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Old stoners, How many meds are you on?



Thisbuds4u said:
The Doc put me on Isosobide 30 mg. And Nitroquick. Man do I get sleepy with the darvocets puts me out. I start to walk like I'm drunk. :yummy:

Yeah, that's the same kind I'm on, but 120 mg. You oughta see me stumbling around the house after the methadone for pain, the Lexapro for depression, & the xanax & klonopins for anxiety & heart. But weed wakes me right up. Some peeps say that weed makes them tired. Not me...gets me ready-to-go. :joint:


zoltron said:
Yeah, that's the same kind I'm on, but 120 mg. You oughta see me stumbling around the house after the methadone for pain, the Lexapro for depression, & the xanax & klonopins for anxiety & heart. But weed wakes me right up. Some peeps say that weed makes them tired. Not me...gets me ready-to-go. :joint:

Dido here bro..... :woohoo: :wave:

Mojave Dave

55 years old and I take (daily) morphine, tons of Co-proxamol (an opiate), Citalopram (to help keep depression at bay), and the strongest bud I can possibly grow to beef-up the assult on my pain.
Part of my diagnosis is an aggressive, progressive, Neurological "wasting" disorder whereby my nerves are slowly dying off...in my legs the worst and my arms not quite as bad. The pain I experience ranges from an overall ache that would resemble what a healthy person would experience after being beat-up...to blinding white pain that leaves me writhing on the bed or floor until the meds kick in.
This is a daily thing with me and it really gets on top of me sometimes.

But thanks to Cannabis, which brightens up so many aspects of my life when I smoke it, I can tolerate all of this nonesense a lot better.

*shrugging my shoulders* What'a ya gonna do?

I will say that the new Volcano I have makes the whole process of getting the THC into my system worlds better than it was before! What an incredible piece of technology!
Beg borrow or steal...you have to get one of these for yourself. You'll be sooo glad you did!


Mojave Dave said:
55 years old and I take (daily) morphine, tons of Co-proxamol (an opiate), Citalopram (to help keep depression at bay), and the strongest bud I can possibly grow to beef-up the assult on my pain.
Part of my diagnosis is an aggressive, progressive, Neurological "wasting" disorder whereby my nerves are slowly dying off...in my legs the worst and my arms not quite as bad. The pain I experience ranges from an overall ache that would resemble what a healthy person would experience after being beat-up...to blinding white pain that leaves me writhing on the bed or floor until the meds kick in.
This is a daily thing with me and it really gets on top of me sometimes.

But thanks to Cannabis, which brightens up so many aspects of my life when I smoke it, I can tolerate all of this nonesense a lot better.

*shrugging my shoulders* What'a ya gonna do?

I will say that the new Volcano I have makes the whole process of getting the THC into my system worlds better than it was before! What an incredible piece of technology!
Beg borrow or steal...you have to get one of these for yourself. You'll be sooo glad you did!

You're getting morphine, dude? I've got stenosis, which is a degenerative disorder that deteriorates my spinal discs & the padding in-between. Doc's got me on methadone, but I want morphine & dilaudids & some black-tar scag & some China White smack & some pure opium from the Burma Golden Triangle & some.... :badday: :sasmokin: :woohoo: :fsu:


Meds huh?

Meds huh?

Well, delta^9 THC,Nicotine,Caffeine,100proof...aspirin...yep thats about it... maybe some diazapam ocassionally...

nite all im wrecked :fsu:

High n Dry

I am a very lucky old bastid.

Just turned 61 and don't really take anything more than the occasional aspirin or ibuprofin.


I forgot 1 other pill I take............



48 and two wrecked shoulders courtesy of dirt bike, ATV and ski accidents. I gave up caffeine and cigars. Now it's reefer, beer and the occasional aspirin or IB.


High n Dry said:
I think my weed is laced with that shit..:woohoo:
I know the feeling. I smoked a doob with my neighbor and my head started to spin. WTF? :yoinks:


Active member
Hello all,

I will be 47 next month.

I take one pill a day for cholesteral(sp) and one a day for arthritis.

I smoke from the the time I get up till bedtime. about a 1-1.5 grams a day

i will be 61 this year. my wife is divorcing me, i'm almost bankrupt, i was bust for the 4th time in 13 years last september, i'm in court this week. i still manage with my sweet mary as my only medi, i feel total stress on the odd day, it passes. i've never had an anibiotic. lucky in health, fucked the finance and love life up, but i can still run.


happycabbyman said:
i will be 61 this year. my wife is divorcing me, i'm almost bankrupt, i was bust for the 4th time in 13 years last september, i'm in court this week. i still manage with my sweet mary as my only medi, i feel total stress on the odd day, it passes. i've never had an anibiotic. lucky in health, fucked the finance and love life up, but i can still run.
I feel for ya bro. I've been there myself with the divorce and bankruptcy. Don't stress. it will pass. :woohoo: