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Well-known member
Yes, washing the indoor harvests is overkill you could say, at most there will be a little dust on the buds. It's more that I have made of washing the harvest such a habit it's just part of growing for me, the same way I wash my vegetables before eating them.

On the other hand, checking the outdoor harvest with a microscope is very eye opening. The amount of shit that will stick to resin is unbelievable.

I have seen the stuff left in the water after bud washing some outdoor. I do not want to be smoking it.

I was all my fruits and vegetables I buy at the grocery store as soon as I get home from shopping. You don't know what's on the outside. Listeria, hepatitis, etc... all kinds of nasty stuff could be on produce from the store.


ICMag Donor


Climate is going to stay warm and dry until early October it looks like! May get to ripen the flowers out properly this year without having to worry about mold as much!

Weather last week was upper 80's for several days, cooler this weekend which helps with watering, then it gets warm to around 90 F next week! Going to see some flowers stacking! :smoke:


Well-known member
Broke out the DLSR. It takes much better photo's than my phone. The second photo the side of the house house was in the background which is why it looks like it was taken indoors.

I'm waiting for the plants to finish as I'm smoking old indoor weed right now. I like my weed fresh. I'm going to start vacuum packing and freezing all my weed as soon as it's dry except for what I'll smoke in a few weeks. It stays nice and fresh that way.




The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Dang! Which Panama strain is that?
I have a Swabi-Dragon, Panama - Pakistani cross starting to fill out.
I can only hope it finishes anything like yours. 💚
It is just Panama landrace from seeds collected in 1972 - saved and gifted to me. I bred them true and the plants made more seeds for me. I also crossed it with my own (sort of) cultivar; the result usually makes red flowers. These ones here were grown from cuttings from my mother plants in Mexico. Grown 100% uber organic - no fertilizer - nutrient/vermicompost tea twice and aerated compost tea once. Soil is homemade compost with gravel.


Well-known member
Damn, after I posted recent photos I looked at my post and saw something I didn't want to see.

I found a small patch of mold. It wasn't deep and after removing the compromised material and using dental tools to separate the flowers while looking through a scope I didn't find any spread so I likely caught it. I still sprayed H202 dried it in front of a fan and sprayed H202 again.

I didn't find any worms but it's possible that there was one that got shaken off the plant as I shake the branches vigorously whenever I'm around them. I don't know.

What I do know is that I'm not happy. Things were looking good and then this.

Next year I'm definitely going to use some material around my outdoor plants to keep those moths away.

I went over the rest of the plant thoroughly and didn't find anything but I'll be looking daily from now to harvest.

The plants got wet and then it was humid. The buds are extremely dense though so lots of moisture in them.

Hopefully it doesn't spread.


Old Piney

Well-known member


Not ICMag Donor
I'm curious what have you been doing with your light manipulations? A little day extension to keep them in veg before? Seems to me you would just about be there with just natural
Yes, I had been supplementing with a couple of lightbulbs to make a 18/6 photoperiod. My plan was to switch them the first or second week of September. So right about now. Some of them (almost half of them) started autoflowering so I had to hurry with the last transplant and the switch.

You know how growing weed is, you have all these detailed plans for your grow, then nature says "nah, do this". Then you adapt 😅 But yeah, I'm just a couple of weeks off I guess.

Old Piney

Well-known member
I found a little mold or rot on my purple satellite plants. They are in the home stretch so I skipped them with the last BT spray , that was apparently a bad decision. I picked the affected bud and I did find the little bastards. Under a scope I could see their poop and a little white hairs spreading. No more skipping on the biologics. I'm liking the idea of a bud wash now @moose/MI and @revegeta666 thanks for the tip.Wash all that stuff off along with the worm poop and who knows what else. I'm gonna go with the peroxide solution wash. I use it as a sterilizing seed wash for old seeds and when I take cuttings from plants in flower to kill mold spores. I looked into propolix I can't get it here in the US Amazon says it's restricted. God knows why we can use all kinds of real nasty poison that's ok. I found another biologic fungicide approved for organic production call Abor
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Not ICMag Donor
I found a little mold or rot on my purple satellite plants. They are in the home stretch so I skipped them with the last BT spray , that was apparently a bad decision. I picked the affected bud and I did find the little bastards. Under a scope I could see their poop and a little white hairs spreading. No more skipping on the biologics. I'm liking the idea of a bud wash now @moose/MI and @revegeta666 thanks for the tip.Wash all that stuff off along with the worm poop and who knows what else. I'm gonna go with the peroxide solution wash. I use it as a sterilizing seed wash for old seeds and when I take cuttings from plants in flower to kill mold spores. I looked into propolix I can't get it here in the US Amazon says it's restricted. God knows why we can use all kinds of real nasty poison that's ok. I found another biologic fungicide approved for organic production call Abor
I wouldn't use propolix in flower anyway, it has a very strong smell that would surely affect the taste of your buds. Weird that it would be restricted in the US as it's a natural byproduct from bees.

I've never done the peroxide wash myself. It does sound a little extreme if you only found one botrytis spot. What I use is a bucket with lemon juice, another with sodium bicarbonate and a third one with distilled water to rinse off.


ICMag Donor
Got down to 40 F early this morning! Glad they got watered yesterday, so it will help them to cope with the cold a little better. Back up to the upper 80's later this week should help them keep filling out flowers. Maybe some rain chances after the next round of heat breaks this week!

A couple 40F nights can start to slow them down, but its a protected site with the trees around, and its elevated so the cold air tends to drain out to lower areas buffering temperature a bit.

Stay tuned, will get some updated shots later. :smoke:


Well-known member
@Holyherb420 I use a mix of animal manure, compost and rain water.

Syrian (day 15 dice flip).
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Nice looking plants.

I think the Syrian and Sinai are very similar as well as Lebanese. Same region. I might break out some Syrian and do a cross with a Panama/PCK cross I have. I made a cross with the Sinai and a Durban/PCK that turned out really good.

It's amazing what you can create when you go back as far as you can and make your own hybrids with the different strains that are available. Outfits like RSC and ACE provide the ingredients to cook whatever dish you want. 🧑‍🍳


Not ICMag Donor
My Syrian don't look that much like my Sinai. My Sinai are more branchy and have thinner leaves. My Syrian look a lot like my RSC Lebanese though. They smell alike too. The ace Lebanese I have look like straight sativas, and I have another Lebanese line from my friend mustafunk that are very tall and lanky. They're all related so there are similarities but there's also a high diversity within the lines.

PCK does great in crosses, that's why it has been so overused here in Spain. I also made a cross I am very fond of with it. I impregnated my favourite keeper (maple leaf) with 8 pck males and was very happy with the result.


ICMag Donor
Used Dave Thompson's Healthy Grow 3-3-3 which is based off chicken manure compost, it also contains feather meal and potash. I like to use chicken manure because its effective nitrogen source and also fertilizes with calcium, I think it said its 8% Ca.

Mixed into the soil the Healthy Grow and Cottonseed meal. Did monthly feedings. First month was a limited rate top dress of the Healthy Grow 3-3-3 and cottonseed meal. Other monthly applications were just Cottonseed meal. Although in August added Alfalfa meal along with Cottonseed meal using a high rate of each, and had a slight tip burn on a couple plants lower leaves from the excess available water soluble nitrogen from the alfalfa meal.

Plants seem to have done pretty well.

Limited watering during the summer, so that ended up promoting a slight nitrogen deficiency.

About to go out and inspect and get pictures.

Broke one of the smallest plants watering so have a foot long cola drying. Smells like Sativa Candy Chunk since about 2 weeks out from beginning to be ripe!

Smoke test in a few days! :smoke:


ICMag Donor
Bovedas have been pretty impressive. Moisture is spot on throughout the storage, but without burping this time starting to taste some staleness. I have experienced flower getting stale tasting in the past when it wasn't burped monthly. So recommend room temperature storage in glass jars with Boveda packs using limited headspace, just burp monthly.

I recommend curing for 60 days before storing in the freezer. That is adequate time to cure according to @BrassNwood . After a 60 day cure the flower is cured and he converts to kief concentrate.

Kief is a good way to store. Put that in the fridge, just be sure to cure before storage or making into kief concentrate.




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