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Pain Management thread


Well-known member
What kind of pain you have and what strain(s) work for you? @oldmaninbc @ledtoke420guy @Boo hopefully this thread can lend a hand.

I’ve got undiagnosed chest/ab/elbow pain that is likely Enthesitis . Or possible swelling of cartridge. Some possibility it’s nerve pain from spinal degeneration. To date I’ve not found anything that really helps. Opioids help for a few days then my tolerance builds. I’ve tried gabapentin, tramadol, lyrica, cymbalta and a list of other shit that does nothing.

I’ve been growing mostly sativa dom , though did try a cbd strain with no luck. It’s time to Change things up in my grow tent. Thinking going for kush based strain and wondering if this may help. Maybe a 1:1 cbd thc strain. Open for suggestions.

I think different types of pain are helped by different strains. What works..what pain do you need a hand with..?


Well-known member
What kind of pain you have and what strain(s) work for you? @oldmaninbc @ledtoke420guy @Boo hopefully this thread can lend a hand.

I’ve got undiagnosed chest/ab/elbow pain that is likely Enthesitis . Or possible swelling of cartridge. Some possibility it’s nerve pain from spinal degeneration. To date I’ve not found anything that really helps. Opioids help for a few days then my tolerance builds. I’ve tried gabapentin, tramadol, lyrica, cymbalta and a list of other shit that does nothing.

I’ve been growing mostly sativa dom , though did try a cbd strain with no luck. It’s time to Change things up in my grow tent. Thinking going for kush based strain and wondering if this may help. Maybe a 1:1 cbd thc strain. Open for suggestions.

I think different types of pain are helped by different strains. What works..what pain do you need a hand with..?
Hey there Blondie, pain has been a part of my life since my late teen years when I damaged myself at work.
Over the years other injuries compounded the problems. About 15 years ago around the age of 60, my physical ailments became overwhelming. My family doctor and government doctor agreed to put me on disability until the age of 65 when my pension would kick in. My doctor said I don't usually see your physical troubles until men are in their mid 70s. I have not driven since then, I can't turn my head to drive without aggravating the cervical spondylosis to the point of having so much pain that I can not think of anything other than the pain I am feeling. That's what started my morphine use(2010) and continue to use to this day.

I also take gabapentin because of sciatic nerve damage, I would experience pain from my waist to my foot, it came in the form of muscle spasms. The worst time was at bed, I could not stop the spasms, keeping me awake almost all night. The doctor put me on gabapentin 3 x 300 mg a day. What was unusual was when the gabapentin started to work,for the first few days the pain was gone from my waist, then every few days it worked it's way down my leg, from my butt, my thigh, knee, shin and finally down to my foot.
The gabapentin worked but took nearly 2 weeks to completely stop the pain, body part by body part. Crazy.

I have degenerative bone disease in my shoulders this and my whole back and it's injuries are rated from moderate to severe. Trying to sleep at night SUCKS

I also have asbestosis & pleural plaques. I no longer take inhalers for this as I thought they caused more problems than they solved. The pain from this disease, so far, I just live with it.

I don't know how I would survive with out the drugs I take, I would go absolutely insane from pain.
Long before legalization happened in Canada I had a medical cannabis licence for personal production(2010).

For me, cannabis does not diminish pain like some of the other drugs I take.
It acts as more of a distraction from pain. Like many people, I look for a relaxing strain that eases muscle tension and helps me ignore moderate pain. Also, to help me try and sleep. I think what works for one person might not work for another.

I have considerable fatigue at times and will sometimes use a no burn out moderate strength sativa to help with this. When I have a chore that takes more energy than I have but the chore needs done. Usually a weekend project outdoors, yard cleanup, cleaning the gutters etc.

I hardly ever use cannabis outside of a specified time, like in the evening around 6 I will eat 1/4 of approx. a 1 gr cookie. I do this everyday. I find it to be more effective this way than randomly using it at anytime, I take it like I would take any prescription. That's it.

OH one more very important detail, relaxation exercises and meditation play a big part in my pain control.
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Well-known member
Spine collapse makes me hurt just thinking about it. I just got back from a well respected spine doc and though every disc is out of place none are out alarmingly. So not the source of my pains.

Knee pain sucks also. I had ACL and a few meniscus trim surgeries. Then OATS. My knee is actually not acting up.

Checking out chem dawg...


Well-known member
I have never tried chem dawg, I am giving it thought. For some people it seems to offer relief.

I've had surgery on my right knee, it bothers me, but not to the point of needing medication.

Sourcing pain can be difficult for some, I guess a lot depends on what your doctor agrees to.

Because of taking opioids I had to attend a 16 hour pain clinic. I had already figured out several of their suggestions for pain management because of how long I've had pain issues.

Relaxation exercises and meditation were highly recommended, which I was already doing. I would highly recommend it. Being aware of pain, when and where it begins is important to help control it to some degree.


Cabana’s bitch
I’ve broken 46 bones before I got out of high school, needless to say I had a rough time coming up. I didn’t have any issues whatsoever until 12 years ago and they took my bowels out three times and destroyed my abdomen. Two years later, they cut me in half to get my liver out to cut the cancer out. so I say I’m pretty qualified to talk about paying for at least the stuff that I have. If I get any relief from cannabis at all, it’s from a good heavy Indica. I found it marijuana doesn’t get rid of the pain, but it alters the way I perceive it, which is just as good to me. I’ll eat mushrooms once in a while and I just don’t feel any bodily issues whatsoever when I’m on them… once they put a knife to your body there’s no going back. I take 2 1/2 Vicodin every day and that keeps my pain tolerable. Without them, I would not be able to function.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
no one I ever met called pain a friend

mostly called vile swear words

but some humans here are well acquainted with pain

for me it has not been any particular strain as much as it has been the amount consumed..

Im talking hard hitting indicas

we make our own salves and balms , edibles , full spectrum cannabis oils , and grow our own cannabis

in me , on me , outside , inside , vape , joints , all I can stand but still function..like drive a car functions

that is the pain management strategy that I have been using for about 15 years now and I take Zero medications…

last injury about 8 years ago 5 broken vertebrae C 3,4,5



Poi Boi

New member
Hi All, I don’t have pain nearly as close to you guys have but I make a tincture that really helps me sleep. You take 1-2 oz of flower, 1 quart of vegetable glycerin and throw it in a crockpot. Put it on the warm setting and let it go overnight or 6-8 hours. After it’s done let it cool and strain it through cheesecloth.
You just have to find your dosage for every batch as the flower and amounts won’t be the same. Take care all.


Well-known member
Pain definitely sucks. One of my bitches are the doctors. At least in my case every doc tells me I don’t make sense. I get what feels like (or what I imagine feels like) being stabbed repeatedly in two areas of my abdomen. It also burns like a son of a bitch. I can be sitting, walking, standing still.. and all the sudden I’m doubled over in pain. I also get shooting pain across the top of my chest. Right to left. Luckily this is a quick 10 second type. The stabbing one lasts long. Also there is a constant pain that does not go away. It always there at some level. Feels like Mike Tyson took his best shot and landed in my abs/ribs. On good days it’s only quite painful. My elbows are functional until some weight is applied. Constant soreness and stabbing when I use them. Docs tried telling me in my head until my elbows started failing. Now my hips have begun to follow suite. Also had a weak positive for chrons. I get the squats now and again. Sucks ass. Ha ha.

I’ve seemed to build up a huge tolerance and can vape constantly with little to no effect. I’ve found by accident one commercial cartridge removes elbow pain somewhat. I’m trying to figure what was in it. I’ll go broke buying 60$ cart every day. Plus it was in another state and not easy to get to.

Now looking at chemdawg or crosses.

@bigsur51 .. damnnn. Hopefully you are out of that bed by now. I’m working toward what you have going. Grow my own, make my own. What hard hitting indica strains do you grow?

I’ve made one salve that didn’t seem to work all that well. I was dropping edibles like m&m s. But.. turns out that was actually aggravating my chest pains somehow. Awful cycle. I hurt so would eat more, which made it worse, which made me eat more. I seldom eat edibles now and the pain is reduced from what it was. I figured this out when I ran out of gummies for a while. Maybe my strains? Don’t know.


Well-known member
I have been a fan of edibles most of my cannabis consuming time over 55 years. It's been only the last 12-15 years that I use anything but edibles, due to lung disease I can never smoke again, nor would I want to because it is painful to smoke. I found that using edibles recreationally means higher and higher dosages.
Now I mostly only use an edibles one time a day in the evening and I use about 1/4 of gr or a bit more.
I use way less cannabis and I find it works better for me as a medical use. Every rotation of cookie making about 3 weeks, I usually use a different strain, for the first couple of days I experience a bit of a buzz after that it becomes more of an effect without the buzz but still enjoyable and useful with pain control.

That's what works for me and as I explained in the above post, this is only part of my pain management system.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
some Herijuana , g13 hash plant , blueberry India , lots of triangle kush and crosses with ghost kush…some chem 91 stuff..

we made our own pain patches with gauze , our salve is made from full spectrum cannabis oil and some coconut oil and beeswax…

sometimes the pain patches were nothing but cannabis oil on gauze

neck is stronger than before with the reinforced bolts



Well-known member
I feel better than i did twenty years ago. Maybe i've worked out some of the metal poisoning. I don't know if staying far away from pollutants (as possible) has anything to do with it, or eating a lot of food grown on 'clean land'.

Dunno if they still offer Carisopradol (sp?) for pain, it is very addicting. I would only use them when absolutely needed for pain, and would half the pill...i'd wait until actually IN bed, as they are called 'SOMA' for a reason! Anyway, thought that i'd toss this out for peoples to ask their MD's about, because from what i recall, the drug works 'differently' than most pain meds. This is an older med, and many of the younger docs may not even have heard of it, let alone 'consider it'.


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ICMag Donor
I was talking with @mr.brunch on another thread but I figured that this thread might be a better place for the info rather than buried in a grow diary.

I had just done a Wake & Bake with some Mack & Crack that I grew and it actually enflamed my lumbar spinal stenosis so badly that I had to smack it with some Pink Kush and some Robax before I could comfortably move again.

Anyways . . . Pink Kush – Barney’s version – is my #1 go to strain for pain. Many of the LPs in Canada grow this so it is also available as legal cannabis. As oldman mentioned above, it does not really reduce the pain, but it does distract your attention from it, making it far more endurable. Robax & its cousin Robaxacet - which are not available in the US - are pretty decent for standard back pain and tendonitis. They are a combo of the muscle relaxant methocarbamol (Robaxin in the US) with ibuprofen or acetaminophen respectively.


Well-known member
Just been to the dentist to have a 2nd failed implant removed to add to the general bone pain and make my body think its bone is being attacked even more. It already is degrading in the neck and lower back and middle back too

You maybe a sadomasochist mr dentist but i am not a masochist despite what i have led you to believe and despite what you think with my regular visits.... I am not addicted to your novocaine, i dont dislike it but when you ask me to rinse it i never do.

But No it wasn't fuckin safe!

Regarding general bone and muscular pain...

Some people find LDN - low dose naltrexone helpful for pain. I found it very good but causes a slow down in bowel motility but it causes your body to release its own endogenous morphine like alkaloids which help with mood and pain.

Collagen powder is also good, as is regular vitamin C. I have a vain hope it will help replace the missing cartilidge in my spine and neck.

Also, good for pain is Pregnenolone. A hormone that our body uses to make other sex hormones. Taking 10mg a day is a low dose but has helped with pain and also gives a boost. Maybe it is increasing Testosterone which i'm sure helps a lot.

Make sure your bed is level. You spend many hours in it. Get a spirit level and some plastic shims for adjustment.
Screenshot 2024-08-19 at 17.29.34.png

Since i adjusted my bed, the pain has lessened as my muscles are not trying to keep my spine straight on a sidewards incline.

I've tried pregabalin. gabapentin, codeine, dyhydrocodeine. The dhc are ok but it's not something that would work long term. The LDN i went on for 3 years and i was generally pain free for that time. You would need a compounding chemist to make it up which makes it expensive at approx. $40/mth but it does work ok.

Hope you get some relief and can concentrate on something else.

Someone in another pain related thread recommended one of these.

Screenshot 2024-08-19 at 17.44.30.png

I promptly got one and can say it definitely helps being able to target tight muscle areas releases your bones so they don't grind so much together.


Well-known member
I don’t ask often.
i never ask, and they never offer. only thing i am EVER offered for pain is something with codeine in it, which my drs all know that i'm allergic to. "you in pain, bro? suffer, motherfucker!" full disclosure- I cut my thumb nearly completely off with an ax one time, they did give me demerol, but that was at the emergency room...


Well-known member
This is all great stuff. I hope others can benefit from this info as well. My regular pharmacy is a compounding pharmacy. I’ve spent far more than $40 a month.

I’m checking out shockwave therapy. Not yet sure if it’s snake oil.

Shockwave therapy, also known as Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT), is a non-invasive medical treatment that utilizes acoustic waves to treat various musculoskeletal conditions and promote tissue healing. Initially developed for the treatment of kidney stones, shockwave therapy has evolved to become an effective modality in orthopedics, rehabilitation, and sports medicine.

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