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Obama Again Says NO to Legalization of Marijuana


ICMag Donor
Nobody should ever need to pay 60 an 1/8, thats the reason I started growing in the first place. I want it to be legal in america more than anything. I just don't want it to be ONLY cali and not the rest of the country too, because that wouldn't be fair for the other growers who make their living off this...thats all I was trying to say and you must have gotten the wrong message. I have nothing against sick people or the people who grow their medicine. Don't take it the wrong way man. And I will never work for someone else again. I have the skills to pay the bills whether it be 1k a bow or 4k. I just feel like my organic handwatered, hand trimmed, pre 98' bubba is worth 225-250 an oz especially since my clients are mostly just people who smoke to get high...if that makes me a greedy scumbag, then whatever. I could easily charge much more but I don't because I'm a good person. As with anything else PRICE GOES DOWN, QUALITY WILL SUFFER. Don't you call me a little punk, I've busted my ass for 5 years to get to where I am.

The name of the thread is "Obama Again Says NO to Legalization of Marijuana", not "look how much I make off selling pot".


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Let's hope so! :party: I dream of someday being legally able to run acres of bud on irrigation, I just don't wanna be watching the cali guys have all the fun. Don't hate.

You misrepresented yourself or I misunderstood you. Either way, I agree that's in no fun to watch all the legal states have all the fun. We'll get there soon though. We have to just keep pluggin' away at it. Sorry if I came down hard on you, I just hate to see people whining about legalization because they are going to lose out on some money. If you plan it right, which you seem to be doing. You'll be ok. This is going to be a multi-year process of unraveling. The people who can get it figured out now are going to have more money than know what to do with.

Donate some of it to fight cancer and get herb legalized. Just throwing out some suggestions.


Amstel Light

Not helpful to us for the idiot to group prostitution and mj together at all, but notice Obama was not against it. He gave a safe answer.

Reality is, he is leaving it up to the states and the voters to take care of legalization wise.

This part is very telling..

LOADED question!!!the real question should have been something like "what do you propose about the #### of med.patients being arrested daily" or "in our current financial situation how does the US justify spending #$$$## on arresting, prosecuting and incarcerating ### of non violent MJ offenders"......
sell me some bubba for 250 an oz.
round these parts if you dont grow..you pay 60 bucks for an eighth...and it's usually not even good stuff....


Active member
You have all the reasons they won't legalize listed right there pistil party.

Yes I know that the purpose of this thread has nothing to do with talking about selling weed, Sorry about that.


Yeah but in the end, it's about the same thing as gambling and prostitution: Civil rights. If people wanna fuck up their lives by gambling let them (and anyway, why is Vegas allowed to have casinos and the rest of the US apart from native Americans, which is a whole other story, isn't?) and if a woman sees no other way to make a living than to sell her body, why not let her? As long as it's done out of her free will, and that's pretty much what legalizing and regulating it would ensure, because if it's illegal, the hos are gonna need a pimp to protect them and from there on it's all downhill
It has to be handled right,if not their will be plants every fuckin place you look.I want legalization without turning our country into 1 big grow.I am afraid that their are a lot of folks in california that are being greedy and they are gonna fuck it up for everybody.I hope not but some of the pics Ive seen seem to be excessive and when the state cant control these folks well.....good-bye marijuana.


Active member
Yeah man that's what I'm afraid of. Some of those cali guys are literally pulling 300-400lbs of outs in a season...If everyone is doing this sooner or later most bud will be $5 a pack like cigs. While I do want the price to go down, it needs to be gradual and controlled or shit will just get outta hand.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Yeah man that's what I'm afraid of. Some of those cali guys are literally pulling 300-400lbs of outs in a season...If everyone is doing this sooner or later most bud will be $5 a pack like cigs. While I do want the price to go down, it needs to be gradual and controlled or shit will just get outta hand.

I get your concern, but the Cali market hasn't really even stabilized yet with consistent high quality product everywhere. It's going to be a while before supply of high quality product is available on a national level that meets national demand.

When MJ is a mainstream medicine and recreational drug in American society demand is going to be much larger than it is now. Millions of people are just now figuring out they've been lied to their whole lives.

I understand and believe in the argument that when a country legalizes a drug, the use eventually goes down because it's removed as a means of rebellion. Alla, Holland and others. In the US, however, it is achieving notoriety and acceptance because of it's medicinal benefits. It's being marketed heavily as such.

It's such a useful, yet benign plant I think we'll see a big surge in demand. Especially, with all these Hollywood kids OD'ing on pharma's poison now and DWI getting more serious. Maybe I'm overly optimistic, but I know what MJ can do for people and society. I think we may be naturally moving that way especially with the advent of the internet and the dissemination of information these days. Common sense dictates that MJ has less negative societal costs than booze and pharma's garbage. Hopefully common sense rules the day in the end.

Amstel Light

...If everyone is doing this sooner or later most bud will be $5 a pack like cigs. .

so take all the loot your making and buy lots of vending machines or some shit! Just cause you have no imagination or business prowess does not mean the rest of us should suffer....


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
I'll tell ya what,I'm cali born and bred and there isn't anything cali could do to make it a good place to live,its going deeper and deeper into shit.and I'm glad I got out when I did cuz when shit hits the fan its not gonna be very pretty there,also obama and the gov are using the slida hand technique with the US,they're workin on takin our rights away. Heard in an interview obama saying the constition is just a piece of paper.also heard him mention building an army bigger and stronger than the U.S.s' current army and not out of americans and we've been supporting the funds for building that army,also did anyone know there's 800 prison camps thru out the states?? Fully staffed but no prisoners? There's one in alaska thatl hold 2 MILLION people, 2 FUCKIN MILLION PEOPLE!!!! In one structure!!! Now what's all that for??? Google it, EVERYBODY!!!! Look past the legalization of pot deal that are keepin the stoners and hippys busy and the healthcare reform deal that are keeping elderly and most non stoners busy... Just food for thought call me whatever hash me how ever much you want,do some research on all the issues I mentioned then get back to me...

Amstel Light

yea so what? if it ever comes to martial law all is lost anyway....what are we to do about it until it happens?


New member
I'll tell ya what,I'm cali born and bred and there isn't anything cali could do to make it a good place to live,its going deeper and deeper into shit.and I'm glad I got out when I did cuz when shit hits the fan its not gonna be very pretty there,also obama and the gov are using the slida hand technique with the US,they're workin on takin our rights away. Heard in an interview obama saying the constition is just a piece of paper.also heard him mention building an army bigger and stronger than the U.S.s' current army and not out of americans and we've been supporting the funds for building that army,also did anyone know there's 800 prison camps thru out the states?? Fully staffed but no prisoners? There's one in alaska thatl hold 2 MILLION people, 2 FUCKIN MILLION PEOPLE!!!! In one structure!!! Now what's all that for??? Google it, EVERYBODY!!!! Look past the legalization of pot deal that are keepin the stoners and hippys busy and the healthcare reform deal that are keeping elderly and most non stoners busy... Just food for thought call me whatever hash me how ever much you want,do some research on all the issues I mentioned then get back to me...

fema camps... really? lol :tfh:


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
Keep your composur and prepare to head to the hills with supplies and smarts to survive and not go all out and join the havok,that's what ima do if I'm not in my bunker!


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
Fema camps? I said prison camps also like I said do some research you'll see, scary ass shit,if I wasn't on a phone I'd paste links.