buttyrekka said:british bulldog i cant believe i didnt know about that 70 quid!!!!..next time i come back with 9.5 grams and 70 quid!!(hehe)!!!..all the times ive been to the nederlands never once searched on return...DOH!!!!!!!!.
BiG H3rB Tr3E said:^^
ok,,, i just got to chime in,,, the "lemon skunk" IS greencrack. i was over at the dna shop after i came back from grey area... ended up having a long smoke conversation with both aaron and don... when the lemon skunk came up,, i went on my rant about how the smells and tastes were similar to the GC cut i got back home,, and this definitive smile went over both their faces as in complete acknowedgement that it is a GC cut,,, not some long drawn out bullshit story about some king of vegas who ran the cut for 20 years and decided to give it to dna...
and I got werd from the locala that arjan BOUGHT that SSH to enter in the cup>>it did not come from his seed stock,, nor did he grow it,, but the seeds (if u can call these runts seeds)he did give away are just bulllshit ssh stock... i got 30 or 40 of these runts >> so when i have time and space not to care too much about what they turn out as,, i might give em a run...