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Nutrient for stronger stems?

I Care

Well-known member
I just watched the most recent thing of dr bugbee saying that 30ppm of phosphate is the ideal. Has me thinking that it means that all of the other things around that are what I need to be looking for. I am up around the 2.3 ec range this month and it’s really a lot of food.

This thread has me wondering if it all falls back on too much nitrogen requiring too much phosphate and then all of it gets out of whack. Onto the potassium and then down the line of necessities. There is a lot of information out there, but everything I gather does seem to lead that phosphate isn’t as necessary for fruit production.

Not sure what other stings phosphate was pulling but this lignin thing makes sense why it’s working to balance the NPK as close to 1-1-1 as possible when pushing it at high feeding. Lot of info I picked up here at the forum has coached me into this practice of aiming toward a 1-1-1 with minors/micros and just teetering on balanced nutrient philosophy.

I don’t think that 80ppm of nitrogen would be sufficient, or maybe it would be. But the 1-1-1 with that 30ppm that the legend is promoting you would end up with about 80ppm/N 30ppm/P 60ppm/k them what on the micros and it would be like 200ppm of hydro nutes. I think the legend is still growing hemp but it seems to be a reasonable ratio even if you multiply it for your needs.


Well-known member
The main influence on plant size and strength is P.
We often want to strengthen them up, yet reduce stretching. Which isn't really an option. Strong healthy plants are going to get bigger.

It used to be N getting the attention, and books saying this are still around.
In veg, you can switch to bloom foods to get more P, using what most of us have on the shelf. This will lower N, and confirm it's P making strong frames. That lower N of bloom foods might be found with calmag, where a typical 1ml/l dose is giving 30ppm N itself. Users of RO may find they prefer later grow on bloom feeds. As their plant's could be loaded with N instead of more useful P&K by this time. Certainly during transition the switch over would come sooner, if calmag is being used.