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Official Thread for OG's Old Farts



fatboyOGOF said:
say hello to fatboy.

how are you old farts? still pissing and moaning? :)

What be the haps, oh rotund 1? :wave: :joint:

At age 52, I don't 'piss & moan' anymore....now I 'shit & groan' on the floor!! :chin: :confused:



Active member
(sung to the tune of a friggin folgers commercial BTW)
"the best part of waking up, is slappin the sausage on her forehead"
Whoo hoo doggy!
Im not sure im old enough to be here at 44, but maybe if i fart louder and more than the rest of ya I'll be accepted allright... What do ya guys think?


Game Bred
hey old guys its been awhile....

i found bbs's agian :) and have been playing b.r.e. and falcon's eye.
do any of you remember these games?


dagnabit said:
hey old guys its been awhile....

i found bbs's agian :) and have been playing b.r.e. and falcon's eye.
do any of you remember these games?

Remember any of those? :pointlaug....You are kidding, right? :wave: :joint:

Most of us were already in our late 30s/early 40s when THOSE games hit the scene. We had no electronics as kids. We played games like Monopoly, Chess or Checkers, nude Twister....shit like that. :chin:
Our favorite game involved the 16 yr old girl down the street. We'd play "Guess Whose Dick?" She'd strip-down, get tied to the bedposts, & she'd have to guess whose dick was slapping her forehead, whose dick was in her throat & whose was up her ass. Point values are too 'hard' to explain here. :moon: :woohoo: :yoinks: :biglaugh: :noway: :spank: :crazy: :dance: :bigeye:
tiedye420 said:
(sung to the tune of a friggin folgers commercial BTW)
"the best part of waking up, is slappin the sausage on her forehead"
Whoo hoo doggy!
Im not sure im old enough to be here at 44, but maybe if i fart louder and more than the rest of ya I'll be accepted allright... What do ya guys think?
dont fart too hard and shit yourself!


Joint Date: Today.
Captain Skunk said:
Someone just pointed out we're on IC's website....no wonder I can't find my walker and fuzzy slippers in this room!

I needed the break from mentoring anyway.....I was getting tired of telling those kids to quit pissing on their plants and watering them with the bong water!

Good to see everyone settling in.


how come i missed this post?!?!?! LMAO

take care exOGers


Good morning to all the old farts out there...be prepared to show off yer big one in the Pretty big bud nontest this year...details of location to follow ;)


Where have Gunny and booboy gone? I miss those two barrel jumpers :D


good morning virgin.

long time no speak. i hope things are going well in the great white north.

a few days ago, i asked krypto what happened to boo, gunny, tommy etc. he said he communicates with them everyday so they are out there somewhere.

i hate not being able to get everybody together.

i have a full flower room and new genetics in veg. life is good. :)

see you lady!


someone looking for me...urp...those cookies still seem to find their way into my mouth...ahahahaha...pm me fatboy, been lookin for you too


doing fine dag, and you...as a matter of fact, yesterday we talked for the first time in a few months...all is well, a bit challenged but well...