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Well-known member
So my Neville's Haze looks like I feared—it is turning completely yellow again, and it still needs to stay for a good 6 weeks, which I see as challenging.

It is still growing and producing new flowers, and the trichome production is very high despite the slight pollination, but its health is declining rapidly. I will probably feed it once more.


Well-known member
Tomorrow morning I plan to fertilize with a drain.I think an EC of 1.5 is okay, but I'm still not sure. I want to stick with Greenhouse Bio Feeding and might try watering with it. Alternatively, I might just use the chemical fertilizers from Greenhouse, which should work immediately but could also make things worse. I don’t think it will change the appearance since no new leaves are coming, only buds. Therefore, I'll probably stick with the organic option.🫣
Looks a lot like drought stress..
She could be having nitrogen deficiency. But she could be suffering from drying out too quickly between getting watered again. Especially with organic cultivation dry soil kills our nitrogen cycling and makes bacteria go dormant or die.
When a microbial population goes dormant it will be hard to wake them back up. Top dressing worm castings and soaking the soil with a compost tea and restore your nutrient cycling.


Well-known member
I have my water values here, hoping it’s not the issue. I'm a total noob in this theme, but maybe someone can see if something is wrong. Unfortunately, it's in French.
I always let my water sit for 24 hours before using it.

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Active member
I see what @TrulyAmazingGenetics means about the drought stress, because the leaves seem droopy like they would if wilting. But it may just be the leaf shape of this strain, being so thin and long. How large are the containers you are using? It may help in the future to go to a larger container and maybe fabric instead of plastic. You can take a look at the roots after you have harvested and see what their health is like. Unfortunately I can't help with your assessing your water report because I do not have the expertise.

Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
Looks a lot like drought stress..
She could be having nitrogen deficiency. But she could be suffering from drying out too quickly between getting watered again. Especially with organic cultivation dry soil kills our nitrogen cycling and makes bacteria go dormant or die.
When a microbial population goes dormant it will be hard to wake them back up. Top dressing worm castings and soaking the soil with a compost tea and restore your nutrient cycling.
This was my biggest issue with having deficiencies when I first moved over to organic soil from DWC. kept trying to feed to correct and ended up absolutely smoking some plants when all they needed was more regular watering.


Well-known member
I have Neville's Haze in a 15-liter plastic pot and Panama A5 in a 25-liter fabric pot. However, I don't like the fabric pots because after some time, there's always a little space on the sides and the drainage isn't as good water tends to run down the sides. Therefore, I think I'll stick with the plastic pots.


Well-known member
From the beginning, I saw what would happen and couldn't prevent it. It's my second time experiencing the same with my KA5H. The Panama A5 Haze looks significantly better with the same soil and nutrients, just in a larger pot.
I think the issue might be that the pot was too small, causing root bound in this plant.
I only seem to have these problems with sativas.
Hybrids and indicas never give me these issues.
Well, I've accepted it with this plant. Plus, it's already pollinated, so it's been a bit messed up for a while 😅😂
But I'll pay attention to how I water them and keep growing until I get the hang of it.

Thanks for the advice, you're always welcome. Wishing you all the best!
From the beginning, I saw what would happen and couldn't prevent it. It's my second time experiencing the same with my KA5H. The Panama A5 Haze looks significantly better with the same soil and nutrients, just in a larger pot.
I think the issue might be that the pot was too small, causing root bound in this plant.
I only seem to have these problems with sativas.
Hybrids and indicas never give me these issues.
Well, I've accepted it with this plant. Plus, it's already pollinated, so it's been a bit messed up for a while 😅😂
But I'll pay attention to how I water them and keep growing until I get the hang of it.

Thanks for the advice, you're always welcome. Wishing you all the best!
Hazes like big pots. I use 25 gallon pots or 100 litre as a minimum soil volume for organic growing. She is just root bound thats all. The flower will be fine. She is probably beginning to choke her self out a little bit in the small containers


Well-known member
Hazes like big pots. I use 25 gallon pots or 100 litre as a minimum soil volume for organic growing. She is just root bound thats all. The flower will be fine. She is probably beginning to choke her self out a little bit in the small containers

Okay, I will give the Super Panama Haze a big pot of 25L later and mix the Greenhouse feeding mix directly into the soil.