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Diary PCBuds mini-grow


Well-known member
Stop showing us pictures of your plant that you flowered for 200 days


and was all foxtailed haha.

If you don't want to grow a one pound, four foot tall purple plant with foxtails, then don't do what I did.

Your not going to convince anybody that environment isnt important.

My environment has 44 led strips putting out 52,000 lumens.
RH doesn't amount to much in comparison.

It also looks like you just watered in that picture and had the lights turned down much lower.

I turned the lights off so I could take a picture.
I have a hard time taking accurate pictures with the lights beaming at my camera.

Your past 2 plants or whatever died and this one is always drooping and your telling everybody else they dont know how to grow.

My last plant died, the one before that yeilded 180 grams.

Your not going to disrespect my girl cannabis

Whatever, it's a friggen plant.

It's for entertainment purposes only.







Active member
Your plant looks much healthier today, maybe has something to do with the RH being over 20 percent higher lol, but just a wild shot in the dark guess!


Well-known member
Your plant looks much healthier today, maybe has something to do with the RH being over 20 percent higher lol, but just a wild shot in the dark guess!

Yeah, she bounced right back.

The RH is much higher in the closet now.


I'm thinking that the plant itself is creating its own environment by transpiring?

She must be pumping water out like crazy.


Active member
For sure as she gets bigger, she will help you humidify the space.

All the liquids full of nutrients in the xylem and the starches in the pholem all flow through the plant by thermodynamics and pressure regulation. When there is optimum air pressure the stomata opens under the leaves fully and water vapor is pulled out like millions of little strings and in return the pressure drops in the plant and has to suck up from its roots.


pure dynamite
I think what ganja is trying to tell you, is that even if you managed to get a harvest that made you proud, there is always space for improvement and you shouldn't refute science. You can have all the W in the world, if your plant is using them inefficiently because of high vpd. That means another guy could grow same yeld as you, maybe faster and with less watts of lights. While you are both happy, you can't say vpd or environment is not important, and that guy should not say his way of growing is the only one that works. To each his own. But please try to learn stuff, even you aren't actively using it, sometimes in the future you might want to add that extra efficiency into your grows. And also it may help you to diagnose problems faster, if you can confirm or take out of thought certain environment factors that may or may not impact your plants, when something goes wrong. I know what stubborness is, but try to let yourself learn and be better. I don't think people said any things to you with bad intention, especially when many of us mentioned humidity and vpd. We took time from our schedule to try to help a brother.
Electricity is getting more expensive, and while I personally have enaugh money to pay some extra cents per kw, I am always looking at more efficient ways to use that electricity.
You don't have to do that, now, or ever, but it doesn't hurt to be more educated in things related to growing, if you want to do it better, nd easier.
Hope you can leave you stubborness away and understand what I am trying to say. Or "translate".


Well-known member
Well, adding the wet rag turned out to be an easy thing to do, and I know it can only help.

I found this...

Click image for larger version  Name:	20211125_152656.jpg Views:	2 Size:	37.5 KB ID:	17999728

I forgot that I had it. I've had it for more than 5 years and have never used it.

We'll see what kind of difference it makes.
Maybe I can get the RH up to 60% ?

Click image for larger version  Name:	20211125_152949.jpg Views:	2 Size:	78.0 KB ID:	17999729


Well-known member
I turned on my 5000k side strips and turned down the 3500k side strips a bit.
I've now got between 16,000 and 19,000 lux around the plant so I think I'm in the right ballpark.


I've got a total of about 7.5 amps running the lights, so about half of the 15 amp max.


She's right about 12" tall now, and seems to be handling the light intensity without too much problem.



Well-known member
The humidifier is working.


I'm almost out of the red in the VPD chart.

Now to see how often I need to refill the humidifier.


Well-known member
My humidifier isn't working out too good.

The floor of my closet is soaking wet and it's looking like I'm going to have to fill it 2 or 3 times a day.


So now I'm not just worried about my plant getting moldy, now I have to worry about my house getting moldy.

I'll give it another chance and put it up on the table under the fan, and I turned it down to the low setting.

If I end up with my walls sweating, then I'll skip the humidifier.
And now I have to move the planter out of the way maybe 2-3 times a day to get at the humidifier.
That's going to suck when I have a 4 foot tall plant.

I'll just go back to a wet rag if this turns out to be a big pain in the ass.



Well-known member
I'm not liking this.
I've got water droplets forming on my fan.


I don't want water inside my fan or on my led strips.

I'm just going to hang the wet rag up again.
It only brings up the RH to about 40%, but that's better than 20%


pure dynamite
Some humidifiers have a dial you can set how much water the disperse per hour. Some you can set up a humidity value to keep. Running one all the time in such small space will do that. Also having the fan pull humidofoed air through it is bad design. It should push dry air through the vapor clouds. So many things that can be improved..


Well-known member
My humidifier only has a high and low setting.

I'm just going to use the wet rag. It's simple and easy. I just wet it down twice a day.


Active member
I would put the humidifier next to the plant in low setting, but not under the fan, better the opposite side of the plant (and somehow in about the same height with the plant, not below it). Led strips are producing heat, usually they dont get wet in 80% RH. If the humidifier makes trouble even in low setting, you can use a timer switch to let it go for example 15 minutes on, and 15 minutes off. Humidifier should be filled with soft water (distilled, or RO water are the best). Maybe exhaust fan rpm should be decreased (to prevent room RH getting too high). With high RH, most strains enjoy 28-30'C in vegetative phase, and grow way faster.

Anyway, in a 24-28 'C temperature 75-80% RH can be a gamechanger of vegetative growth. I mean double, or more grow speed. In flowering more like 20-24 'C with about 50% RH (or lower while ripening)



pure dynamite
I think that humidifier has a digital button you need to press to start after powering it, like most have, and can't be run on a timer. That would be best option if it can be controlled with a timer, tho, if you don't have access to a humidity or vpd controller.
My growtent sits constantly at 65 to 70% RH and I never had any condensation happen. But your space is smaller and maybe environment temp is much lower.


Well-known member
Sorry if its a really daft question, but what do the numbers in the body of the chart signify? I understand the vertical axis is temp, and the horizontal RH, with the green band the optimum for healthy plants at diff temp/RH combos, but what is being counted in the body of the chart?


pure dynamite
VPD. It's like heat index, but for plants. It takes both temp and rh into account, not just one of them. It's basically how confortable the environment is for them. More confortable = less work for them to mantain proper photosyntesis. And more efficient photosyntesis! Ofc, this is the simplified explanation.


Active member
All I know, in the green range the plant can transpire the most water without drying its leaves out. With high transpiration rate, the plant is able to take up water and nutrients faster from soil.

Unfortunately I dont know what thoose numbers telling exactly.


pure dynamite
The name is pretty much self explanatory, it vapor pressure deficit. How much more water in form of vapor the air will need to become fully saturated at a certain temperature. So its like RH, but takes temperature into account.


Well-known member
I was looking forward to growing in the winter because the temperatures are cooler and the humidity is lower.

I've had mold 3 or 4 times now, and it's always been during the summer months when the RH is between 65% and 85%.

I had mold growing on my last plant and on top of my soil.
It wasn't until f-e noticed the mold in my picture, that I realized I had mold in my plant.

I want to make the intentional choice to grow my plant in low humidity.
I really didn't notice much difference between my winter plants and my summer plants other than the mold.

I've grown a plant in 22% RH and it did OK. It may have done better with proper RH but it didn't have mold.

My plants have ended up really dense from either the strain or the environment, and there is very little airflow through the buds.

So, I'll keep the wet rag hanging. That keeps my RH at just above 40%, and that's as high as I want to go.

It's a personal choice.
I hate humidity.


Well-known member
My plant is looking OK, with just a bit of droop probably because of the increased light level.


She had been growing between 1/2" and 1" a day before I turned up the lights, then she stopped growing completely for more than a day when I broiled her and she collapsed.

She is now only growing about 1/2" a day.
I do want her to grow nice and tall to fill the closet, but it's kinda looking like she won't make it to 4' tall.

She does have her stretch still to come so she will certainly get taller.
We'll see how it goes.