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Official Thread for OG's Old Farts



Creeping Decrepitude

Creeping Decrepitude

Howdy Old Fart OG/ICr's. Darn, I lurked at OG for a year and finally jumped onto the forums...just in time to get nuked!

Time to start over again. Thanks Gypsy and the rest for providing a refuge!


"It's the Dank Sensimilla, Charlie Brown" :biglaugh:

Hi OGOF crew!



YescaWiZard said:
...littlemom is here with me, under my coputer desk of course,,,she is really a good hearted woman in love with a good timing man:smoke:

talked to lm on the phone this weekend ....and she said to tell u to stfu and stop your wishful thinkin .......

believe that boy needs a good :spank:


New member
Just lil' 'ol me checkin' in, trying to learn my way around a new home.

I feel a bit like a hurricane refugee, glad to see everyone, and thankful to IC for taking us in. They didn't know who they let in this OF section, did they? :jump:

I am having overgrow withdrawl. I feel like I'm at my new friends house, but don't know them well enough yet to open the refidgerator and make a sandwich.

I feel strange and somewhat retarded. I need a magic bean.


well if life hands ya lemons make lemon pie ......or something like that ....this place will feel like home when we all make it into that ......so am hanging up pictures and stuff like that ....over in the indoor grow section under bathtubs ...come on over en vist the tub growers thread ......welcome to my new hangout....... :)


Yeah, well, I thought I posted already, but things get foggy.

Thanks river for the cool stuff in your gallery.



Active member
Seems like this is a good a time as any to join in...
Im tiedye, and well If 43 is an old fart then this is where i belong! Been studying cannabis since 1973 ( Ha ha I almost accidently wrote 1793-THAT would be something-hehehe- I sailed with christipher columbus and grew the first buds in america- shit howdy -NOT)
Hippiechick- I hear ya- Ditto here.. And oh my galleries..... Oh not the galleries....
IM totally disgusted, my gallery on OG was HUGE......
VB "I wanna watch " He he he
DJnuts good to see ya still around and crazy as ever;)
gotte be nuts to stay sane!
River glad your still around.
gunn- thanks fer the crash pad- it's getting hard for an old deadhead hippie freak to find a place to land these days- let alone a good veggie sandwich.....
What if everyone decided one day to follow all cars with G plates? Turn it around- we start following them and get them all fucking paranoid for shits and grins.
Not that they have been able to get me paranoid- leery-yes- pissed off, defiant and mad as hell. yes. Thankful My first batch intended for c-baywas still sitting in the cupboard. All i shredded was the envelope those were in.
Im a medical grower so dang if im scrubbing the grow down. I'll be right here smiling if they come to arrest me for anything related to this mess. I'll be sure to tell them how much health benificial information gets spread online- information which could keep diseases from being spread.
Like not using catshit (or letting them deposit it into containers- little brats) for fertilizer because it can cause brain damage in unborn fetus's of pregnant women.
the sites need to be out here- the information needs to be shared.
You wont find me hiding- though I may reformat my hardrive.
Im just glad to be doing what I do.
And glad to find all of you out here.....


tie ....don't know who yall are ...yet ....but it does seem to me if they want a war maybe we should give em one back .....like making up false leads for em to go chasing after ......or how about a mass surender ....wonder wtf they would do if every single person with mj in possestion would just turn themselves in all at the same time .....can u imagine what a mess that would make for em all ..hehe :bongsmi:


Well you are doing better than me at using the smilies - they are frikkin confusing ATM.

I wonder if Jack will be able to figure out where the heck we went.

I really like that Gypsies server is in Amsterdam. That lower my paranoia levels quite a bit.

That $10 1/2er was indeed Aculpulco Gold, Zoltron. I cut my teeth on that shit going to high school stoned to the bone. Haven't changed my mind since either!


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