I've been narrowing down the next run.
House and Garden
Old Age organics
Roots organics
Humbolt Nutrients
A 100% living organic soil test w/ added organic teas only
Only a few of the above lines have been purchased - I'm still in the consideration stage. It takes me about 5 months to spit out a solid comparison - and then info still trickles out as I analyze information further. I'm planning this one more interactive however, and will post as I go - at least some info.
I was planning to post details in a few weeks.
In reference to the CO2. I've had documented increased production with additional CO2 enrichment numerous times. It's effectiveness in every grow is a different story. With-out describing specific environmental differences among my set-ups, and explaining sheer quantity of plants in a single space I can't properly state any real increase production numbers. I can state a few broader conclusions I've found.
Any grow in a sealed (no intake) environment benefits greatly - first because of the simple fact CO2 is unavailable. Secondly, because we control the levels and can influence growth more effectively.
In my experiences smaller grows typically thrive just as good with solid forms of intake and proper ventilation throughout the grow. They absolutely get a boost from CO2 - just nothing tremendous for me.
If I grow larger systems. 8 or 9 1000 watt lights in one room, and run big plant numbers, CO2 enrichment greatly increases production. No where near 50%?! - more like 15%. The cost of my grow increases also - more water - more heat - more humidity - more food - more fuel to burn. It out weighs the cost in larger grows imo. Meaning the increased production more than pays for the increased cost. Still however, after calculating the numbers (including cost) I think more like a 12% avg increase is more appropriate. Thats substantial when considering the production from 9000 watts.
I'm sure some growers do find serious production increases with enrichment. Just remember, all other components of your grow should be consistent, predictable and healthy - then it's time for CO2. Many growers try adding it to soon, when priorities should be elsewhere. IMO they infrequently reap all the rewards as a result.
Happy Smoking..................