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I have been told several years ago that brick weed in Thailand could be from Myanmar but before arriving to Thailand was smuggled into Laos. As I can see Ko Phayam is not far from the border with Myanmar. But I really don't know.

Last we discussed Ahortaror told me he sent some of the 40 or so I popped to Musta of which only two ever came up, two others in that mix along the lines were Balkani & Casikeno Ahortator shared with me…. it does takes a village :)

So it turns out Musta accrued a bunch from various sources then sent them all to me 5-6 years ago, now if they all lead back to the same exact cambodian source I am uncertain, I do believe there was a few in the end….

But whom knows for certain which 2 eventually came up, which I preserved, sent cuts back to Spain to Musta & then started working on for over the past 5 years now….

Here’s a great example of how hard work, patience & diligence pays off

Best 1/7 KKTS from Lindau latest share with me, pretty nice for a wild P1

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SE Asian I’ve been working now a very long time

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Wait till they finish, even though slowed down as filled with seed they’ll be thin cigar like long flowers of huge calyx, most all leafs should fall off, trimming easy as can be, you just pluck off the cigars…

Eucalyptus, sweet pine, mint & lemon blossoms - zero skunk or BLD anywhere to be found but great Calyx:Leaf ratio & energy focused on flowers as it should be…

Pearls from head to toe :)
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A friend sent me Cambodian seeds from two sources. 3 seeds from a friend of him who traveled there, and others collected by Balkani and reproduced by Casikeno and shared in a Spanish forum.

I sent all the seeds I had got of both Cambodian lines to Mustafunk. He also got more seeds of the Balkani/Casikeno line from other member of such forum in order to make the reproduction with more amount of plants to avoid inbreeding or lack of males. Sadly as Ledo says, they became crushed in the mail, and only two survived.

In late 2022 my friend sent me 7 again more seeds of the Cambodian line his friend collected, but neither those seven seeds nor the remaining he kept for himself sprouted. He told me the reason was that his fridge became broken and the seeds were trapped inside an ice block and finally they became wet.

I hope Musta can read this and he tell us more.