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Obama: "If enough states end up decriminalizing, Congress may then legalize it"


Well-known member
You have grown old and you don´t want to risk yourself?OK
, I don´t know if you are traitors... what is clear is that you are a bunch of cowards.
As soon as you have been given some room to grow, you have gone running to eat from the hand of the master.... the same that have been putting you in jail.

You like it or not...

moron. I am at risk now, and indeed, lost my two last jobs because of my being outspoken about the laws in this country & the hypocrisy of its "leaders". it is still 11/29 for simple possession where I live, the same for a pipe in your pocket. you are looking at up to 5 years in state pen if caught growing here, first offense. so grow up, little boy, and smell the barbed wire...


ICMag Donor
Baby steps are not the answer...

We sure didn't end up in the position were in by taking baby steps!

It happened all at once... without even asking Citizens what they wanted.

I like how everybody thinks this sock puppet (0bama) has all this power.

Sadly, that couldn't be further from the truth.

And yes... I am kinda partial to that system ya mention. ;)

We'll have to agree to disagree on the best methods to realize the freedoms we were born with.

Oh yeah... licensing individuals in order to participate in any free activity is unconstitutional!
Check the Hale v Henkel quote in my sig.

Also, the Supreme Court found, in the case of Maybury v Madison: "Any law repugnant to the Constitution is void".


ICMag Donor
Is it any wonder why the Supreme Court rarely allows a Constitutional challenge?

They know damn well that if they start hearing these cases that their power will be turned on its head.
So they refuse to hear these cases.

What kind of balancing of power is that?


Well-known member
Baby steps are not the answer...

We sure didn't end up in the position were in by taking baby steps!

It happened all at once... without even asking Citizens what they wanted.

I like how everybody thinks this sock puppet (0bama) has all this power.

Sadly, that couldn't be further from the truth.

And yes... I am kinda partial to that system ya mention. ;)

We'll have to agree to disagree on the best methods to realize the freedoms we were born with.

Oh yeah... licensing individuals in order to participate in any free activity is unconstitutional!
Check the Hale v Henkel quote in my sig.

Also, the Supreme Court found, in the case of Maybury v Madison: "Any law repugnant to the Constitution is void".

yes, baby steps is EXACTLY what got us here. first, with medical in one state. then it spread. and it has not happened all at once either. I don't know how you figure that. folks have been working at it longer than you have been alive. you won't get credit for it just because you were standing there when it happened. "SEE! SEE! I TOLD you..." :biggrin: Obama could instruct the director of the DEA to remove cannabis from schedule 1 if he wanted to, but it would create a backlash that might set us back decades when we are up on the porch, knocking on the door. I think it is obvious that we disagree. one of us is working, one is demanding. work, in my experience, is more productive. why don't you take your arguments to a lawyer about what is constitutional. then, LISTEN to what he says. current law is what we have to deal with, not historical. things change...slowly, at first. there are LOTS of laws that are repugnant, but they are still laws. sorry. you are, of course, free to disobey them at your own risk, just as the rest of us make our own decisions.


Well-known member
Is it any wonder why the Supreme Court rarely allows a Constitutional challenge?

They know damn well that if they start hearing these cases that their power will be turned on its head.
So they refuse to hear these cases.

What kind of balancing of power is that?

it is called "stare decisis" or"respect for precedent" or what has already been decided. that is what allows society and business to function, by knowing what the rules are ahead of time rather than having them change every time some clown decides he does not like the hand he has been dealt. they DO allow challenges once they are faced with enough conflicting lower court decisions to make it obvious that they must act for the greater good of society. abrupt changes bring about unforeseen and unintended consequences, often resulting in worse damage than before.


Active member
The problem with rescheduling is this...

The minute that happens - research gets done - and it can be declared to in fact have true medical value. Then it becomes a drug that should be distributed by pharmacies for our own safety. Then it becomes just like the poppy.

When was the last time you grew a poppy?

They CAN take everything from us by rescheduling...

Deregulation is the answer.


My wife grows somniferum in the front yard, has for years. OTOH, she doesn't score the seed pods to extract opium, either.

It's a terrible attempt at a parallel to cannabis, anyway. Cannabis can't kill you from an overdose, nor can it bring on a progressive & often fatal disease, which opiate addiction truly is, just like alcoholism.

You can't get there from here when talking about cannabis.


Active member
Obama hasn't stood in the way of legalization, lately, but he hasn't exactly fought for the cause. A few years ago I would have agreed that he was the worst president on the issue of medical marijuana. Things have improved some since then.

I see it somewhat differently. Sometimes silent partners are the best partners.

Decades from now, history will recognize a seminal event in the legalization of cannabis- the 2012 election. Initiatives in CO & WA combined with the re-election of Obama is the Marijuana War equivalent of the battle of Stalingrad. Resistance will continue but the final outcome is inevitable. Prohibition is denied its most basic weapon- fear of the unknown. Without it, they can't win.

Hell, anybody who understands cannabis at all knew that when our "experiment" was allowed to take place, including Obama. All we ever needed was a chance to show that legalization works & now we have it.


Active member
moron. I am at risk now, and indeed, lost my two last jobs because of my being outspoken about the laws in this country & the hypocrisy of its "leaders". it is still 11/29 for simple possession where I live, the same for a pipe in your pocket. you are looking at up to 5 years in state pen if caught growing here, first offense. so grow up, little boy, and smell the barbed wire...

Well, I´ve been a couple of times in court, I´ve been evicted several times and I was also arrested once; it´s going to be 21 years of that soon.

I´m not complaining or saying that someone owes me somenthing because of that. I mean with this that if you choose some ways on life that are not the average, politically correct ways, you should know what are you up for and that there are many stones,traps and bends on the road.
Everyone is really cool when things are going great and sun on the sky, but you show better what you are made of when shit hits the fan and there are clouds, rain and thunderstorm up there.

Not always but many times people go down because their own mistakes. Can be greed, can be ego, or all of it mixed.
Not saying it´s your case, know nothing about you.

And if you think that somehow, you´re going to lead this shit, the same way you lead the world, I´m afraid you´re a bit lost in life and it´s you who has to grow up guys, stop acting, get real, get wise and know yourself.



Well-known member
i'm not trying to lead anything, never have. nor have i ever called anyone that was trying to make life better for all of us "cowards or traitors", as some here do. all i'm doing is pointing out that having unrealistic expectations is counterproductive...


Well-known member
You have lost the illusion in life.

I tought you were going to change the world... may be the world did change you.


Peace, Love & Biodinamically grown veggies.

:thank you:

nope, i never fell for illusions. :tiphat: but we ARE changing the world, not the other way around. just as Moses never made it to the Promised Land, some (many?) of us may never see true freedom of the herb we love. but that will not stop us from working toward that goal...


Active member
We are? Who?

I´m changing nothing, just keep being the same, being real, that´s all...less Hollywood man.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I see it somewhat differently. Sometimes silent partners are the best partners.

Decades from now, history will recognize a seminal event in the legalization of cannabis- the 2012 election. Initiatives in CO & WA combined with the re-election of Obama is the Marijuana War equivalent of the battle of Stalingrad. Resistance will continue but the final outcome is inevitable. Prohibition is denied its most basic weapon- fear of the unknown. Without it, they can't win.

Hell, anybody who understands cannabis at all knew that when our "experiment" was allowed to take place, including Obama. All we ever needed was a chance to show that legalization works & now we have it.

Legalization seems inevitable for the whole country now. It's taking time, but it really looks like it will happen at some point. Colorado and Washington led the way. Other states can look to Colorado as an example of what happens when you give people the freedom to buy or grow our favorite plant. Colorado makes it harder for people to argue against legalization.

I thought California was going to be the first state to legalize in 2010. It didn't happen. It's legal with a doctor's note which any adult can get. That's a huge improvement over the other states where I've lived. California should be just one of several states to fully legalize it for all adults next year.


ICMag Donor
The only place Colorado has failed in it's lead:

Giving home growers an outlet for their excesses.

It can be given away but...
From my experience, once you start giving pot to everybody, everybody expects the generosity to be never ending. Kinda like the welfare system & those that refuse to support themselves.

I am speaking from a purely recreational point of view.

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