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Obama: "We've Got Bigger Fish to Fry"

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Shouldn't Obama have really said "yes I have bigger fish to fry then go after people that partake in cannabis"?? Seriously now??? Unfortunately I see right through him and the assholes he's in bed with! headband 707

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Obama has ZERO Ability to make any real decisions ...Directing your anger towards him is exactly what THEY want you to do....

Go look up the ethnicities on all the Big Pharma CEO's and you'll connect the dots for yourself..

Only then will you realize who really runs this big show....

AIPAC anyone?

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Obama has ZERO Ability to make any real decisions ...Directing your anger towards him is exactly what THEY want you to do....

Go look up the ethnicities on all the Big Pharma CEO's and you'll connect the dots for yourself..

Only then will you realize who really runs this big show....

AIPAC anyone?

AGREED!! not sure how it really works in the US but if it's anything like Canada then they are in bed together and always have been. Gee he who has the most cash goes to the front of whatever line? That's a new concept lol.
Real change needs to happen and ppl need to be held accountable for their insane greedy actions that they have perpetrated against ppl. Gov needs to stop being run by corporations that have no moral!
I had no idea that it could be this transparent and no one did shit or said shit about it! Then I remembered that our News stations are run by our Gov and it all made sence then. They would like you to follow the law to the letter while they break it every single day! headband 707:)
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Somebody said Obama's as bad as Nixon as far as weed goes, that is simply not true at all. Nixon gave us the controlled substance act that makes smoking marijuana a federal crime, Obama is the first president I know of to ever say anything about possibly challenging those laws. Nixon was the worst and we still suffer from his bad policies across the board.
WHY?????? federal government has cannabis as an illegal narcotic structure 1 drug????? in 2009 AMA vote to resind thier stand of 72 yrs ago of cannabis having no medical benefits and voted to change it to a structure 2 drug so more research can be done on it without dea raiding and taking all research
also since our government lives and works in washington dc why since cannabis is a structure 1 drug is it legal there for medical marujuana to be used HYPOCRITICAL if u ask me also why have drs been prescibing marijuana to chemo and cancer patients??????
it is a herb at least 60% of the voters in last nationwide poll said medical marijuana should be legal on the federal level our country was built on indian and industrial hemp politians need to go to thier library of congress and read wahington jefferson adams writtings our declaration is wrote on hemp paper the country needs to wake up and get our budget back in the black
hey hydro says u live 10k above sea level i lived in leadville co for 5 yrs it was over 10k on chicken hill where do u live love the high country


So this is gonna come right along with the campaign finance and lobby reforms he said we were getting when morons were screaming "CHANGE!" right?

Thought so.

the ringmasta

Active member
Interesting read but it wouldn't be the first time he's been full of shit. Only time will tell...but one would think some changes have to come eventually.