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Old School White Widow


Well-known member
I did the seedsman white widow and they were a lot more stretchy than I expected, yielded surprisingly well too if I remember.

From what I was told, the coffeeshop clone is what made her famous.

I did the greenhouse white rhino but didn’t like the taste and smell of it.
That’s not to say gh don’t have some nice strains… the Hawaiian snow is evilly strong and I found a big bang that I kept as clones for well over a year.


Well-known member
Secretariat's physical ability came from the mother, and it's one of those genetic things that only can be transmitted by the female. The male offspring can have the advantageous ability, but cannot pass it on. Look to the sisters or mothers or aunts to find those with the large hearts. So i've read.
Thank you for the comment .I think it ends up being a combination that just clicks and luck is a factor in any breeding. Some people think because they have a really good plant they are assured of great offspring if they use it but it has to combine and both must have the ability to reliably pass it on. I also wonder if the age of the stock at time of mating has any effect. Somethingroyal was 18 when she had secretariate,Bold Ruler sired 11 champions,he had a lot of physical injuries but his offspring did not have as many. He died at 17 from cancer and was the first horse ever to undergo radiation therapy


Well-known member
Since you never had any experience with the WW, regarding the thread title, best for me is block your useless presence in my feed.

I don't have any experience other than smoking the real thing way back in the day. I was smoking and growing pot back in the 70's. I've heard every story imaginable over the years. I don't believe 95% of them. You apparently do.

This forum is good because of the maturity level of the posts. Why do you choose to bring insults here when there are plenty of other forums for that nonsense. Please do put me on ignore until you can learn to interact like an adult with critical thinking skills and a modicum of class.


Stray Cat
You sir are a mullet...those are my photos. I grew those plants. I manage that facility, I am their grower. And yes, not my own place, as this facility is worth over ten million dollars..I am however in charge of it.
You are the troll..I asked for your photos, you post nothing..I already posted mine before you asked. I screenshoted the last pics off my insta account. LOL. I've got too many pics on my PC to go find some randomly names pictures from 2 years back, was easier just to find where I had posted them before and screenshot them. This year I pulled off 20 000m2 of summer harvests, maybe 200 000 plants. I grow tons of export herb, I do not need to steal someone elses pictures, I grow enough to take my own photos LOL.

"no one showing a single photo from his own place." LOL...mate you are deluded and you are blind. I am over engaging with you.
You're a troll because you're unable to do a simple reading. For the third time, I'll repeat that this thread restarted in a post with my photos, but you are asking again. Really hard to engage with people like you. First you read, then you talk. The pics you posted are from other hybrids, not from White Widow.
And you say I'm blind, but you made the same question over and over again without considering the answer. Btw, you are so naive that you liked my post 9 pages back. And you keep asking me for photos. And I keep answering that, beyond the post, I'm running a journal.
I believe you work in a commercial facility, watering plants and not administrating it. Because you really have intellectual limitations.

Your photos? Why you are formatting them to post here? You've downloaded them from somewhere else, I have tools to check it. And my fancy tools says that you downloaded them from the internet.

Over engaging, now you said your first truth here; welcome to the ignore list.


Well-known member
You should read the thread and you'll see my photos. Trolls dont even read the things, they just react.
Exactly what you're doing.
You were shouting the same shit at Roms for stealing his own pictures.. LOL

There's a saying, don't argue with an idiot, they just beat you down to their level with their ignorance. So thats me out of your little argument. Enjoy your time here, my engagement with you is over.


Well-known member
You're a troll because you're unable to do a simple reading. For the third time, I'll repeat that this thread restarted in a post with my photos, but you are asking again. Really hard to engage with people like you. First you read, then you talk. The pics you posted are from other hybrids, not from White Widow.
And you say I'm blind, but you made the same question over and over again without considering the answer. Btw, you are so naive that you liked my post 9 pages back. And you keep asking me for photos. And I keep answering that, beyond the post, I'm running a journal.
I believe you work in a commercial facility, watering plants and not administrating it. Because you really have intellectual limitations.

Your photos? Why you are formatting them to post here? You've downloaded them from somewhere else, I have tools to check it. And my fancy tools says that you downloaded them from the internet.

Over engaging, now you said your first truth here; welcome to the ignore list.
You need fancier tools.. You need that tool called common sense .. This is not the only place on the internet where we post.
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Stray Cat
Photos from cell phones and proprietary sources holds different hashes from photos downloaded online.


White Widow, not another hybrid.

Now you gonna ask for the receipt or original breeder pack?
Zero patience for stupid people, I cant ask for sorry because I was right.


Yes, this one is more Afghani than my older Nirvana. But this is just a trait. My last plant - a Paraguayan bagseed - had thinner leaves and it has pure indica effect.


Well-known member
Bro you have one picture on here of a WLD widow and you are still going on about thin leaves. Go and read the other thread about the classic widow and skunk recommends, you will find us discussing the same same, while still being civil with each other, before you were even a member here.


Still not the original images, but the same as before..But without the cropping and instagram reformat..Wonder what the software says about these? LOL..yup common sense. This was 3 years ago.

This is this years harvest. But not white widow.


I have enough respect from my peers that I respect.

You may be but we are not kids here.

Now would you please stop polluting this thread with your attacks on everyone who disagrees with you. Otherwise there are forums where that childishness is the norm, this is not it.
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Stray Cat
Congratulations on being a grow commercial cleaner. It must be very interesting to clean the floors of a place like that. I'll pass.

These videos and photos trying to assert yourself are still all without any proof of origin, you're just an inexpressive troll with comprehension difficulties. I'm not going to explain the leaf issue for the third time. A guy who mops the floor isn't going to understand genetics, I've given up on your ignorance.


Well-known member
Yeah, I read the first post and gave a smoke report of thousands of smokes. No reaction so wheres the point?
It‘s all your own perspective but in my region skunk #1, white widow, afghan and haze dominated the scene and every dutch weed in the coffee shops was a bit like these strains.
When I started to grow my own weed with new strains, it started to became interesting again. No paranoia, no dumbness and so on.
So whats the point?
Evolution brings new experiences but it needs some concious decisions
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Donald Mallard

el duck
Congratulations on being a grow commercial cleaner. It must be very interesting to clean the floors of a place like that. I'll pass.

These videos and photos trying to assert yourself are still all without any proof of origin, you're just an inexpressive troll with comprehension difficulties. I'm not going to explain the leaf issue for the third time. A guy who mops the floor isn't going to understand genetics, I've given up on your ignorance.
any more posts that bait others , are argumentative ,
or just poor and antagonising behaviour ,
ill be deleting ,
this is not the way to behave on a forum ,
curb your behaviour , or ill delete your content ....

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Some people are not welcome here on ICMAG - unless they understand and practice CIVIL DISCOURSE when communicating with other members on the forums - being civil with others does not include rude and profane invective - aimed at other members with whom you disagree with - during an argument or debate -


Well-known member
The punch from a good white widow was narcotic... back in the day this was the hype in the redwood forests. When you pull out a bud of the white crusty widow it knocked you down like a falling redwood branch. :LOL:
So you know ... good night
skunky full on indica phenos

SInce the last twenty plus years this new pack all kinds of phenos, revegging the one keeper female now. Gonna see the best possible run and hopefully find some more genetics to widen the gene pool a little to keep the line regulars.

Maybe someone else is aware of the other aka names for the WW over the years ?

The one shop used to sell a male and female clone for making f1's ?

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