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she looks special to me for sure! love the white frosting. Panama is a very resinous strain. What kind of smell is she streaming to you? Have you tried a tester?
Panama is new to me, and I'm not all that skilled at describing aromas and tastes. I get a piney cedar on inhale and a sort of orange chocolate exhale?

Tester? As in THC? I know it has quite a punch to it ...
I'll know better after a week in the jar.


I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
Here's my Panama at 13.5 weeks. I need room for my over vegged PCK in flower, so I've decided to kill it despite occasional hairs still pushing through. Solid size and frost for a plant under 6 CFLs its whole life.




Well-known member
That's a really interesting looking pheno Mayan. How did she look/grow as a seedling? I had an unusual seedling that seemed to lack vigor; and had leaf margins that were nearly smooth. It lagged so much that I cut her though. Best vibes man

Hey all...

Just two quicki pics of the Panama I have going currently. I have grown Panama out three or four times but this is a new pheno for me. I'm looking through Zanddar's encyclopediac thread to see whether there's anything resembling her in his grows.

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She is a total resin monster. I call her the white "pheno" coz her basic personna is -well- "white." Looking at her is almost like looking at a negative. She grew very differently than the others. Her predecessors flowered fast and furiously. Big ol' dense buds. This one, however, was at first very grudging in her flowering...sporadic plopping forth of a big clump of almost balding calyxes. In fact, in the early days, I toyed with the idea of taking her down (other than the fact that I LOVE Panama) but realized she might be something very special and decided to let her strut her stuff in her own way. The long and the short is that she is comprised of everlengthening foxtail braids, worming in and out of each other.

Quite often, I'll think that she's spent but then she vomits forth a whole bunch of new pistils and calyxes. I have no idea how long she's gonna go...she has been thickening and fattening substantially, however. Some small tendril will bolt...a calyx or two on a stalk but then -next time I look- the space between the new growth and the bud proper will be filled in. Fascinating!!!

She's not a "major" producer BUT these buds are dense! AND she just continues to pack it on. The branches are sparse but I was looking at 'em in silhouette tonight and they are putting on some acceptable girth as well.

Have any of you Panama stalwarts grown anything similar. Oh yeah - for the record- this was grown from fed seed. Directly - not a clone. Grown her whole life under 12/12. Oh...she's a tall one - I'd say four feet or over.

More to come!


Hey...HITH...thanks! I love your description!!

Hey, PannaConna...Congrats on making it to the farther shore. Perhaps it's my browser but I'm not seeing your pics for some reason.

Wow, Terpene...that's beautiful and impressive!! Under CFLs, too!

Hi K_S_P! Yeah, it didn't have a great youth coz my mojo eloped with my chops when she first seeded - I had a helluva time with all my seeds. Any number of different culprits (me being the chief one). I'm thinking, though, it's the pheno - she just grew differently than all my other sats - even the one's that made it through the rough spell. Her white and golden coloring is similar to an Ace Mix I grew out but her HUGE calyx formations and braided fox tailing look very different.


Panacanna yes I can see your pictures now.
Does it taste as good as it look? Is that the purple phenotype?


Yes, it tastes amazing! Really complex terpenes.

This is my first Panama, so I don't know what it is. I have another set of pics a couple pages back. This one has green topsides and purple undersides, steadily deepening as it matured. At the end, the juice from the leaves ran deep grape purple. It made fat baseball bat buds the last month.


I did just a little searching in this thread and ran across a post from dubi about the purple pheno.

Good day inverse,

It's a very rare expression, more related to the old tropical purple panamas than the faster and denser red version we have been working latest generations. I dont think you can easily find her in one pack, It was not possible in the past reproduction but now we are trying to reproduce a limited purple panama x panama red stock.

Purple tropical pheno needs aprox 14-15 weeks to mature, almost one month later than the main red pheno we have been breeding for. Flowers are fluffier and less resinous too but effect is incredible cerebral!

I don't think mine's a purple based on that. Besides, dubi's pics show a plant with purple flowers, whereas my purple is limited to the leaf undersides and is more of a magenta shade than dubi's example. Mine also finished fast - 10 weeks from the flip, 8 weeks from pistil set.

This plant was grown from a fem seed purchased last fall. I love the pheno and I'd like to learn more about it.

I'm glad everyone can see my pics now, at least, lol. I was wondering if the mic was on - taptap. :)


I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
It's a very rare expression, more related to the old tropical purple panamas than the faster and denser red version we have been working latest generations. I dont think you can easily find her in one pack, It was not possible in the past reproduction but now we are trying to reproduce a limited purple panama x panama red stock.

Purple tropical pheno needs aprox 14-15 weeks to mature, almost one month later than the main red pheno we have been breeding for. Flowers are fluffier and less resinous too but effect is incredible cerebral!

I want this! What has to be done to get purple panama x panama red??


Well-known member
@Dr. Purpur: i think Panama x Jack H. was done by CBG a while ago. Limited release. This is what Kaiki wrote about it in a topic (you can find it in their sub-forum). You also got pics there.
"Was a freebie most
very enjoyable one done during our first panama fem tests
kaiki "

recent guest

Yeah all 3 of my plants outdoors have a pungent hashplant smell, is that associated with the red pheno?

View Image (3.5 weeks veg)

They still have 5 or more weeks of veg left.

Yep, I've only grown out three panama's but I would guess that you and I have the same pheno. Mine is roughly that age and could be switched with one of those in terms of appearance. The hashplant, afghan citrus scent has given me red phenos so far, with the green smelling different. The two red phenos with that scent had noticeably different effects, with one much trippier despite being a red. The other was, "nobody feels like workin'.."


I have some more pictures of my Panama. :)

I took these the day I chopped it and I used an overhead halogen to bring out some more color. Unfortunately, it cast everything in a bronze tone. Pretty, though.





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