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offshore savings


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
If you have any amount of cash and they come to your house and your growing illegal mj they will take the money and leave it up to you to prove where you got every penny.

Mr. Nevermind

Babbabud said:
Well my wife has worked at a bank for many years Im just telling the people how the banks do it. Not sure why they would flag 3k transactions, the guys that work for me cash bigger checks then that every payday. True theres nothing to argue about .... but in this day and age with house payments averaging well over 2k i wouldnt think a 5k check is anything to even blink at. But the LAW says they will report anything 10k or over. I would say use common sense....if you dont have a bank account at that bank dont even think of cashin a check there that will throw a flag right away.

true , cashing checks is one thing. its another to walk into a bank with 5K or 10K cash though. I would recommend peol ewith large amounts of cash to not deposit it in your bank account. just an accident waiting to happen. Plus bank accounts interest rates on saving accounts sucks anyway. Which is why i think if you have a large amount of illegal cash you are better off just buying gold.

In my area ( DC metro) lots of dealers have been busted due to puttin gless than 10K in a bank. But as i sadi earlier, it really depends on bank and area. Luckily my high school friend works at a bank so I was able to go in afte closing and deposit cash . But its risky no matter what

You're a good man babba and i am glad you see i wasnt trying to argue. Our personal experiances with banks just differs



i only read a few stories of small closet grow people that got busted but i dont recall if anyones bank account got touched..


when 10k in cash is handled, there has to be federal forms sent in.

alot of restrictions on money orders too, up to 3k ok.....

and yes any amount can be flagged as suspicious...... :chin:

wish i had too much cash.... :wave:


Fatboy said:
when 10k in cash is handled, there has to be federal forms sent in.

alot of restrictions on money orders too, up to 3k ok.....

and yes any amount can be flagged as suspicious...... :chin:

wish i had too much cash.... :wave:

i wish i had that problem 2 ;)


Mr. Nevermind said:
babba, i am not going to argue with you. However, its generally a rule that 10K and up is flagged. But any suspicious cash trasactions are also up for red flag as well. I had a friend get flagged for 3k before. It may depend on the bank and situations , but peopel shouldnt get a false sense of security if they keep it under 10k.


I think the 3k has something to do with the "Patriot Act"... There are new penalties if banks do not report "suspicious" transactions of 3k and up. Of course the Gestapo did not define what constitutes a "suspicious" transaction, so most banks have decided to cover their asses and are now reporting everything 3k and up. There are no penalties for reporting innocent transactions...

On the issue of gold coins... 1oz Gold Eagles... You can carry them on the plane with you as they are legal US tender with a face value of $20 each... 50 (3 lbs) of them is face value of $1000... Customs might want to argue value if you were bringing them into the country, but taking them out should not be difficult.

Then put 'em in that Cayman Islands safe deposit box. When the dollar tanks, you'll have your cash stash... They won't earn any interest, but their value won't evaporate either.



Yea that damn "Patriot Act". Boy is that a pile of s**t. They will flag you at some post offices for even near 3000 (like 2750). I got a cashier's check for my mortgage payment at my bank (but another branch) and they made me give them all kinds of info. Anyone in America lives in a police state! dont forget


OK, BIG Question here. I see everyone saying buying gold and i agree with the idea. Here's what i think is the problem. When it's time to use the gold. I want to know how your going to prove the gold isn't illegal gain? Buying gold is good, but when you need to cash it in. I think a person walking in with a bunch of gold to sell off. Is going to run up that Red Flag again. I'm just wondering about this, not trying to start anything. I'd like to know a safe way also. I to would like to store away a nest egg. You never know when the dollar is going to goto shit.
Good Thread,


gold jewelery, rubys, rolex, and concrete a driveway over it. safe until you need a new driveway.


OK, all you Gold buying nuts. lolol, jokin. How do i get about 20 of these. Out of the state and into UN without getting them taken or ask questions about them? PM's are more then welcome, if you don't feel good posting answer's.

EDIT: That is roughly about 14lbs. If you was to try to carry it onto a plane. So, that would be one fucked up thing. Trying to explain what your doing carrying that much gold onto a plane heading oversea's. You can guess what they are thinking your doing. They will take it and say your funding that bad guys.
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GoldDustWomen said:
OK, all you Gold buying nuts. lolol, jokin. How do i get about 20 of these. Out of the state and into UN without getting them taken or ask questions about them? PM's are more then welcome, if you don't feel good posting answer's.

EDIT: That is roughly about 14lbs. If you was to try to carry it onto a plane. So, that would be one fucked up thing. Trying to explain what your doing carrying that much gold onto a plane heading oversea's. You can guess what they are thinking your doing. They will take it and say your funding that bad guys.
Good point...

I guess you have to cash it in before you leave the country or keep it in 100's at your parents house.


New member
Simple Investment economics

Simple Investment economics

Since gold is the basis for almost every currency on the planet it is good to buy SOME gold for the 'worst case senario' type day.
To invest all your money in gold in downright bad information.
Gold has many many drawbacks not the least of which is purchase and sale which is monitored fairly closely. You think your the first criminals to want gold for your cash, it is a common thought process and therefor not good for your security.

If your talking about alot of money, look into opening an offshore entity. There are companies who will do this for you, keeping you as a silent partner and your name off all the records and relitively little work on your side plus total annonimity. Once you do this there are many ways to get your cash invested into the company, one option is buying shares of the company legally (which you already own anyways) and then letting those shares pay dividends back to you, another is to be a silent 'investment' partner which allows you to dump money into the company. Then you let the company 'hire' you as a contractor allowing you to write off your car, food, and a bunch of other stuff as job expenses. This is just two methods and is based on a weeks a worth of research so if you have alot of money you need to put away !do your research!. Sign a non-disclosure and speak with a finance lawyer. If your smart you'll get away with your money, if not your freedom when LEO comes a knocking.

If you only have a little money 10-30K just start depositing them into a bank in small cash amounts. If you go to the bank and deposit $100-250 a week no one (seriously no one) will even remeber you. Thats $5,200-13,000 a year, since we are not talking about alot of money it pays to have patience. Deposit small amounts over time develop a relationship at the bank always dropping off smalll amounts of cash. When you have 10K in the account invest a 1/4 of it into a fedelity account directly out of your bank account. Never let your money just sit. Banks are the worst return for your investments so once you get it into the 'system' move it to something that is harder for the gov. to see like mutual funds and IRA's.

Just a rant trying to pass on information.. take it or leave it

Grow strong, grow safe!


The nice thing about gold is it melts and can be shaped into anything. Maybe you are bringing a 14lbs gold vase to your friend. I believe, art and jewlery can come and go without the 10,000 dollar limit. I have heard of people buying very expensive wathches and them selling them once they are on the other side. You might loose a few cents in the transaction, but high end stuff holds value


sativen sounds like you need to go and dig a hole drop the cash in and.. walk away ... its the safest way!


I don't kwow how much money your making but if it's good I'm envious anyhow Why don't you spend all your pot earnings on bills (your cost of living ) cash,groceries gas insurance mortgage car payments etc. and bank your job earnings therefore no probs right or am I being a bit naive?


Well-known member
My thoughts exactly. If you have a lot of frog skins I can see the other methods but what if we are talking few thousand. Can't you just spend on the day to day BS like food, eletric bill etc. When I was single I payed all my bills with money orders from the "Stop & Robb".
Is this naive, as the macster said. Things have changed and so has my waist line.