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Outdoor 2018_spot 1


Well-known member
some kind of stem rot?

some kind of stem rot?

Two days ago I noticed a few small "white heads" on the stem of BC x PA. I don´t gave weigth to it. I thought it would something like bird shit that grazed on the steam and then dried of. Today, while watering, I further noticed a small brown slough (+/- 5cm) along the borders of 2mm deep rift and also white heads on MA x PA.

Has anyone an idea, what this should be?

Do I have to kill the girls?

The conditions are generally very dry since last two or three month. Stem rod would be special.

Unfortunately I´ve been there without camera. I will post pics as soon as possible.


Well-known member
... picture one: infection of BC x PA´s stem. It seems like the infection is proceeding from a wound at the point were leafestalk and stem are hitting each other.
Is this treatable?
Picture two: The stem of MA x PA is getting bigger and perhaps only lignifies. The photo isn´t sharp enough to see it clearly. I don´t found a wound or something like that.
picture 3: overview spot 1: front left ... MT x AI flowering nice, front right ... MA x PA. backround from left to right four plants PHM x KC, next (the highest one) BC x PA, next EB.
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Well-known member
oye paisaje! welcome to the stem rot club!
grab a scalpel and scrape off the infected bark until you see no more bloddy brown streaks... no worries if you reach the center of the stem, them cannas can take a hell lot of abuse...make sure you disinfect the exposed stem with peroxide or something and cover it with some pruning paste...a drench with some fungicide and aspirin follows up...
this way you can put off the foretold death, the critical point being how long the rot will be fended off...
best senario the plant may have some time to produce buds...worst one I'll leave to you... :)



Well-known member
Spot 1

Spot 1

Buenos dias!
things were going on spot 1 before and during my vacation.
I increased watering to 2x times 4 liter per plant and week. I also dissolved some "garden chalk" including Ca and Mg and added it to the water one time to increase a little bit the PH.

BCxPA: I treated the stem rot by 2 cuts (each +/- 15cm long, 5mm deep). Also I sprayed some mild fungicide on the leaves. She is stretching a lot and has begun to flower. Height: 2,3m.
EB: Flowering progresses. She`s bushy and looks relatively healthy. Height 1,8m. She receives more liquid organic fertilizer than the other plants.
PHMxKC (F1): All for plants have more yellow leaves than those of the other varieties. Perhaps she is not happy with PH modification. Branching increased a little bit. The latest to flower. Height between 1,8 and 2,0m.
MAxPA: Flowering has just begun. Branching has not increased that much. Height 1,9m.
MTxAI (F2): Flowering progresses fast. Very Thai leaning pheno. No hermaphroditism! She´s worth continuing breading with her. Her sisters on spot 2 are herming a lot. I pollinated her with some Zamaldelica pollen from an selected indoor plant. Perhaps I will harvest some viable F1 seeds for a indoor winter grow and a selection of automatic F2 offspring for outdoor season 2019.


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Well-known member
Zam male

Zam male

Initially I had 5 plants (4 Zam Standart and one Zam F2). The leaves of the young plants in veg stage had all the same slightly Malawi leaning look. They all began to flower +/- at the same time. (three males, two females) I selected the male with the most rapid grow speed to thrive along during my vacation (light/dark 10,5/13,5 Std.) and cut the top three nodes. The LST light at first had a distance of 50 cm to the tips of the plant. Back at home she was healthy and not burned from the lights. Now she gives me a lot of pollen.


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Well-known member
last report on spot 2

last report on spot 2

[FONT=&quot]Good morning all you gardeners and hemp aficionados![/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Just before my vacation I decided to remove the two TT ladies, because they showed to much "bananas". This is second outdoors season with out reaching the goal to harvest non herm F3 seeds from this line. Those should be 100% automatic Muay Thai x Golden Tiger. The F2 step was realized indoor without problems and "bananas". Fortune not smiled on me and my limited number of plants of this line. I appreciate much the professional efforts of the ACE team selecting between dozens or hundreds of plants. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Additionally KC and the cuttings of BCxPA and MAxPA were eaten (probably by deer). Now on Spot 2 are remaining only two non ACE genetic plants (MTxAI F3). They are herming, but not that much as TT F2. I will not continue breading with them. Nevertheless these two will give me a harvest. They need only another one or two weeks to ripen fully.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]During the last three outdoor seasons I worked with automatic varieties (based on Lowrider 2, Stitch 01 and Stich 02). They flower early enough and deers or other herbivores seemingly don´t like the flowering, resinous Cannabis plants. They also handle the outdoor conditions in my area very well (resistance) finishing early enough. The proportion of tropic long flowering genetics in my area can also be higher than in photoperodic lines. All this encourages me going on with automatic lines for guerilla gardening. ACE genetics will surely be included. Among others I´m dreaming of a GT or Zam dominant automatic line.[/FONT]


Well-known member
almost all ladies in flower

almost all ladies in flower

Hi there,
here is my update.

-PHMxKC: One female has just begun to flower (1,5 weeks later than last year). The other one still don´t flowers. I killed both males, because preflower stage has lasted to long (no chance to harvest ripe seeds).

-MAxPA: 2. week of flowering, height 2,1m.

-BCxPA: 3. week of flowering, height 2,4m. Stem rot seems to be stopped.

-EB: 6. week of flowering, height 1,9m, she starts getting resinous.

-MTxAI (F2) auto Thai pheno: 14. week of flowering, very resinous, fat and elongated buds. Perhaps one or to weeks until harvest. Seeds of Zam pollination are developing well. There are still only seeds on bottom small branches.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi paisajedehierba,

Hope you have had a great summer time! :)
The guerrilla garden looks nice despite your absence, sorry to hear that your auto Thai line is showning hermie tendencies, not easy to breed hermie-free Thai hybrids, but i encourage you to continue with the selections of your line, seems to have plenty of desirable tropical sativa influence yet autoflowering, hope the zamaldelica male provides good offspring!

Wish you also have some strong rains after harvesting the autos and before the ACE sativas are deep into flowering, bigger amounts of water will improve a bit the micro life of your soil and overall root systems of the remaining plants.


Well-known member
summer time was fine:tiphat:, hope yours too.
Two day ago I chopped down the MTxAI main buds (leaving Zamaldelica pollinated branches on the plant) ... just before the rains poored down yersterday!
Thank you for Encouragement to go on with the Thai auto line. I decided to realize two indoor runs in autum and winter 2018/2019. Muay Thai x GoldenTiger (Tiger Thai F2 – TT) seeds are already germinating.
My little Growbox 140 x 110 x 70 cm will explode because of so many plants necessary finding auto females and males (2 or 3 of each sex would be fine) and produce F3 seeds. I assume one out of three plants will be auto. Indoors I have had no hermie issues until today.
If there are fertile seeds of MTxAI x Zam I will also do the F1 grow this winter.


Well-known member
spot 1 two days ago

spot 1 two days ago

Stormy weather is predicted. Hoping Early Bubbahash will withstand this episode, because she carries heavy buds.
The other varieties are fine. MAxPA and BCxPA are already a bit frosty. PHMxKC stretches in early flowering but has to speed up a bit. Hope KC genes of this are able to speed up a little bit the flowering process.
I harvested MTxAI Thai pheno. The last days she begun to purple a little bit. She was very frosty. The plant looked like to rockets on one base ... ready to take of:laughing:. The main buds have the size of the whole human arm:biggrin:...and are really heavy ... with almost no mold.

Pictures are following soon.


Well-known member
spot 1 pictures

spot 1 pictures



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Well-known member
more pictures

more pictures

more pictures


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    MTxAI Thai pheno_two rockets on one base ready to take off_mainbuds harvestet_pollinated bottom .jpg
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Robbie vapez

Active member
Looking really good mate considering your limitations with water. Next season look into water crystals and I would mulch up under the plants to conserve evaporation but keep it clear of the stem


Well-known member
Hi Robbie vapez,
I don´t know water crystals. Is this something like volcanite or perlite ... porous natural material with water holding capacity ... roots can grow in?


Well-known member
spot 1 yesterday

spot 1 yesterday

Hi out there,
the first heavy autumn storm happened last weekend. All plants were weighed mas o menos. After the storm some symptoms have appeared, that I associate with to much N an spider mites (but I´m not really sure).

Early Bubba was lying on the ground visiting her tuesday. The steam is not broken. I stabilized her with some canes. She isn´t 100% ready, but I will harvest her this weekend. I´m not sure witch is the best time harvest a pure Indica. What do you think?

Kali China x (Purple Haze x Malawi) is very stressed. She shows curled leafes and some older leaves are punctated. Flower development is not that fast. Early flower stretch has slowed down.

Bangi Congo x Panama shows some nice frost. But there are also many leaves showing strong to heaven and on some yellow leaves are also punctated. The early flower stretch is over. Hope she finishes Third week October.

Malawi x Panama develops ok. The resin increases slow but steady. I hope the flowers will pack on volume and weight early enough.


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Well-known member
remaining three plants

remaining three plants

I harvested Early Bubba Hash and the seeded rest of MTxAI Thai pheno.
Early Bubba Hash was very stressed by the storm because of her heavy flowered branches (a bit more than 9 weeks of flowering). She had lost a bigger part of her hear roots and wasn´t able to stand on her own. I havn´t had enough tools at my guerilla garden to support her more. The support with canes from the surrounding always helped only a few hours. The harvest was a few days to early. There was a rest of +/- 30% white hairs in the flowers. But the smell was fantastic spicy, hashy, and sweet.:) She also was very resinous. Hope she provides a body and mind relaxing type of effect for smoking in the evening.

The MTxAI Thai pheno plant at least was attacked by some destruents that I don´t know. Nevertheless the seeded rest of the flowers became deep purple and seeds were ripe.. I surley will attempt The F1 winter run (MTxAI) x Zam. :)

The next plant to harvest will be Bangi Congo x Panama. She will be completly ready next week. The shady side oft the flowers is ripe. There are no white hairs left. The sunny side shows rest of flower development with white hairs. The flowers are very resinous. The smell is spicy lemony. The last few days have appeared also some bitter-sweet hints. All in all I am very happy with BCxPA. She is a hardy beast. I have a thrill of anticipation smoking her. :biggrin:
Malawi x Panama is fine. Flower development is relatively fast and the resin production very good. The smell is mainly organic and citric. Because of her short branches and the fact that the flowers in top half of plant are developing best, the mass center oft he plant is unfavorable. I have to support her with canes. I guess she will need to ripe further until end of October. I am looking forward to the first outdoor harvest of a photoperiodic tropic weed that perhaps provides really trippy moments. :biggrin:

Kali China x (Purple Haze x Malawi) has survived a serious spider mite attack. She received a treatment with mild insectized (based on canola oil and extract of Chrysanthemum flowers) to times (5 day intervall). She recovers good. But the flower development meanwhile is two weeks slower than last year. Nevertheless the flowers are sane and resinproduction has started. She will need time until first or second week of November. To survive that long she has to show how hard she really is.