a little sad, maybe too wet. THH #3 seems to be a slow starter. I'm pleased with the progress so far.

Overhead phone pic:

And a view from the security cam from in the right front corner.

That's all for tonight. I'll put up another update in a week. Good night!


Well-known member
Another week of growth. I might be seeing some signs of deficiency or maybe it's just crappy pictures. They look healthy enough to survive another week when I return and can get a better look at them and see what's what.

I lost remote access to the camera app on the phone mounted in the tent but I was still able to get a low res screen shot from the phone that at least shows the same perspective zoomed in a little. The quality really took a hit though.

The security camera in the front right corner is functioning fine and producing a much better picture.

THH #1 in the back left continues to tower over the others. Its sibling in the back right is getting crowded out as it continues to take its time. All of the DF-13s are sporting some massive leaves. They look like they could take over the tent too.

The Mexican Grail in the center back left is also starting to spread its wings. Here's a couple pics of its mom, (NH18 x MM #3) x (NH21xMM) from OJD. I ran it a few times, all going 16+ weeks. This was a clone run at 88 days after flip.


Dried buds from the same run.

It was a great daytime smoke. Functional with a easy comedown. Not really trippy but very happy. I wouldn't realize how high I was until I was around other people. It would just put me in a groove. It will be interesting to see what the Eldorado adds if it ends up being a chick. I wouldn't mind finding something similar in this run but I'm really hoping to tap in to the wilder side of haze that names like Acid Beauty and Mind Blower promise.

That's all for this week. Next week's update should be more interesting after I get a chance to see them up close after 4 weeks away. I have 16 plants to sex. This is going to be fun!
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Well-known member
My return to see my babies up close has been delayed for a few days. Another update from the corner camera will have to do. Some are definitely showing some deficiency and/or LED burn but it doesn't look too serious. They keep growing and should be okay but I'll need to give them some love when I do get back. It's been just short of 2 months since start of germination. The view is from the front right corner of the tent - THH is in the back row (#1 getting cut off in the back left), Acid Beauty on the left side, DF-13 on the right side with #1 blocking out two of the THH, Grand Funk in the middle, and Mind Blower in the front.

That's all for tonight. I hope to see them soon!


Well-known member
Well I finally made it back home and the kids were still alive if not a little hungry. Here's how they looked when I opened up the tent.

I was surprised how tall they had gotten. The top down view I was getting from the camera in the corner understated the growth.

It looks like they could have used a dose of magnesium a couple of weeks ago. The striping doesn't show up in the pics as much as it does in person. 5 weeks on just water and recycled soil was pushing it but they'll survive with a little attention. So the first order of business was to move a few into another 4 x 4 tent to give them all room to breathe and then I topped dressed them all with a veg blend with an extra dose of Roots Elemental for quick acting cal/mag.

The plan for now is to let them keep vegging until everything is sexed and then take at least 2 cuttings of all the females, keeping one as a mom and flowering the other. I'll have to get creative with space if I want to keep any males for pollen. That's probably not realistic but I don't have to make that decision now.

Depending on numbers I may trim back some or all of the female seed plants and at least start them in the flowering cycle to see how they behave. I likely won't have enough space to finish them and run the clones too but again I don't have to make that decision now.

On to the next phase of the project ... looking for pistils!


Well-known member
After moving plants around and feeding them I gave it a couple of days for us all to recover. Then I busted out a better camera and started crawling around and getting all up in the plants' business to get a better look at their delicate parts. As I advance well into middle age, I find it harder to focus my eyes on those delicate areas and much more painful to get my body down to their level. I swear it didn't use to be such a chore. Getting old is a bitch.

So anyway ... who's in the mood to show off their sexing expertise? I know I have one chick for sure. I'm pretty sure a few are males. And a few others are looking female. But I'm not totally sure on 15 out of the 16.

I tried really hard to get focused pictures of the preflowers but I can only crawl around for so long before I have to take a break. I did pretty good but some plants could have used another try.

I'll run through them in alphabetical order which also happens to lead to my first confirmed girl - Acid Beauty #3. Here she is along with her siblings. If anyone has an opinion on the sex of any of these plants feel free to chime in.

I think I got 2 girls and a boy. (Edit later: 1 and 3 were female, 2 was male)

Next up is the DF-13 Haze. One male (#2) for pretty sure. Maybe one of each in the other two. Or maybe they are all dudes. (Edit later: 1 and 3 were female, 2 was male)

On to the Grand Funk. These could all be lovely chicas but too soon for me to call. (Edit later: 1 was male, 2 and 3 were female)

Next up is my own pollen chuck Mexican Grail - (NHxMM) x Eldorado. I'm thinking this is going to be a boy but hopefully I'm wrong. This one ended up being the tallest plant in the run so far. (Edit later: it was a female)

On to Mind Blower. Again, hard to tell what the pointy preflowers are going to do. My guess is #1 is going to drop balls at the end of that pointy cone but #2 will sprout some pistils out of the end of hers(?). #3 kind of looks like it's sporting a red rocket but that could just be my warped imagination. (Edit later: 1 and 2 were female, 3 was male)

Finally we have Pandora's Tom Hill Haze repro. This is the most inconclusive batch of pics. I think #2 will be a girl but not so sure about the other two. (Edit later: 1 was male, 2 and 3 were female)

That's all for tonight. All opinions are welcome. I'd love to learn some tricks with sexing plants before it's obvious and there's lot of material here so please share your knowledge.
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Well-known member
yes, Ca/Mg... but maybe led lights are too intense?
Indeed that could be part of the problem but unfortunately I have the lights dimmed at the lowest level (15%) they can go and still turn on so I am stuck unless I swap out lights. I just need to get cuttings out of this batch. In theory I'll take better care of the next batch.


Well-known member
One week after the first female was identified I am up to 8 confirmed females and 3 pretty damn sure males. I'm excited to report that all strains will be represented in the flowering phase. I think I'll have 2 more females and 3 more males but still not sure enough to call them yet.

Acid Beauty

#3 was the first female to show in the whole batch, #2 was the first male I called. I expect to confirm #1 as a female in the next day or two - it was the first seed to show a tail but has never seemed happy above ground and has been slow to mature compared to it's siblings. Hopefully a cutting in fresh soil will do better.

DF-13 Haze

#3 was the second female and is now the tallest of the bunch with the biggest leaves. #1 was just confirmed as a female. #2 is a very robust male. This strain was the overall stoutest of the bunch and second quickest to show sex.

Grand Funk

Overall quickest strain to show sex, followed by DF-13. #1 is a male and the other 2 females. All are still fairly compact. I'm fairly confident I can flower these seed plants and keep them contained.

Mexican Grail

It took a while but the long spear-shaped preflowers finally sprouted pairs of pistils. This is the second tallest plant of the bunch. I'm thinking this is one that will need to go into flowering hours as soon as the rooted clone looks comfortable in its first pot and even then might be hard to contain.

Mind Blower

#1 was the third confirmed female. I'm still not sure about the other two. I think #2 is female and #3 male but when I examine them up close the preflowers send mixed signals. They all are medium/compact height and the seed plants should be manageable in flowering.

Tom Hill Haze repro

#2 was just confirmed as a female. It is surprisingly compact - similar to the Grand Funks. #1 is the giant of this strain group but has slowed down its stretch as it has reached maturity and was surpassed in height by DF #3 and MG. #3 is in the middle in terms of stretch and vigor. I suspect #1 and #3 are both males but they have been really slow to develop preflowers and the bumps I think are balls could still stretch out and show some pistils. I've also seen spears that I swore were going to be lady parts drop a set of balls from a growth that looked like a pistil. That's why I won't call either sex until I see a pair or more of pistils and grapes.

Anyway, the top dress last week is getting the job done and my babies are developing into fine upstanding adolescents. Their early growth will be forever scarred with the magnesium striping but generally they are all showing improved vigor and new growth is staying green. The tallest plants are close to 4 feet now. I'll bust out the camera again this weekend and post up some pics in all their shame and glory.

I'm going to start taking cuttings of the confirmed females this weekend and put them in the cloner. The plan formulating in my mind is to trim down the sexed seed plants to 1 to 2 feet or so and move them all into the 5x5 tent and ramp down to a 11.5/13.5 schedule and see how they react over the next few weeks to see which of them can be finished. Use the 4x4 tent to finish sexing the ones I'm not sure about and veg and eventually flower rooted clones. I have a 3x3 for the cloner and early storage of the rooted moms. I'll be leaving again at the end of the month for a few more weeks and there's going to be a lot of upward and sprawling growth during that period. Not being around to stake and trim the wildness could lead to some interesting results.

The work is ramping up again. Puzzling together the plants' and my traveling schedules is part of the fun. I've been coasting in observation mode for a while. Now it's time to commit to the girls and give them the best life I can. I ran 16 seeds because I was hoping for a minimum of 8 females. Now that I'm projecting at 10+ females I wish I would have started with more conservative goals but I'll find a way to make it work. I haven't totally given up on trying to collect some pollen from the males and making some seeds but it's going to take a remarkable surge of ambition and energy for that to happen.

I'll be back soon with some progress pics. Good night!
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