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Rosin Junky and Certified Worm Wrangler
well i tried that and sprayed water on the plants. but whats the best solution?cause its not in danger yet, but im still watching.

Lowes hardware carries a product called Green Light Neem Oil, ask for it. It's omri organic. It works great for mites.

When I know i have them, I'll spray my plants, tops and undersides of leaves, every other day for at least a week, 2 weeks if they're not real far along in flowering.
Hey Brother Bear. How much were those reagent 65watt worklights. Also where did you get them at. Im in the tri-state area also. They look like they'd be jus what im lookin for.


The Hopeful Protagonist
What up my Tri-State peeps :joint:

This is what I get under my Ghetto CFL hood....


Sterling Widow & SkunkBag @ Day - 32 and 35 respectively......Flipped'em 5 days ago :ying:

Have one confirmed fe-fe and will know the rest by this weekend :yeahthats

Peace & Stealth

Gro :pimp3:


Active member
hahaha that pic is priceless pthway4 just made me a lil less mad... so i got my 17 lil girls still vegging gettin ready for their big day they get stuck outside and theyre doing great...or they were till last night... yesterday it was raining here all day and it was fairly cool...so around 11 pm last night me and my buddy (who also has two plants down there) go to make the last check of the night... by this point its getting pretty chilly in the grow area so i turn off the fans thinking theyll be too cold...fast forward to ten minutes ago when i go to make my first morning check and what do i see but the four plants nearest the light all have minor to moderate leaf burn...they will all be fine but i hate seeing my babies in pain.... sorry for the rant guys just needed to get that off my chest ha

wow so i guess todays just not my day... i also had 15 more early outdoor beans soaking and put them between paper towels in a gladware plastic container (i use this method all the time with great efficentcy adn almost perfect germ rates, actually just popped 3/3 calio x esb 5 year old or older beans)... last night four had just shot tails out after their 24 hour soak and about 6 hours on teh heat pad...just checked them out and i guess i shoulda stuck the four in soil immediately cause they all dried out (enough for me to throw them away)... at least theres still 11 in there to pop damn... oh and th epack of seeds only cost me 15 bucks but still i wanted those deep chunk babies out there

luckily i have some NL#5 and some afghani to puff on to make it all better haha


The Hopeful Protagonist
Sup to my Tri-State Brethren :ying:

Pthway4 - Nice to see some babies on the way bro :yeahthats

BB - Always nice to look at what you got goin' bro :joint:

Glad you had a nice safe & Green trip :wave:




pthway4- Nice pic brotha my kids love Dora the explorer!! anyway the question about the scrog method is simple.
I use a 2" wide hole chicken wire and while I have something in flower I veg the next batch if needed. Sometimes I stop as I have plenty of medicine and it's only for personal, but I first top the main cola at about 5-7 nodes.
I let the side shoots grow until I can see sex under 18/6 or after 30 days I flip to 12/12 to induce sexing. Because the plan is tied down and topped it's short only about 3-4" above the 1 gallon container I have it in at this point.
Once I see sex I transplant to the bins that hold over 3 gallons and put in under the screen. I train the shoots that grow throw the screen until it's 50% full and let the plant go! Now as it stretches for the first 2-3 weeks I keep weaving through the screen to have an even canopy after I notice stretch is over I just let it do its thing. Just regular feedings that's it!

IGrow-Nice babies brotha!

BB-Damn bro! just always nice mang!

Morning fellas.....Hope everyone is set for the weekend.
Here's a few of the 53 daze Soma NYCD single clone under scrog I've been working on.



can a male plant fertilize a female clone that is rooting? The clones were taken early in flowering before sex ws determined?


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Hey BennyB good to see ya round. Hope alls well w/you and yours. Got anything out doors this year?


pathway as long as the female clone is not flowering, it cannot.....meaning if the clone is under 24 or 18 hours of light you are fine



Can It All Be So Simple!
Hey BennyB good to see ya round. Hope alls well w/you and yours. Got anything out doors this year?

hey was up man
yeah nothing special though.......
just got to put some seeds in the dirt so we will see what happens
got a late start this year
G' Mornin' Fellow Tri-state Growers! Im up here in NW PA. about 41 N Lat. I was wondering if any other folks are still starting seeds this time of the year. My idea was to plant a large scale garden of bag seed. They will be started this weekend then planted under lights MONDAY, to veg indoors for 2 weeks. Then moved outdoors to the field, covered with chicken wire cages and slug bait of course


Nice scattered weather here in this part of the keystone!!! Hope the Tri state doesn't get too much rain for all you guerillas out there.....My STEM is ERECT!!!


Can It All Be So Simple!
G' Mornin' Fellow Tri-state Growers! Im up here in NW PA. about 41 N Lat. I was wondering if any other folks are still starting seeds this time of the year. My idea was to plant a large scale garden of bag seed. They will be started this weekend then planted under lights MONDAY, to veg indoors for 2 weeks. Then moved outdoors to the field, covered with chicken wire cages and slug bait of course

well I never planted this late so I cant say for sure what the outcome will be but i say go for it!
Of course the yield will be affected cause your plants wont have as much veg time