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Obama: "We've Got Bigger Fish to Fry"

The tides are turning and any businessman or politician that doesn't change with the times is soon to become rendered useless.

As a man I have great respect once said, "The times are a changin"

Come Senators, Congressmen please heed the call
Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall

Al Botross

Active member
ICMag Donor
Drug Policy Alliance's response to Obama's marijuana legalization interview


Ethan Nadelmann, director of the Drug Policy Alliance, responds to Obama's marijuana legalization comments this morning. tldr; "Obama is sort of heading in the right direction."


Active member
This quote is important...

"This is a tough problem, because Congress has not yet changed the law," Obama said. "I head up the executive branch; we're supposed to be carrying out laws. And so what we're going to need to have is a conversation about, How do you reconcile a federal law that still says marijuana is a federal offense and state laws that say that it's legal?"


Professor Organic Psychology
the fed's are going to feast on the borders of WA, & CO... w/ the traffic alone...

Not just the feds, I reported a story somewhere on here where the Portland (Oregon) police said they were watching for DUI coming from Washington. A cop said even if you are on a bike!!!


Active member
Filling in for Rachel Maddow, Ezra Klein explains [with ad]
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Washinton Post story

Ever noticed how when there is news coverage of a group smoking weed, the news people always pick out the grungiest of the group to feature. Green Party members observe that on the rare occassion that they get press coverage, they get either a journalist or a Birkenstock counter. Birkenstock counters always choose the 60 year old Hippie or the 30 year old Earth Mother to feature.

Double F

wow very interesting how he brought in UN treaty obligations..this basically garuntees NO legalization anytime soon. it makes total sense, since countries like Japan we have forced them to criminalize, and legalization would be a slap in the face to all the countries we bossed around and would make us look like hypocrites.

wow....knowing this im gonna go set up more grows!!


Quoting this to remind me how stupid people are, and also quoting so I can re quote in one year to show how stupid some are. :tiphat:
You have absolutely no clue what you are talking about, none.

Anyone who is into growing, and believes that the repubs have their interests at heart, is the very definition of a moron.


Active member
Give it time boys.. We'll breed these fucks out of office..

Problem is, some of our constituents are being raised by said fucks.. Our own peers will adopt the views ingrained in them... Doesnt matter the mentality will fade away...

And Skip, Nixon didnt just not like marijuana, He started the war on drugs.. Hardly something Obama would put on his agenda imo... But not doing anything about it is the same as supporting it, so maybe I see your point?

No MJ advocate can say "legalize weed" without carrying that relative insight to every classified drug known to man.. Simply put, there should not be anything "illegal" about drugs..

If we champion the right to choose, then we can choose whatever we like, I agree, MJ is obviously the least harmful of all drugs, including tobacco...


Using the comment "We've got bigger fish to fry" continues to demonstrate the flippant and irresponsible position taken by Obama and prior administrations. No leadership, just more bullshit to protect powerful interests that enjoy the profits of prohibition (e.g. siezures, fines, private prisons, etc.) or that don't want competition from the various benefits of cannabis (e.g., biofuel, hemp etc.), or both. I will believe when cannabis is taken off Schedule 1 and when I can go grow herb without some ass with a ir camera in helicopter circling my place.

Black Elf

I bet they have calculated that even taxing the legal pot wouldn't earn them enough compared to prohibition, so that is why the situation is what it is... Or then they are just plain dumb, which isn't surprising, they are usually, politicians I mean..


Active member
He is only parroting what Henry Kissenger and Zbigniew bryzinski had the speech writers work up. All of us here have heard this line before. To us, it is clear, when a frontman makes a statement, we learn to expect the polar opposite.


Registered Med User
yall gotta realize.... I bet anything Obama wishes he could legalize weed, shit he from the choom gang! But he in corporate pockets. Big Pharma aint for it. I think he might, kinda like gray davis did, right before he out of office.


Well-known member
his bigger fish is the end of gun ownership in america.

Is not ever going to happen.
Not without a serious fight. I know individuals who have given up alot in this life....guns is not one of them, and it wont be.
"From my cold dead hands"


Active member


I think I wrote in the DEN in that closed thread about "wake up Obama" that I thought the shooter in Conn. had pistols. Actually he had 3 guns, two pistols, the other was an assault rifle.

I'm pretty sure that doing something about shit like that there, besides those fucked-up investor rules that just make rich people richer, might be examples of that "Bigger Fish". Finally, somebody who might really try to do something about some of the craziest shit happening in today's world. Of course, meanwhile lining his own pockets and that of his political party. But, they ALL do that.

Personally, I hate all professional politicians equally :biggrin:. Including that liar.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
This you can take to the bank.. Obummer and Hitler/Harper doesn't give two shits about the sick . The both of them love WAR above and beyond all else and this is how they play their leadership games!! headband 707


Active member
Shoulda voted for Gary Johnson . He didn't take special interest money. We need to get away from the corporate political parties who all want you under their control one way or the other. N big money backs them so they won't change. Obama will do what the big wallet wants him to