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Official Thread for OG's Old Farts


New member
Hey y'all;

There's kind of a familiar feel about this little corner of the Net.

Yes, Stoner, elephant dung is da kine. You just have to let it age a bit. Elephants are not the most efficient digester and something like 70% of what goes in comes out pretty much unchanged--just ground up and ready for the compost heap. I've gone back to cow-shit as it is all around me and I don't even have to pay to transport it. I do remember my lessons though and "less is best".

Gunns! How ya doin'? DJ, HC, all you guys...it's good to see you.



Hey all, glad to see the OF's have made it out of OG alive:D Anyone here or see Nexsus around here yet?

All is good eh HC? :wave:


Bang Wang


BudBuddha said:
That $10 1/2er was indeed Aculpulco Gold, Zoltron. I cut my teeth on that shit going to high school stoned to the bone. Haven't changed my mind since either!

LOL:D!!! Haha, I had a feeling that was it. I remember when I was buying lbs in Chicago 1970 for $130 each & would sell lids to my buddies for $15.
Then 1 day I went over to my connect's crib & he had some Acapulco Gold for $165/lb. I was like :yoinks:...but my man opened up the wrapped lb & all I could see was a bunch of goldness staring at me. Yep, I'll take it, but then I had to sell lids for $20 & everyone was :yoinks: :chin:.....

I think I ran out in 3 days... :respect: :wave:


@buzzz..Yes he is! I have been popping back n forth trying to keep up!
Ohhhh! Me achin' head!;)

I miss you guys so much...DJ remember the little home you made for all of us a while ago;)...it's gone now but i thnik it would be good to have another place like that:)


Thanks buzz:)

Good to see everyone still roll'in :headbange <----damn, I think I hurt my neck just now...time to get up and put down some tylenol LOL!


Good morning and happy high :joint:

Bang it is good to see you posting more often now, You seem more relaxed then you use to :yes:


Ah yes HC, I am more relaxed than ever. Things around here are starting to to come together. Bills getting caught up and paid off!! Its been a long road. I have much more to do...another year before the sun will shine for days at a time for me. It does feel good to have what I do right now. I could compare it to being sick with the flu, going to bed and waking up feeling completely recovered! I have no other way to describe it. I honestly dont know if I would've made it back without internet friends, long time in the real friends and family. Who knows, Im here now and feeling like the top of the mountain is finally in sight!

A major plus is, the legal hammer that fell on me, is finally comming down on those who perpetrated this mess to begin with:D Its nice to see the true corruption getting a taste of their own medicine....government shakedown, gotta love that!



High there BW, Icy - greetings Mad Dog, I am very glad to see you as well.



Oh shit bubuddha, got another cold one rolling into da up nort local? :D Stay warm my friends!


Welcome! :wave:

Looks like we DO IN FACT have a little cold snap heading this way....


We have got a HELL of a Blizzard going on.... The new four wheeler and plow are gonna get a work out! :D


Living that white dream eh Gunns? Drive safe and ahhhh...have fun on that 4 wheeler in the AM!

Stay warm

Boo, that nice balmy 68deg would be a welcome change for me lol. Temps here are taking a turn for the worse. Coldest temps so far this year starting tom. Actually, its starting right now me thinks. <shivers>


That's why me & you & a cat named Boo live South of the Mason-Dixon Line. :wave:
We've had our share of snow [30 yrs in Chicago & Denver] & have moved to Dixieland. :joint: :woohoo:


I've done my time in hell.... Time for a bit of heaven. LOL

Although I still have a bit of dirt with a roof down in the south for when it gets REALLY cold... LOL

Spose to hit -10 tonight..... ughhhhh and the trucks not packed....