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ole creeper's out of the closet


Well-known member


I put the wrong EC on the top post. Instead of 3.5 EC its 6.5 EC. I checked today using EC instead of ppm. Sorry


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15 days from sprout

15 days from sprout

Just rain only with 1ml cal-mag per gallon. Haven't even used two gallons of water this grow.





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getting em ready

getting em ready

I raised my cal-mag, 2ml per gal,or(4L) of rain water. pH (little low)

Yesterday I had 15C 70F temp. Perfect for acclimation into the outdoors. put em out for 4 hr.

Their still getting 20 hrs of light a day. My goal is to trigger photo flowering, starting March 10th, flip with natural sun light and get spring flowers.


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drop off

drop off

On my last outdoor grow, I will share what has worked for me, over the past many, years(70s). Just growing for stash, not cash! Just a Hobby, Going to keep it small!!!!!! I drop off stuff,(plants,water,shovel), at night, and ride my bicycle in at dawn. I may spend maybe 3 minutes at each plot then go to the next. I cultivate and aerate the soil with a hand cultivator. NO more automobile driving for me because of my bad one eye condition. . When I drove, I would park my truck, at a petro station or, on the side of a highway, and ride my bike to check on my plants (20minute bike ride}. The best days to go are Sundays & holidays just before daylight. Less traffic. So much fun! Usually home by 8:00 am in the morning.
So this drop will be one 20 liter rain water jug by a friend. This one area has no water and so I’m depending on the rainy season to water them. However I may have 10 or 15 days with no rain. Just in case. One 5 gal only hid in the bush!
The best time to move anything is when there are no plants in the ground! Just in case!



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outdoor fall garden

outdoor fall garden

Two things I love about going outside just before spring.
1. Tender vegetation allows me to see if there has been any kind of traffic in the area, in the last few weeks. I walk softly and stay under the tree canopy, not to leave any trails.
2. I can set in the secret growing area without worrying about anything, because no weed growing at this time. Just setting in the woods is therapy to me. I listen to all the sounds and smell the smells. I just can’t tell you with words how valuable the setting time has been for me all these years. Best times of my life! It brings up a kind of sadness now, knowing this is my last grow. Turned all beds today.






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Last Frost date in this area
March 10 to April 9
The difference between Spring flower garden and fall garden is starting photo period and planting date..
For spring flowering plants, I run lights 20 hr. and 12-12 flip 10 days before taking outside. 3/10 to 3/21
For fall flowering plants, I run the lights 12 hr. until planting in spring. 4/10 to 5/0

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Well-known member
No, don't want anyone to see anything. That's why I camouflage all my composted fall plots with sticks and grass, so no one will notice anything. When you look in the area you can't tell anyone has done anything. I push last years rag-weed stalks in the ground and spread grass clippings to look like they grew there.

I learned way back not to put the fall flowering plants out too early! If its is the only thing to eat they will eat it. In April the vegetation is thicker, and the deer and rabbit have plenty of food and leave my plants alone.
My spring flowering garden I use a spray called "GO AWAY", Deer & Rabbit Repellent. However I haven't noticed much rabbit there this year. I will still spray all the plants when time.
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outdoor seeds

outdoor seeds

Spring flower seed used
Chimera ultimate mix x chemo male, seem like it was fast enough flowering indica’s to get me some spring buds(60dayphotos). I’ve had super good luck for the last 6 years with this cross, with the exception of last year. Last year, my spring flowers got ripped off! I went to harvest 4 days early and found all my girls were taken. The last time I checked them, before they were taken, they stank and were sticky, that’s why I went early. Broke my heart. I thought about those people later, and how they took my stuff, off their property, probably having a real blast with OUR buds.. (share)

Fall flowering seed used
Since I have a long growing season with 8 to 9 months to grow with, I will use Mandala Kalichakra & Safari Mix as inexpensive alternative for this last guerilla grow. Should get some good plants out of this mix. Very excited to have a good choice of plants.
Mostly sativa, mandala seed has taken the heat of my brutally hot dry summers in the past.


Indicas make dreams happen
My mountain bike has definitely been one of my best friends for growing in the bush. Fast, fairly silent, can be taken in the brush and easily hid, and has no license plate attached to it! All of my grows have been for personal supply as well. I love not having to screw around with dealers anymore.


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weather hold

weather hold

The weather update says I’m going to get freezing temps next week. That means I have to hold on to my plants until I can get a 10 day forecast with no frost. I’m right at the beginning window of planting season. I have many opportunities to plant new plants over the next 2 months. If I plant too early I lose plants to a frost, and if I plant too late, I miss the 12x12 hr for spring flowers. Race is On!
Starting a 12 hr photo period now, (today) I can eliminate the males and not risk having to transport extra plants to the plots. I have no other choice but to use light deprivation while I’m waiting for the freezing weather to past. Since I’m already using a 20hr photo period for my hybrids (other thread) and can’t change my timer, I will store my plants in a large box for 12 hr. a day and return them back to the 20 hr light for a 12 hr a day. I may have to do this for a week or two. I usually can spot & kill the males in 10 days of 12 x 12! Everything is depending on the weather. Timing is crucial!

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Well-known member
I never plant seed in the wilderness only live plants, WORKS. (Important) Always put out plants with woody stems and never herbaceous stems. Woody stems are more tolerant of the cold and dry conditions when they are young. Before I plant my plant, I dig down about 18 cm(7in)down and check the moisture content with may hand. If I hit moisture within 7in, I plant my plant and leave. However If I dig and don’t hit any moisture, then I have to add a gallon of rain water to each hole before I plant. As of now, there has been plenty of rain the last month and shouldn’t need water. . It’s a good ideal to water in all plants at planting time.
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I don’t think it’s a good ideal to sit with plants ever. They are so beautiful and staring at them is fun, but dangerous. Never wear anything in the bush that’s not Neutral colors. Never yellow reds whites or anything shiny. To check the neutral color of your gear, hang it in a tree and stand back 50 meters and take a look. My favorite is Green top with earth brown paints, with a black pack! When I ride my bike, I put a yellow reflector vest on, so the autos won’t run over me. However, I always take the vest off about a mile before I get the growing areas.
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This is the strategy now. If I only spend 3 minutes at each plot with plants and make 5 trips in 3 months, that means I was there a total of 15 minutes in 90 days. Hardly there at all! The less amount of time you spend with the plants the safer it is. There’s no real reason to visit 5 trips unless there’s a dry spell. I like to have the plants sexed and put out and not come back unless I have to. As long as I’m in the rainy season, I have no reason to take any risk. So I’m there, about 5 min. only in 90 or 120 days total. Talking spring Flowers.

The Old Strategy was to plant all plants you could, and then return one time to pull the males. In those days, I love to smoke the growing shoots of males, very potent, when you had nothing to smoke. Two trips, get males then get females in Oct. In the Old days it was a felony for a matchbox of weed and one could get 10 years. Very dangerous times. Still dangerous times.


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keeping look out

keeping look out

I carry a small trash bag with crushed aluminum cans with me on my trips. If anyone asks what I’m doing, I say "I’m picking up scrap metal". If I see a cop looking person, I start stomping on cans and putting them in my bag on the side of the road. I may walk a good way, throwing off any suspicion and pick up a lot of cans (paranoid). If I’m caught in the deep woods by anyone, I’ll pull out my bird watching book from my pack, and say I’m a bird watcher. I even know a few bird calls. If I’m close to the road, I just say I’m taking a piss. Now all this being said, I’ve never had to talk to anyone, but I’m ready if I have to. I’ve picked up a lot of cans from being little paranoid.


Indicas make dreams happen
I agree on not planting seeds out in the woods. It was one of the first outdoors growing lessons I learned years ago when a buddy and I tried putting seeds out. They sprouted, but were quickly eaten by bugs/animals. This later lead me to my first successful grow, with established plants (yes, the woody stems are important!) and I grew them in buckets hanging in a tree as I was terrified of all ground dwelling pests.

I try to spend as little time as possible at the grow site, but it sure is hard cause looking at the plants is so enjoyable! I wear green/brown/muted colors and always keep my face covered. Never know if any trail cameras are watching. Never go in stoned. EVER. If you feel overly paranoid or something feels off, don't stick around. The last thing you would want is to overlook a security risk cause of being high.

I carry a fishing pole with me as an alibi. I always grow near a water source so watering is easy and the fishing pole makes for a believable cover story. Also carry some fishing tackle with me. I always pick up trash out of good habit and have even stumbled onto the failed grows of others which I've cleaned up. Haven't run into anyone I needed to answer questions to yet.

Smoking pot isn't addictive, but growing it sure is! Stay safe and grow on!
:plant grow:


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JustSumTomatoes, you have the fever too! Super post bro! The only thing I find difficult to do from you post, is never go in stoned. To be honest I never not go in, without being stoned. That's what makes it a blast for me. I love to take me a couple of vape pulls before and after I go to plots. Love riding bicycle stoned.

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