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- Opiated Thai Sticks: Myth or Truth? -

Donald Mallard

el duck
Udorn was a US Military base ,or maybe you mentioned that. Anyway the bars around all the US military bases were where the shipment logistics and connections took place.

yes , because of the air base there dime ,
as a result 10 000 soldiers were based there at the height of the vietnam war ,
not sure why they always refer to it as Udorn ,, but they can leave off the r , its correctly said Udon , short for Udonthani ...

"By the early 1970s, the foreign demand for ganja had produced a boom in Isan, the poorest region of Thailand. Although it is in Nakhon Phanom Province, Thailand, the region’s economic and social ties are closer to Laos. North of Udorn on the banks of the Mekong, Isan is a plateau the size of New England that floods during monsoon season and is arid and dusty in the dry season. Although rice fields are hard to irrigate and do not yield much, marijuana thrives thanks to the Mekong River, whose tributaries replenish the region with rich, silty soil. “This area [Nakhon Phanom] everyone have water, but the climate and the soil somehow make this area very good. The sun very good, very nice, and the night time very cold,” said one Thai who began growing there in 1966. “If you grow same plant, same seed another place, have different taste."

Donald Mallard

el duck
My coauthor and I conducted close to 1000 hours of interviews in Thailand, Cambodia, and the US and found no evidence of the "opiated Thai Stick." One otherwise credible source claimed that some Thai had an "opium tincture" sprinkled on it. Although the source was a major early player who caught the first "Golden Voice" that was shipped via APO to Oahu, his time in Asia was limited, and he was mistaken. The fact that this myth persists is testimony to how strong Thai Stick were.


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So far the points that have been proven are that both Opium and Cannabis is produced side by side in the Golden Triangle.


Take Laos for example, this is a country know for large productions of Cannabis and Opium products.

What's also proven is that Opium can be smoked in a regular pipe on a conventional way together with organic matter.

In the following documentary they show people smoking Opium that they mixed with some kind of tobacco like plant and smoke it into a (bamboo) pipe.

Does this mean that's impossible that opiated Thai sticks were never a thing or was impossible?
In some areas it's grown side by side and you can actually consume Opium smoked in a regular pipe mixed organic matter.
I don't think it's impossible that it existed.

Does this mean that opiated Thai sticks were produced on a large scale? No, I don't think so because then there would be a lot of evidence.

My thread is also called 'Opiated Thai sticks: myth or facts?', it's interesting to know that large scale production of Opiated Thai sticks didn't existed. But claiming that not a single one existed or is impossible because you can't consume it this way is probably going to be inaccurate.

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Donald Mallard

el duck
I think every single poster said it was both possible , and likely ,
but doubtful on any scale , given the logistics among other things ,
as mentioned , it was a cottage industry in the north east ,
and they probably were not that interested in involving others , escpecially folks growing opium in next door countries ,
and of course it would have been noted by folks like smugglers , growers and others in the industry if there had been any , especially quantity of opiated thai stick ,

and given the reasons from all that have tried opium and cannabis ,
not something most would go back for more, so no reason to produce it on scale since they only want to make stuff that sells readily and the market wants ,
thai stick was in high demand ,, no point adding something to it that wouldnt be received that well , particularly if they needed to ask more for it ...
we are certainly on agreement there , as are most in the thread ...


Well-known member
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How am I attacking your credibility, Wally ?

All I did was prove a point, and that point was you were too young to even know what Thai was around and being imported in.

By your own admission you were 14/15 when the Thai imports stopped and going by your own experience we had a year more of imports here than you did down south.

I know what I saw and what I scored and smoked.

First it was you can't lace cannabis with opium, then it was Thais never smoked opium laced cannabis, well both of those arguments were proven incorrect.

I stand by what I originally said that resulted in this thread being started.
Seeing the facts that were posted and everyone seems to be in agreeings in the thread that it could have existed on a (very) small scale.

I personally think then that your claims might be true Hempy that you had Opiated Thai Sticks in the past. You also said if I remember correctly that you only managed to score it a few times. This would also be in line with what everyone say's.

My apologies if I ever came across if I doubted you Hempy. I just wanted to get the facts first.



The Haze Whisperer
and given the reasons from all that have tried opium and cannabis ,
not something most would go back for more, so no reason to produce it on scale since they only want to make stuff that sells readily and the market wants

The number of narcotic users in Thailand, including Thai (the majority now), Chinese, and hill-tribes people, probably approaches 250,000. Since the abrupt 1959 ban on opium there has been a steady increase in heroin use (mostly among the young who now predominate) although there is still extensive opium use. The heroin is taken by "chasing the dragon" and sometimes by injection, and opium by smoking. Cannabis is widely used in the country, particularly in the north-east by smoking in pipes or cigarettes or adding it to food. It is often in combination with the opiates.

The report from the UN clearly says cannabis use was widely used through Thailand, particularly in the north-east by smoking in pipes or cigarettes.

It also clearly says It is often in combination with the opiates.

Why would the UN make this up.

The opiated Thai sticks were not a regular or common thing, so no they were not a common import here, and I would say that would include the US. Were they more common during the Vietnam War I don't know, I can only go by my own experiences and that was before I started to score and smoke.

As for the smugglers, they dealt with middle men in Bangkok unless you were CIA, then you dealt with the Warlords and villages from with in the Golden Triangle.
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Donald Mallard

el duck
As for the smugglers, they dealt with middle men in Bangkok unless you were CIA, then you dealt with the Warlords and villages from with in the Golden Triangle.
Mike Ferguson first traveled to Udorn, Thailand during the Vietnam War. With a Thai dictionary and sign language, he told a cab driver that he was a tropical agriculture graduate student interested in seeing a ganja farm. In one village near Udorn, his driver put out the call and everyone scattered. Within minutes, villagers returned with bags and bags of Thai sticks. “It was a cottage industry. They all did it, and it cost about three dollars a kilo!” Ferguson put the load in custom-built boxes, labeled them scientific equipment, and shipped them back to Hawaii air freight. Although Ferguson thought he was playing “Moscow Rules,” surfer scammer Craig Williams heard through the grapevine that Ferguson had just put together another load, and contacted him. Ferguson knew of Williams because he’d a made a name for himself by successfully sailing the first load of Papa Grande’s colitas to Oahu. At the time, the seedless Mexican buds, made famous by the Eagles’ hit song “Hotel California” (1974), were so much stronger than any other pot in Hawaii that the Honolulu Advertiser warned that a new “superpot” had invaded the islands. #fergy#udorn#potpioneers


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I think every single poster said it was both possible , and likely ,
but doubtful on any scale , given the logistics among other things ,
Great seeing that you agree! This makes Hempy (and several others) their claims also plausible.

Donald Mallard

el duck
Great seeing that you agree! This makes Hempy (and several others) their claims also plausible.
not really ,
i agree that its likely and possible cannabis and opium have been used together ,
but quite unlikely it was made to export,
in fact , there is no evidence that it ever happened,

sorry , im a realist ,
i like solid evidence on stuff in order to believe
only 1 person in this thread says they tried something they claim was opiated thai stick ,
certainly not proof of anything ....
where are the others ??

there is only 1 ....


🦫 Special 🍆
Other guy commented his veteran neighbours words . Not copy paste from an adventure book
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Donald Mallard

el duck
Other guy commented his veteran neighbours words . Not copy paste from an adventure book
yes ,,
so there is still only one in this thread that claims to have tried it ,
like i just said,
not sure you could call the thai stick book an adventure book either ,
but thats another matter that we are not discussing ...
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