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- Opiated Thai Sticks: Myth or Truth? -


The Haze Whisperer
if you first saw thai sticks in 79 and i saw them in 81 ,
thats not a huge variance in time really ..
Wally, you claimed in the video podcast with Matt Riot titled

Wally Duck & High & Lonesome.​

That you were 14 or 15 when the Thai imports stopped, and why you and others started to grow Thai that was in your wards. So how would you even know what Thai was like before that period, personally you wouldst.

I have the memory of an elephant, I scored my first Thai sticks in September 1979 and that was the first cannabis I ever paid for I was 16 and continued to buy all and any Thai I could regardless of how much I hag of my own I grew up until the imports stopped in 84/85.

The last Thai I saw was complete rubbish, it had a very short high it looked right smelt and tasted correct, but it was rubbish it had a mild short high.

We then collected seed from with in Thailand in 1986 as I have said my story has never changed.

The Thai I grow now originates from imported Thai sticks from 1978.

The opiate Thai sticks were not a common item, I scored them twice in that 5 or 6-year period and heard of them at most 4 times.

Opium was sold as was opiate Hash, I did not see it as a big deal then or do I still.


The Haze Whisperer
Nothing you've posted has changed my mind at all. Thanks for the opium vids you and cvh posted though. They were interesting. :tiphat:

Just because opium and cannabis were produced in the same country does not mean that exported sticks were dipped in opium. Seeing the process makes me think this is even less likely.

Opium is and was more expensive so why waste some on sticks that are already the most marketable cannabis in the West.
None of the smugglers (who've come out) say this was happening, nor do the Thai's.
No evidence in seizures either.
No one has demonstrated if dipping sticks in this liquid would actually get you an opium high.

It's a cannabis myth. I know you think you smoked them, but you had no way of knowing other than your dealer told you.
With all due respect Chi convincing you is not why I posted I know what I saw and smoked, I don't need anyone's validation.


The Haze Whisperer
Here you go Wally, I copied and pasted the transcript from the video.

more again um so yeah Wally tell us how you got started to begin with uh like started smoking weed you

because um his friend had a property and um and we couldn't get tie sticks anymore

so we thought we we'd grow our own stuff so and uh I was about 14 or 15 at that

Donald Mallard

el duck
That you were 14 or 15 when the Thai imports stopped, and why you and others started to grow Thai that was in your wards. So how would you even know what Thai was like before that period, personally you wouldst.
this is true , we didnt see thai sticks after that ,
but we did see golden thai , aka golden buddha up until 85 ,
and i saw the first thai sticks in 81 ...

i was introduced to them by folks a fair bit older than you ,
and im an inquisitive sort of person , so i ask questions ,
no one said they had opiated thai sticks , i asked them , and the person i asked first , the guy who introduded me to them was selling them too , he got them off his boss , they mentioned them coming in a bundle , a few other details that i dont really remember that much ,, but i sure did investigate a bit ...

Donald Mallard

el duck
Here you go Wally, I copied and pasted the transcript from the video.

more again um so yeah Wally tell us how you got started to begin with uh like started smoking weed you

because um his friend had a property and um and we couldn't get tie sticks anymore

so we thought we we'd grow our own stuff so and uh I was about 14 or 15 at that
yes mate , i started growing at 14 ,
as mentioned we didnt get any thai sticks after that ,
but we got golden thai ,
i dont see u mention that , other than the seed you got was called that ,
this went on a while , i dont recall exactly how long , but i do remember smoking the last bit in 85 ...

years later , in around 2001 , i got some seed from a guy called dogsnob , labelled golden buddha ,
he lived around the sydney area , so i guess it was there too , dunno how you missed it being so connected as you tell us you are , oh and lets not forget , u are 3 years old , which of course counts for a lot .. lol ...

those seeds werent viable sadly ...

Donald Mallard

el duck
The opiate Thai sticks were not a common item, I scored them twice in that 5 or 6-year period and heard of them at most 4 times.
umm , if u scored them over a 5 to 6 year period ,
and u first saw them in 79 , and i saw thai sticks in 81 ,
then it seems i was around during the time of these opiated sticks you mention ,
unless my maths is a bit off .. ????
it can be since i sometimes dont seem to know how old i am according to calculations in a previous post someone made ... lol ..

Donald Mallard

el duck
Nothing you've posted has changed my mind at all. Thanks for the opium vids you and cvh posted though. They were interesting. :tiphat:

Just because opium and cannabis were produced in the same country does not mean that exported sticks were dipped in opium. Seeing the process makes me think this is even less likely.

Opium is and was more expensive so why waste some on sticks that are already the most marketable cannabis in the West.
None of the smugglers (who've come out) say this was happening, nor do the Thai's.
No evidence in seizures either.
No one has demonstrated if dipping sticks in this liquid would actually get you an opium high.

It's a cannabis myth. I know you think you smoked them, but you had no way of knowing other than your dealer told you.
yes i have definitely learnt somethings reading what dime added ,
and the few clips ive watched ,,
the one cvh added was a bit sad really
to see how many folks in that village wasted themselves on opium ,
and how that also affected their immediate family , and really the whole village ...

Donald Mallard

el duck
What you said in the podcast don't add up with what you're posting, Wally.

It's that simple.
i dont see why not mate ,
im drawing directly from the memory of it ,
u said i told them i saw thai sticks in 84 for the first time
but i dont see u quote that directly , i ve said nothing different
you are just cherry picking and nit picking ... and also you are wrong about somethings i said as mentioned in my third sentence of this post ..

i think u are just trying to twist things around a bit for what ever reason ,
probably because u tend to usually attack folks credibility ,
i can assure you , i remember the events from my life quite well , particularly those ones ,
so no need to question them mate ...

Donald Mallard

el duck
enough of this stupid posting , it doesnt get things solved ,
or any further ,, it annoys me .... its stupid and senseless given you story cant be proved ,
attacking me and what i ve said or not said doesnt solve or prove anything ...

please just post positive observations etc , and no more character attacking ,
or trying to attack the credibility of folks , its poor behavior only done usually when folks tend to be feeling like they are loosing an argument or something of that nature ...


Well-known member
"I've always thought of organised religion as a way of controlling people, "opiate of the masses" kind of thinking. "
that's chi13, i think him and wally are forming their own hempy cult


Well-known member
I think my posts will be deleted and i will be suspended from thread again...way they control their beliefs, and what you think

Donald Mallard

el duck
I think my posts will be deleted and i will be suspended from thread again...way they control their beliefs, and what you think
nothing to do with control muddy ,
its about staying on topic and not cluttering the thread up with useless inane posts like this one for instance..
you can believe what u like and think what u like ,
but unless u have something to contribute to this thread ,, go to another where you have ...


Well-known member
I would say opiated thai sticks would have definitely been a thing.

There was lots of heroin going round these parts up until early 2000's and yes people would even spike their own as well as lace other peoples weed.

I think it would be foolish for people to think westerners were the first to mix opium and weed together!


Well-known member
Any substance user worth the lighter in his pocket knows full well that shit went down...maybe it didn't last long in production, but i defo happened

Donald Mallard

el duck
yea well if u read everythinjg that has been posted ,
everyone has agreed at some point those have been mixed ,
to what end , well at the cost of the weed , which was not needed as it was completely negated by the opium ,

hence most in the thread agreeing for that reason alone , thais didnt need to put any opium on their thai sticks , it would have ruined an already perfect product ...

there are many other reasons why most that have posted in the thread previously have said they dont believe and never saw it themselves ,
but its up to you to read that ..

Donald Mallard

el duck
Any substance user worth the lighter in his pocket knows full well that shit went down...maybe it didn't last long in production, but i defo happened
you seem sure of yourself muddy ,
care to show us any evidence of thai sticks being dipped in opium ??
you cant say something definitely happened without proof , evidence ,
were you there >> ?? have u even seen thai sticks ,, ??

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