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Diary PCBuds mini-grow


Well-known member
Try letting her dry out a bit more? Sure looks cold and wet in that picture to me.

Yeah, she's cold and wet...

Think I might screw in my 5 bulb splitter and try to warm her up.

I'm thinking of just tossing her out and starting over in my closet...

I decided to go old school and give her 23 Watts if CFL...

But that's all she gets!!!

If she can't make due with that then she's gone.



Well-known member
That's what I thought, the cold and dry. That will have a huge impact on growth rates. For a plant like that I would be shooting for something like 85F and all the humidity you can throw at it. Get those temps and humidity up and keep giving her 18 to 24 hrs light and she'll grow a lot faster. I like jungle conditions for veg.

She does look reasonably healthy except for her droop and cold red stems.

I'm not gonna try too hard with this plant.


Mr. J

Well-known member
She looks okay but she's sort of in suspended animation. I know, I have some plants in the basement under fluorescent and they look fine but they've looked pretty much the same for like a month. The ones in a warmer, moister environment just keep growing.


Well-known member

I changed my mind again.

Two Daylight and One Soft white LED.

30 Watts!!

That's all she gets!!
Fricken runt.



Well-known member
She's costing me ~$10 a bulb for a year at 24/7.

So $30 for a year for 3 bulbs.

If she can give me 3 grams within a year I guess she's worth it...

Or I could just kill it.


Well-known member
That is a good price, especially since it includes a Meanwell driver but I don't think I want to start up a separate veg. grow.

I've got all my LED strips to install in my closet that I intend to get to today.

I intend to just grow one plant at a time, starting from seed.

I decided to go back to a single 5K 10 Watt bulb for my seeding in the kitchen.

I don't really know what I'm going to do with it but I may just leave it to grow as a house plant.
It was a $12 seed so I don't want to just kill it.

Perhaps it will stay small and stunted and I can transplant it outside in the spring.

I don't think I'm going to try to flower it because then I have to find a light-proof place to put it.

Perhaps, at some point, I could take a clipping and see if I can manage to grow a clone.


try to keep like an unused cable box thats not hooked up as a soil temp controller, i have germinated cannabis seeds and used comcast cable boxes as heat mats since they bought out adelphia cable lol


Well-known member
try to keep like an unused cable box thats not hooked up as a soil temp controller, i have germinated cannabis seeds and used comcast cable boxes as heat mats since they bought out adelphia cable lol

I do have a hot plate that fits perfectly under the kitty litter planter.

It's 80 Watts though so I would probably need to hook it up to a dimmer.


Well-known member

here ya go my friend i wanna see you succeed!

That looks interesting, but I intend to plant my sprouted seed directly into my cooler.

I've got the seed starting Jiffy Mix ready to go as well as more clay pebbles and perlite.

I don't view my little seedling as a failure, she's just tardid. Lol, and I don't want to wait months to redo my closet.

I do have an electric heater in the closet but it bothers me to run 500 Watts all the time when my lights only draw 300 Watts.

It does have a thermostat and I don't think it runs 24/7.
I may consider plugging It in when my closet and next sprouted seed is ready.

I'm going to try to stick with the recipe this time and stop experimenting with things.

The spoiled milk juice sounds like a good idea though, so I do intend to use that.

I've been lazy and procrastinating with my rebuild.
I've got a lot of LED strips and wiring to hook up and I've gotta build a shelf for the LED driver and connector.

I'm still going to use my overhead SILs for the first grow while I try to figure out what I'm going to do with the 2' strips.


I dont rememebr calling her a failure, i just think your using way too much medium for such a small cultivar. I will stop posting in this thread though i dont wanna be seen in the wrong light. peace


Well-known member
My seedling is a failure in that she will never be ready to harvest in 8-9 weeks from seed.

And she does look pretty droopy at the moment.

I figure if I can keep her in suspended animation for a good long while she can maybe be transplanted outside in the spring?

I don't know why I put her in such a big pot?

I've just always done that. I had the kitty litter bucket handy and just filled it with soil from the cooler.


Hate telling people what to do as we all do things differently but your re-used soil probably has wonky PH/residual nute hotspots. That coupled with overwatering, I think is your issue. I'd stay right off the nutes for 2 weeks and move watering to light water every third day or so.. Bet it perks up. Doubt its the cold. Cannabis with good lighting will still grow at a reasonable rate in colder temps than people think. Seen plants bounce back nicely after snowfalls. Goodluck buddy


Well-known member
I decided to dig her up and transplant it.

She was right in the middle of the old root ball and I couldn't get anything but the main roots separated.

I guess it was a pretty stupid idea to plant the sprouted seed right beside the old plant. Lol oh well...