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Obama Again Says NO to Legalization of Marijuana


Feeding the ducks with a bun.


Active member
Laugh it up homeboy, I run much much more than a 250 now...I just kept the 250wscrogger username because it doesn't make me seem like someone who makes a living growing weed. That was simply a micro cab grow when I was living with my parents + in a state where that is a felony. I'm in a much better place now making close to 6 figures with outdoors alone, I'm not bragging just thought I'd set that straight. Only 1800w for indoors right now so thats mostly for the head/close friends but I will be running 3k perpetual in about 8 months at another location. All I risk is a misdemeanor and 2 grand maximum fine for under 99 plants. Oh and I'm not even 21 yet. :party: Enjoy getting 2k a bow for your outs once its legal in cali... Meanwhile I'll be pimpin nearly twice that compensation.


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
It will never be legal in america!

If it was 100% legal then the prices would need to go too low and everyone would need to grow like 100lbs to make the same money they make off 10lbs now. I'm just not ready for that.

Its not about the $. Its about stimulating the HIV + patients appetite. Its about getting off the CII's the pharmaceutical companys feed us. Its about getting rid of the nausea the cancer patient has.

I can never knock a person, for their hustle. But I hope you gotta find a new one soon.



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Laugh it up homeboy, I run much much more than a 250 now...I just kept the 250wscrogger username because it doesn't make me seem like someone who makes a living growing weed. That was simply a micro cab grow when I was living with my parents + in a state where that is a felony. I'm in a much better place now making close to 6 figures with outdoors alone, I'm not bragging just thought I'd set that straight. Only 1800w for indoors right now so thats mostly for the head/close friends but I will be running 3k perpetual in about 8 months at another location. All I risk is a misdemeanor and 2 grand maximum fine for under 99 plants. Oh and I'm not even 21 yet. :party: Enjoy getting 2k a bow for your outs once its legal in cali... Meanwhile I'll be pimpin nearly twice that compensation.

Keep rocking it kid. I'm going to go get my bulldozer.


Active member
Notice that it's a "job strategy" - i.e., an election strategy, not a philosophical opposition.

Cali votes to legalize, Obama gets re-elected in 2012, he'll be far more inclined to bargain :)


Active member
I just know that a lot of east coast growers aren't going to be able to keep up with you 5+lb plant cali guys once shits legal and I will continue see even more chemically grown west coast bud over here on the eastcoast selling to our markets.

I have nothing but respect for the growers who ACTUALLY supply sick ppl that need their medicine.

I'm talking about the greedy fucks who are supposed to be growing the " legal medical " that are shipping their shit over here to sell on the black market because they get literally in the 100's of pounds.

It's hard enough for me to hit 2lbs a plant where I'm at.

I don't get to put my plants out in mid march or let them go until mid november like you lucky guys in cali. I can't put them out before may and I need everything cut by the 15th of oct or else I risk mold big time and thats in a greenhouse.

It's not much different than small store trying to compete with walmart.

No disrespect just saying how I feel...Those who intend to force the smaller guys who work much harder for their pounds to find a new hustle deserve -K


ICMag Donor
If Obama were to be re-elected, I could see him supporting legalization. But I think he would support equitable crack cocaine sentencing guidelines first.
So sad it has to be this way, i think weed will be legal someday when the whitehouse is in a heap and there is no law lol. Until them its just another pokerchip. The world sucks for bein that way... obama couldnt even be honest and open with that kid, the only thing that matters is perception.

also i gotta say my particlar county makes most of its money from drug and alchohol violaters.. probation and all that shit

are we really wasting money searching, when they find what they seek and charge fines.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I just know that a lot of east coast growers aren't going to be able to keep up with you 5+lb plant cali guys once shits legal and I will continue see even more chemically grown west coast bud over here on the eastcoast selling to our markets.

I have nothing but respect for the growers who ACTUALLY supply sick ppl that need their medicine.

I'm talking about the greedy fucks who are supposed to be growing the " legal medical " that are shipping their shit over here to sell on the black market because they get literally in the 100's of pounds.

It's hard enough for me to hit 2lbs a plant where I'm at.

I don't get to put my plants out in mid march or let them go until mid november like you lucky guys in cali. I can't put them out before may and I need everything cut by the 15th of oct or else I risk mold big time and thats in a greenhouse.

It's not much different than small store trying to compete with walmart.

No disrespect just saying how I feel...Those who intend to force the smaller guys who work much harder for their pounds to find a new hustle deserve -K

Better start working on your business model, or it's going to be "Do you want fries with that?" In a few years. Why should patients an sick people (people with cancer and wasting syndrome) have to pay higher prices because you don't have the skills or knowledge to compete. Why do I have to pay $60 and 1/8th because some young punk wants to make a dime and can't structure his business to compete in a legal market? Just askin'. You can't have one without the other. You must think you are pretty special to want to sideline a bunch of sick people so you can make a little extra money.OH OH But I care about the sick people! I don't want to do that, I hear. Your statements are contradictory and drowning in hypocrisy. See you stocking the shelves at my Wal Mart pretty soon homeboy. I had cancer and a bone marrow transplant so I'm one those sick people coming to get you. -K to you hoss.


250wscrog dude, anti-props to you little bro. Yeah right now a guy is getting paid for the threat that isn't there. This is changing as more people think they will join the green gold rush.
The thing is next year when there are lbs backed up the price is gonna drop anyway.
It is a fucking crime that black market prices are still being charged for cannabis. 60/eighth? bullshit 10-15$ an eighth. I said it in another post I know folks sitting on 50 lbs right now in Or.distribution is the only hang up for the growers up here and they would be happy to make 75-100 oz wholesale. This alone is going to eventually change the market to be more competative and put folks like you out of the biz.
No loss I do not fault anyone for making the best they can from their work I just feel that "easy croppers" will be the first to be out competed by folks willing to work harder for less profit.


Active member
Nobody should ever need to pay 60 an 1/8, thats the reason I started growing in the first place. I want it to be legal in america more than anything. I just don't want it to be ONLY cali and not the rest of the country too, because that wouldn't be fair for the other growers who make their living off this...thats all I was trying to say and you must have gotten the wrong message. I have nothing against sick people or the people who grow their medicine. Don't take it the wrong way man. And I will never work for someone else again. I have the skills to pay the bills whether it be 1k a bow or 4k. I just feel like my organic handwatered, hand trimmed, pre 98' bubba is worth 225-250 an oz especially since my clients are mostly just people who smoke to get high...if that makes me a greedy scumbag, then whatever. I could easily charge much more but I don't because I'm a good person. As with anything else PRICE GOES DOWN, QUALITY WILL SUFFER. Don't you call me a little punk, I've busted my ass for 5 years to get to where I am.


ICMag Donor
If California legalizes it, it will not be long before the rest of the country follows suit... It could only be good for everyone!

This doesn't surprise me a whole lot, the way it happened.. I have a good feeling theres something going on there, the way the question was asked. Its a good possibility the gov't wanted that question to be asked and in just that way so that it manipulates the general population's perception of cannabis reform.... What other types of things are we as a country really talking about legalizing? Its just been cannabis thats been talked about lately as far as I know... :chin:

When are people going to quit associating cannabis with worse things like prostitution and other drugs... That question was a big question as far as the country goes, there is a bill going through congress to tax and regulate cannabis, and another to reexamine the criminal justice system and overhaul it so that less people are in the prison populaion... That legislation would take a hard core look at the drug laws...

And he just blows this off like its not even an issue... "We say no..." Thats all we get right now...

There is no concrete justification for prohibiting the hemp plant.

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Active member
Let's hope so! :party: I dream of someday being legally able to run acres of bud on irrigation, I just don't wanna be watching the cali guys have all the fun. Don't hate.


ICMag Donor
Move to cali if it gets legalized there... Thats just the way it has to be I think, so long as the reform happens in the states first.. Thats kind of how our country's set up to find which laws work best for the people. I don't hate you, my friend. :smoke:


Active member
I just may move to cali in 2-3 years when I have enough money saved to buy land and a house out there. If it's legalized I really want to run 3 rooms of 5k in each and 1 room with 5k to veg. This way I will be able to produce 8-10lbs of indoors every 3 weeks with a 9 week strain. Maybe like 2-3 dozen 300 gallon containers for outdoors. I really have no idea whats involved with becoming legal to sell directly to dispenseries but thats what I want to do. My real skills are with indoors although I do well with outs.


Chat Mod
I really dont know what fantasy world you people are living in. Barack Obama SAID during his campaing he WOULD NOT LEGALIZE POT IF ELECTED. Now I know alot of people think that because we are no longer under bushco's leadership everything is going to do a complete 180 degree turn, it's not going to happen. So the next time someone sends you the text message that "if 1,000,000 people hit CNN's website Obama will legalize" and other bullshit like that just text them back and tell them its bullshit.

peace and sorry to rain on parades -fb
obama is not transparent. neither is his administration. its the same old wall street JP Morgan's running the same game as bush. failed politics.
why did obama bail out the banks? their bad business practices are the reason were in this situation...its like giving more matches to an arsonist.
and then they bailed out the auto industry...
and they didnt even have to go through bankruptcy and
liquidate their assets for what they were worth..they got WAY MORE than they needed...
how come we allowed the federal reserve to bail out hundreds of offshore banks...and on top of it they wont even TELL US WHO they bailed out?!?
The federal reserve is a PRIVATE INSTITUTION that has NEVER BEEN AUDITED.
it's fair to say the CIA is more transparent than the federal reserve..

the government probably calculated the "costs" of legalizing cannabis years ago...thats why it's illegal because it might cost tax-payers a shitload of money to enforce prohibition, but the gov't and the police are riding a gravy train and they dont want to see it stop....

someone needs to sit down and REALLY calculate the $$$ earned by LEO and the Gov't from enforcing prohibition.

once you calculate what kind of products and massive compainies there WOULD have been in the US if the hemp industry wasnt shut down by hearst a century ago, or how big pharma wouldnt be making nearly the obsene profits beause people would grow their own medicine...
then you see that they have a VERY big reason.

think if the US was 100% self-reliant for it's energy needs by producing bio-fuel made from hemp..

where would companies like dow jones or DuPont be today if hemp and cannabis products were legal? i doubt they would be the financial giants they are today....in fact i dont see why anyone would have supported nylon or any of their shitty-ass chemical products if safe, cheaper, natural products that do the same thing, but dont hurt the enviroment and last WAY longer would have been invented...

this is a MASSIVE maybe even unfathomable market...

in fact, i dont think our economy would be taking a shit right now if we had legal cannabis...

america is fucked....the republic is dying...
corporations have exported all our jobs and services to the point where were all fucked..

once a country cant produce its own basic neccesities and it relys on other countries for everything...then those countries hold a great deal of power over us.
just watch as all these countries that have trillions invested in america all pull out at once and super-inflate our dollar. they're already looking for a way to pull out their investment in dollars without losing out..

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