Tribalism makes you blind to the faults of your side. All politicians are two faced, it's part of the job. Greed is human nature, and the corruption is our fault for allowing it. Keep fracking away from the water, considering one is vital for life that is an easy choice. Ethanol is silly, biodiesel is better but still soso.
My outdoor stuff is organic, because I can make enough compost to do it for free. The organic industry is hypocritical for example kelp. It has a way more important job to do than grow my weed. Then to ship it when I can grow nettle or comfrey on site.
Sorry about the rant but seasonal depression is wearing off, and I must say osmocote helped in that department all my plants look great despite a bit of neglect.
My outdoor stuff is organic, because I can make enough compost to do it for free. The organic industry is hypocritical for example kelp. It has a way more important job to do than grow my weed. Then to ship it when I can grow nettle or comfrey on site.
Sorry about the rant but seasonal depression is wearing off, and I must say osmocote helped in that department all my plants look great despite a bit of neglect.