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Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Loving the outdoors man, my ladies use to get eaten too, till they started to frost up then the bugs would stop. That scrog is going to yield huge bro....


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Black Ra1n said:
, my ladies use to get eaten too, till they started to frost up then the bugs would stop.


you would think that they would eat more, after they got the munchies!!


Doc: thanx brother! always good to have the Doc come in and give his professional opinion! :D
funny you mention the spiders... i was taking a close look at the Soylent Scrog... and saw there was a dead yellow leaf (from a diff tree.. not the SG) sittin on a bud. i went to grab it, it moved and raised its legs!....

wait a secound.............. leaves dont have legs?!... :asskick:

yup. was a tiny but bright bright yellow spider. i let it be :joint:

D-Rock: yeah, i liked the G13D, i just havnt had much luck with finding a female! i had 12 seeds... ive popped 6 of them. 4 were male.. 2 were hermies!

honestly, if you want the remaining 6 seeds i have. (had to get em out to count for ya).. i will quite happily give them to ya... but with my own disclaimer of what may come of them. lol.
i am NOT going to pop the rest and waste more time looking for a true female, as i now have my NFU, and Venomheads to play with.

so... say the word brother... they yours... or, they will likley be thrown when its time for me to leave the country.
i will say the Hermie tendancys come out late in flower, so even if you have to chop early, you will still get something to smoke out of her/it.

what ive been able to smoke of it, ive enjoyed. i would have liked to try another 3 seeds, but its no point anymore. not in the bunkbed anyway....

Smokin': ah hah! twas you, you basterd! :asskick: :spank: :asskick:
terrible i know, but everyday i go out there and look to see "wonder if i can steal a taster bud".. hahahah! ill wait.. im a good boy :D (for few more weeks anyway... hahahah!)

good to see ya poppin in on the regular, Mate.

Y: honestly bro... if i had a room with 100+ girls in it, i wouldnt even bother with outside. i mean, sure its fun and good old mother nature sure does know how to grow MJ.. but ive seen your thread bro.......
i think you are mother Natures illegitimate son!

Security is better dealt with indoors imo....

saying that... we will be smoking some of the g13d when i meet your sexy pimpin' ass. :D

and alot of other strains too i get the feeling. lol.

B/R: hahahah! im with Dog on this one. when the bud develops, why teh hell would you stop eating?! lol.
stupid bugs... no wonder we are at the top of the food chain huh!... they dont even know how to get a good buzz going!
speaking of... heres a stupid fact:
did you know, Birds get drunk! they leave fruits to over ripen and furment on trees, and go back when its "ready!" to get a nice buzz!

..... imagine being a bird, coming home from a night on the apple cider.. crashing out in the nest................... and falling out of bed. .... man.

yeah the scrog is fun i will admit. thanx for dropping in man.. OGA is always welcome here.

Dog: woof!


On the road to clone only...
DUDE...that scrog is the shit...I totally love that gal....You're rockin' btw...K+ your way NZJay....


Man you Rock NZjay :) Always something too see, and you got the best setup BrÓ:joint: :canabis: :yes:
It´s been a wild, since I posted, summer is kind of in the last stage, so Iwill bee in front and around the computer A Lot more:) I am doing sum outdoor and indoor:jump:



Registered Medical Patient
outdoors lookin great Jay..Im gonna guess you get a HUGE yield off those gurlz...they look amazing...great job bro, Ill C ya L8R


- Z


Hey N!! Now that is some nice outdoor grow my friend... I just with i could!
That training is very well made.
Are they gonna stretch 1.5/2X more?
I can imagine the beautifullness its gonna be!
Best luck!
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Scrappy: hahah.. thanx man. yeah, shes been fun to grow! cant wait to kil her and smoke her now. lol.
thanx for the rep dude...

Rasta: heya bud! been a while indeed. good to see ya again
gonna run a thread for those girls of yours?... if not, feel free to show me some pics in here brother!...

Zeus: hehe.. i dunno about HUGE... but it will deffo be a nice pile of meds for me.
im pretty confident with my outdoor, and my indoor due to come down close to each other, ill have plenty of meds to last me from here on out.
i probably need to buy more jars. lol. this is gonna be fun ... and thats all i really care about. :)

Frankie: hey man! thanx.. nah i think outdoor is done stretching now.
the G13D is about 3-4ft tall from top of 5gal bag.
the Soylent Green is about 3 ft tall.. and the Soylent scrog... well... if i stood her up, she might be close to 5ft. but they are all budding up now.
thanx for the compliments my friend. good to see ya still lurking around.

drop back tomorrow for the Bunkbed update... also starting to get some buddage showing. :D


Doood! The outdoor is kicking butt! Tops aplenty and free light...you got it going on!

did you know, Birds get drunk! they leave fruits to over ripen and furment on trees, and go back when its "ready!" to get a nice buzz!

..... imagine being a bird, coming home from a night on the apple cider.. crashing out in the nest................... and falling out of bed. .... man.

That's the funniest thing I've read in a while :biglaugh:

Here's to turning the flower corner, fair weather, and bountiful harvest!




wattup J LMAO @ mother natures illigitimate son
or how bout ...mother natures illigitamate "sun" ;) hahahaha

bro it seems to me i would just have a ball doin some outdoor shit.i mean shit bro i wouldnt have to do shit but check up once in a while.eh idk i know i want atleast a few outside next year.bro i had 1 outside 1 time a couple years ago it was like 7 1/2 feet tall and so bushy yo.i think i showed a pic of it in my old thread ...anyways i got almost 3 lbs off it.no joke.i was so noided with that bitch right in my yard yo,fuckin over the privacy fence by like a foot.it just popped up one day so i let it grow like a lil joke,then it started lookin nice so i tended to it here and there...mufucka blew strait up yo....never again though too many sleepless nights LOL.
and when we hook up yo we gonna be smokin some of everything i have done at the time ,strait up like 12 o'clock.ya know!...i trid to see if i could find the pic of that plant but i cant:( peace -Y-

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
No scorpions?

so you could sleep outside naked and nothing would come by and take a nip at ya?

What about Peter Jackson? I am sure he would take a bite out of ya


Shitake: hehehe :D i dunno why im full of stupid facts. i think i got it from my Dad. he knows alot of trivial crap. lol...
Outdoor is giving me wood for sure :D

funny thing you said "heres to good weather" and its damn rained the last 3 days! lol... gimmie the sun dammit!! i wanna steal sample buds....er... i mean.... i like..... sun... bathing?.... DAMMIT! :spank:

Y: yes my sun! :)
yeah i know what you saying bro... outdoors just rocks and is alot of fun to do... security and paranoia is the downside though.
i must admit, im KINDA glad both my THUNKS turned out males... coz they would be HUGE by now, and i dont know if i could hide it properly! lol...
if you gonna try outdoor next year, just be safe bro.. dont go out too often.. and if its in a place where someone might "see you".. wear some binoculars, take a bird book with ya, and say you were growing large amounts of weed.... oops.. i mean, say you were bird watching. :D

i get the feeling we will have a very nice selection of strains to try brother :D
looking forward to meeting and getting fucked up with ya..

Doc: hahah.. nope. no scorpians.. nada.
things that MIGHT bite ya - mosquitos! thats about it.
we got Possums, but they more scared of you, and wont come near ya.
unlike curious skunks, and coons, who do whatever they want! little basterds.

its quite possible Peter Jackson and his army of Orcs might stumbled upon you.. but just put on the ring. they wont even know you are there. :p

ShutterCase: thanx brother! gimmie a few more hours, and i will have that update for ya.


well.. i replied to everyone ealier, so i could post these up for yas without too much delay!
so lets get this show on the road!

lets start in the veg room today.
these girls not looking the best ever since they accidently got 6 hours of darkness when i had just cloned them!
dammit... ive never had clones look so... icky. but alas, they rooted, and im sure i can turn em around in 8 weeks time to become more commonly known as "Round 4".
these ones were cloned into Rapid Rooters:

These were taken direct into soil a week after the above ones.
Direct to soil is my new fav method of cloning to be honest.
They will be harded off over the weekend. (still in the dome obvously)

that gives me a total of 18 girls (a full bed) to rock on before ya know it.

so then we got the bed.
im starting to get my suspicions about whos NFU and whos Urkle... but i wont tells ya until i know for sure, and will then label all accordingly.
i know who the Venomheads are, but you have to go to the Shitake/Jay Joint thread in my sig. sucks to be YOU!

heres a shot of the temps, which i havnt given in a while.
this is secounds after lights went off..... wonder if that AC is doing what i hoped it would? :D
looks like it huh ;) it drops to about 66 with lights off.
the girls love it.

so, ladies and gents i give you: Round 3 - day 14. 8 weeks to go.

man i do like this shot. really shows the even LST enduced canopy, and shows all the nice bud sites :D

and thats that!
for the Venomhead curious, i do my updates Sundays/mondays... and Shitake seems to be around wednesday thursdays! check back on the regular, coz theres plenty to keep up with!

As for the this thread, Cyas around wednesday-ish for an outdoor update!

Stay safe, and keep ya finger out of ya nose!
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Registered Pothead
My finger is in my nose staring in awe at the evenness of the canopy. Perfect lst job man. That is one skill i am still trying to perfect. One day ill get there. Keep it green bro.


Registered Medical Patient
gorgeous shots J...your canopy is so even, what a beautiful thing to behold..Im jealous bro...I gotta get me a bigger light and start doin this thing on a bigger scale!!!Lookin great bro, I can almost tsate those PU's!!!LOL Peace

- Z


WOW dude, love the even canopy...


Love the shots and keep up the good work. Im thinkin you will deff get 2lbs... Duno just a thought... Keep up the good work man!

MAd props +++


bro,fuckin damn son its been said already and i hate to :beat-dead but man thats a even ass canopy the training you did is second to none ive seen so far.you the lst master imho.i wish i had you up here to train these mangos for me hehehe.

that looks like a damn room yo not a bunkbed for sure...you the man J,you the man.

yeah bro if i go outdoors,i aint hardly ever gonna check on them bro,i'll put out clones so no need to check sex.and if it dont rain maybe i go see if they need some help other then that F.U.C.K.E.M. i'll holla in 8-9 weeks when its chopper city.where im lookin at has a water source nearby too,too bad its downhill from the spot i want or id try to think about runnin a hose somehow and let gravity feed my plants;) wow im a lazy fucker hahahahahahahahahaha peace bro.-Y-


lol Chubs: you had me giggling on that one bro. lol.
i know i say this often, but my training techniques truly are easy.
maybe i will have to take you all for a ride, and show yas in detail how i get em there. these are not new techniques obviously, and alot of people simply dont need to do this to their girls. me on the other hand, its a must!
i enjoy the shit out of it too though... and in turn... i think my girls do too!...

what ya reckon? :)
good to see ya mate.

Z: thank you thank you! i will admit, im suprised the Venomheads are not 1 ft taller than the rest. lol. Urkle is NOT a stretcher, and FJ and Shitake warned me about the stretch on the VHs... so i did a little extra with them, and retied the LST strings at day 4 of flower and then left them to do what they want... they are taller than the others. but not sticking out like i thought they would. i love even canopys. does it show? :D

oh... hey... i know you're a big tool fan... so um... how can you write the WRONG LYRICS IN YOUR SIG!!! you just a wannabe tool fan huh?? :D
i will admit though, i had to listen to the song to make sure i was right.

"to breathe, to feel, to know im alive" - i remember that song (stinkfist) live in Sydney... fuck i love tool!

BigTimer: heheh.. thanx brother.
i dunno about 2 pounds though, but i love your optimism!
i would say 2 pounds.... WITH ALL MY OUTDOOR WITH IT! lol...
im hoping, and maybe realistically, i could get 1 pound.
but i hate the guessing game. whats there is there :)
thanx for the shot of rep brother!

Y: the master huh? hehe.. i dunno bout all that now, but i appreciate the kind words.
would love to come up and help ya train that mango! Hazes are a training mission from 'nam! but i will admit, they are fun coz they grow 2-3 inchs over night. heheh :D
hehe yeah those pics for make it look like a room huh! :)

and your next year outdoor: could always use some of those water rentention crystals?... *shrug* never used em, but it was a thought.
thanx brother.

JustinBug: :wave: heheheh... and you are my beacon of light baybee! :joint: