It will never be legal in america!
If it was 100% legal then the prices would need to go too low and everyone would need to grow like 100lbs to make the same money they make off 10lbs now. I'm just not ready for that.
Laugh it up homeboy, I run much much more than a 250 now...I just kept the 250wscrogger username because it doesn't make me seem like someone who makes a living growing weed. That was simply a micro cab grow when I was living with my parents + in a state where that is a felony. I'm in a much better place now making close to 6 figures with outdoors alone, I'm not bragging just thought I'd set that straight. Only 1800w for indoors right now so thats mostly for the head/close friends but I will be running 3k perpetual in about 8 months at another location. All I risk is a misdemeanor and 2 grand maximum fine for under 99 plants. Oh and I'm not even 21 yet.Enjoy getting 2k a bow for your outs once its legal in cali... Meanwhile I'll be pimpin nearly twice that compensation.
I just know that a lot of east coast growers aren't going to be able to keep up with you 5+lb plant cali guys once shits legal and I will continue see even more chemically grown west coast bud over here on the eastcoast selling to our markets.
I have nothing but respect for the growers who ACTUALLY supply sick ppl that need their medicine.
I'm talking about the greedy fucks who are supposed to be growing the " legal medical " that are shipping their shit over here to sell on the black market because they get literally in the 100's of pounds.
It's hard enough for me to hit 2lbs a plant where I'm at.
I don't get to put my plants out in mid march or let them go until mid november like you lucky guys in cali. I can't put them out before may and I need everything cut by the 15th of oct or else I risk mold big time and thats in a greenhouse.
It's not much different than small store trying to compete with walmart.
No disrespect just saying how I feel...Those who intend to force the smaller guys who work much harder for their pounds to find a new hustle deserve -K
Can see the pimp issuing 1099's to his ho's at years end, hehe
pipeline said:Move to cali if it gets legalized there...