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Obama: "If enough states end up decriminalizing, Congress may then legalize it"


Active member
Maybe he should listen to young people about this instead of lecturing them on their priorities. We can end the prohibition laws now while we still argue about climate change, jobs, and war. Other unrelated issues aren't stopping us from ending this failed era of prohibition.

Whenever a politician says "What I say to young people is...." he's not really talking to young people at all, just reassuring older people who vote. Saying that young people should de-emphasize legalization is like saying they should study instead of party. Nobody listens except people to whom it doesn't apply.

When Obama seized the opportunity provided by CO & WA he advanced the cause of legalization by at least a decade, I figure, maybe more. He could have stuffed retail with the wave of his hand. He kept the dogs off us at the risk of them turning against him.

I thought it rather artfully done, too, because he made it so that it's not about him. Hell, too many people leap on any opportunity to be against anything just because he's for it.

Money? Sin taxes? Paying tribute? Buying off the Man? Beats getting busted, every time.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Obama hasn't stood in the way of legalization, lately, but he hasn't exactly fought for the cause. A few years ago I would have agreed that he was the worst president on the issue of medical marijuana. Things have improved some since then.


Well-known member
Your comment shows you're wearing blinders. You gotta remove them if ya want to see what's in the road.

my vision is fine, no blinders here. you need to open your eyes & realize that what you want (what we ALL want) is not going to happen in one smooth step just because we want it. it is, and will continue to be, a work in progress whether you like it or not. it's called reality. you can bellow and kick your heels and call people "blind" or "traitors" and use all the capital letters you can want, but it aint gonna matter not one lick...an imperfect deal is better than no deal at all. simple fact whether you admit it or not.:tiphat:


Well-known member
Whenever a politician says "What I say to young people is...." he's not really talking to young people at all, just reassuring older people who vote. Saying that young people should de-emphasize legalization is like saying they should study instead of party. Nobody listens except people to whom it doesn't apply.

When Obama seized the opportunity provided by CO & WA he advanced the cause of legalization by at least a decade, I figure, maybe more. He could have stuffed retail with the wave of his hand. He kept the dogs off us at the risk of them turning against him.

I thought it rather artfully done, too, because he made it so that it's not about him. Hell, too many people leap on any opportunity to be against anything just because he's for it.

Money? Sin taxes? Paying tribute? Buying off the Man? Beats getting busted, every time.

I agree. if he had waved his hand & said "let it be legal!" the far right would have come screaming to the polls next year & we would probably end up with some dickhead prohibitionist as a president, cracking down on everyone. as it is, he is letting the GOPs own argument of "states rights" carry the day, & he doesn't have to do anything. I don't think he has done all that he COULD do, but he has given the states cover for doing what the citizens voted for. in the long run, it may have been exactly what needed to be done at that point in time. for that, I thank him...


Active member
Are his lips moving?
Simply the worst President in history.
His open borders policy has completely destroyed parts of this country.
He is a blatant racist, and has committed numerous crimes.
Our debt is insurmountable, and he is paying Social Security to illegals, while he goes on multimillion dollar golf outings.
All while the middle class is being destroyed, and his home city is a war zone. He is negotiating with Iranian leaders as if they weren't barbarians, and he is kissing the asses of Saudi pig kings.
He is the world's biggest hypocrite, but as long as Canna is legal in your state, all is well. Possession of an ounce is still a felony where I'm at.


ICMag Donor
The problem with rescheduling is this...

The minute that happens - research gets done - and it can be declared to in fact have true medical value. Then it becomes a drug that should be distributed by pharmacies for our own safety. Then it becomes just like the poppy.

When was the last time you grew a poppy?

They CAN take everything from us by rescheduling...

Deregulation is the answer.



Active member
ICMag Donor
as long as Canna is legal in your state, all is well. Possession of an ounce is still a felony where I'm at.

I have a feeling that's how it will be for every state. Even if we elect a President who legalizes it on the federal level, states would have to legalize it individually.

I was sick of living in a place where growing was a felony (Florida). I moved to California in 2010 so I could finally grow my plants without the legal risk. Moving to a legal state isn't an option for most people. It just feels like it's taking forever for some states to change their laws. Florida came so close last year.


I used to be a Obama supporter. His point "that young people shouldn't be concerned about mj legalization when their are other more I portant issues facing the country" is such bullshit, totally illogical.

I have completely given up on the govt of the U.S.
New boss same as the old boss. Such a fuckin scam...... Obfuscation and lies...

His point is exceptionally stupid if one is educated on the uses of hemp and cannabis.

Indeed, the amount of jobs that both could provide is immense. Toxin free building material. Carbon neutral energy.

Durable goods. An economy that would be much less centralized if using said materials mentioned...

Of course less centralization means less power for those who crave it.


my thoughts

my thoughts

Let's put it in perspective. Young people, I understand this is important to you. But you should be thinking about climate change, the economy, jobs, war and peace.[/I]
Maybe way at the bottom you should be thinking about marijuana.<o:p></o:p>

Climate change, the economy, jobs, war and peace can not change for the better so long as cannabis is illegal. Cannabis is part of the answer to limiting climate change. It will obviously improve the economy and would create jobs. Cannabis users are far more peaceful and tolerant, and thus less war.

As usual politicians have no idea as to the extent of the damage they're insane policies cause.


Active member
my vision is fine, no blinders here. you need to open your eyes & realize that what you want (what we ALL want) is not going to happen in one smooth step just because we want it. it is, and will continue to be, a work in progress whether you like it or not. it's called reality. you can bellow and kick your heels and call people "blind" or "traitors" and use all the capital letters you can want, but it aint gonna matter not one lick...an imperfect deal is better than no deal at all. simple fact whether you admit it or not.:tiphat:

You have grown old and you don´t want to risk yourself?OK
, I don´t know if you are traitors... what is clear is that you are a bunch of cowards.
As soon as you have been given some room to grow, you have gone running to eat from the hand of the master.... the same that have been putting you in jail.

You like it or not...




Active member
It´s the old game; stick&carrot.

First they hit you hard with the stick...most say:

I better take the carrot.


ICMag Donor
The problem with rescheduling is this...

The minute that happens - research gets done - and it can be declared to in fact have true medical value. Then it becomes a drug that should be distributed by pharmacies for our own safety. Then it becomes just like the poppy.

When was the last time you grew a poppy?

They CAN take everything from us by rescheduling...

Deregulation is the answer.


The poppy example is an excellent one.
This is exactly the shit we will be dealing with.

I grew 3 kinds of poppies last year, all somniferums. These have got to be some of the earths most beautiful flowers if for no other reason than they are so short lived.

You have grown old and you don´t want to risk yourself?OK
, I don´t know if you are traitors... what is clear is that you are a bunch of cowards.
As soon as you have been given some room to grow, you have gone running to eat from the hand of the master.... the same that have been putting you in jail.

You like it or not...

^^ :Yeahthat: ^^

BTW armedoldhippy, you failed to comprehend what I said. I'll attempt to clarify.
If any one class of people are excluded from participating in cannabis related activities, then cannabis prohibition is alive & well!

Where's the booze on Indian reservations? (Alcohol prohibition)

You can grow your own tobacco but you can't sell it without some form of permission from one of the alphabet groups. (Tobacco prohibition)

If you don't have the balls to exercise your rights you may as well not have those Rights in the first place!

What good are a bunch of scared people in this fight!


"Armedoldhippy" huh...
What good does being armed do for a pacifist?


Well-known member
... what is clear is that you are a bunch of cowards.
Cowards? I don’t know Harry. Ever since MJ was put on schedule in 1970 the movement has been happening at the grass roots level. MMJ was first adopted in CA in the 90’s soon to be followed by other states. Rec. was approved by voters in some states in the last couple years. All done while battling the feds pretty much on all fronts.

The battlegrounds will still be the states and as more and more move toward legalization the feds will have less and less power to do anything about it. It will make it very difficult politically.


Active member
The big error in Obama's statement addressing young people and what they're concerns should be is him targeting the millennials on this issue of legalization. It's not just young people who want legal cannabis. Generation X is in their 40's!. Baby boomers are mid lifing really hard, riding Harley's and growing their hair out (whatever's left). The approval ratings for legalizing cannabis is over 52% nation wide, meanwhile the approval ratings for our government is in the low teens. Take note Mr. President, and get YOUR priorities in order!


if it smells like fish
its more than just about getting stoned..marijuana/hemp can save our sorry asses so it should be at the top of the list for anyone with a brain.... lets get the hemp growing everywhere...sorry bout your outdoor crops...hemp is great for the environment and can replace lots of stuff that aint...and fuck Obama..built on booze saved by weed..USA yeehaw


Well-known member
What good are a bunch of scared people in this fight!


"Armedoldhippy" huh...
What good does being armed do for a pacifist?[/quote]

it is spelled "lose". quit wasting capitals, I am not impressed.
only people that do not know me mistake me for a pacifist. you don't know me. nor do you understand the reality of today. scared people fight, only those that have never been in a fight think differently. cannabis prohibition will end, just as the Iron Curtain of the Soviet Union came down. but it did not happen just because some impatient twit demanded his rights in all capital letters. it took years of work by literally millions of people before the base of the wall was eroded enough to collapse under the pressure. it will be much the same with cannabis. we are closer to the end of the journey than to the beginning, but it must be taken one step at a time until it is over. there are no shortcuts through life, nor to freedom...


Well-known member
BTW armedoldhippy said:
If any one class of people are excluded from participating in cannabis related activities, then cannabis prohibition is alive & well![/B]

Where's the booze on Indian reservations? (Alcohol prohibition)

You can grow your own tobacco but you can't sell it without some form of permission from one of the alphabet groups. (Tobacco prohibition.

I understood what you said. the problem is that you are wrong. people with severe pain are given narcotics by prescription. this is called "regulation". "prohibition" means that those sick people in pain don't get them either. booze on indian reservations is controlled by the political leaders on those reservations, not the federal govt. they were elected by the members of the tribes. if they ever want to change that, all they have to do is vote for it. you simply do not understand the difference between "regulation" and "prohibition". if tobacco was prohibited, they would arrest you for growing it, fuck being able to sell it. speed limits limit how fast you can legally drive, not bar you from owning a car or driving, for which a license (regulation) is required...:) I think I know an anarchist when I see one.:biggrin:

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