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Noticed any adverse effects of cannabis use?


cant re Member
i think there is a element of denial on this thread , of course they are negatives to regular weed smoking, and like anything in life to much of it, is a bad thing , you have the mental effects , it can make you less adventurous , less willing to try new things , and go new places , meet new people , can even make you paranoid , it slows you down, it dims you in a way, it makes you less than the sum of your parts , it takes that certain percent from you , think of any heavy smoker there always slower , there not sharp , and im not taking i.q , im talking there mental process's , you can tell by just looking at them there dope heads/high, there demeanour , there mannerisms, but the same can be said about alcohol or any other drug to much takes it toll even if the person them selfs cant see it , and on the physical side there is the lung damage the bad skin , the doped out look , the dull heavy eyes , you look at any heavy dope head there eyes arnt bright, there not virile, there not energetic , they dont have that glow a healthy livin t total person has if you know what i mean ...................................................................... but all that said id never give it up lol i do know it is damaging me , it is effecting me but lifes to short, so for the same reason people drink and people smoke cigs, i do it because i enjoy it

agreed completely. it has its negatives if you abuse it like anything else. if you are a ery heavy user for a long time you will notice the difference when you stop for an extended period. i also think some people are prone to the negatives and can smoke for years before seeing the sides.


Been smoking weed since 1970. I can't tell that it has done me any harm, on the contrary it has put me in better head space and helped me sleep when I needed it. Wait, I did cut part of my finger off when operating a table mounted router cause I was stoned outta my mind and should NOT have been doing that. I was a kid then and didn't know better……...


Active member
My stomach is currently F'd because I've had to deal with local cannabis again. I'm well aware of this and yeah... 99% of the population really doesn't understand until they have the information and then are exposed to massive doses of cannabis with azadactrin products on them (azamax, azatrol aza-sol, etc...). THEN they feel the muscle tension, stomach pain and other issues begin for them. Sometimes I wish I wasn't sensitive enough to have pain/issues from this.

Just an FYI. :)

Guess what?

Distilled alcohol helps the stomach pain.

Anyone that gets stomach pain after toking up... try this at home. Take a double shot of 35-40proof alcohol and see how your stomach feels as the alcohol moves through it.

For me it eliminates the pain for several hours.

Anyone know of a 'test' for azadactrin products that doesn't involve actually using the cannabis? I've reached the point I'm not interested in having stomach cramps and back/neck pain for 4hrs after 'testing' a bowl of new meds.

Wow. Bio-accumulation is a bitch.



Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


New member
At the end of the day you have to ask yourself, are you better off with the medicinal effects of MJ vs possible long term effects? What we have to remember is that we take and ingest substances and foods all our lives that have potentially, or certainly, negative effects. We could be talking about eggs and bacon, or processed sugary foods, or other drugs we have access to and choose to use, or not. I see little downside with moderate via a vaporizer.

What I've noticed though "thanks" to legal access to cannabis is that I don't crave exercise as much and tend to become complacent because of sedation and lack of discipline. For me, that's the biggest downside- that I don't effect my attitude positively through exercise and endorphin release much these days... I think about it though.

Before I lived in a med state it was dangerous growing and I had to be careful about medicating because of access and public perception, which led me to exercise more to cope.

Really? so weird because I get high mainly for the purpose of working out - i basically "can't" enjoy it without.

I do find that I have to decide what kind of workout I'm up for - make the plan - before getting high, then I can follow through on the intention. By the same token, if I'm wishy-washy about it before I hit the vape, I allow myself to follow through on that. ie, take the day off, use the high for other pleasures. But the stoned workouts far outnumber the stoned reading writing housework days.


Active member
Cannabis does NOT cause stomach pain

Maybe it doesn't cause stomach pain for you, but it does for me. Always has & always will, and it has nothing to do with anything being sprayed on the herb. I'm talking clean herb, grown by myself with nothing harmful used on it. It absolutely does cause stomach pain in anyone that has a history of peptic ulcer disease, in the same way that smoking cigarettes will irritate that condition. Smoking herb causes excess acid in my stomach. Have to take antacids to counter act it.
Just because it doesn't effect you in that way, doesn't mean it doesn't effect others differently. It's the same with all medications. They have side effects that may only effect a tiny percentage of users, but are real nevertheless.


@yogamother, I second that. Recently I discovered the joys of doing hatha-yoga (physical yoga exercises) while high. I find it very enjoyable because it relaxes my body and I can assume certain asanas (positions) easier. On the other hand, more demanding cardio exercises & weed don't go along well — at least for me.


I smoked a lot in the late seventies and had no problems getting two degrees, I´ve now been smoking daily (medically) for about four years and I have nothing worse than occational redness of the eyes ;)

Piel, I have also experienced this 'red eye' phenomenon.

Seems to be gone the next day though. :biggrin:


Active member
@yogamother, I second that. Recently I discovered the joys of doing hatha-yoga (physical yoga exercises) while high. I find it very enjoyable because it relaxes my body and I can assume certain asanas (positions) easier. On the other hand, more demanding cardio exercises & weed don't go along well — at least for me.

Yup. Increases flexibility quite dramatically for me.


Well-known member
also, back to the means of paranoia and heart palpilations... first of all, if smokers would not have to hide and smoke weed openly with no fear of prosecution, most of the "paranoid" types would never get paranoid... also, you can't let a noob get high on proper sativas, unless you want them to get paranoid and zippy...

also, never forget, every and each mamalian on this planet, reacts different to the same dose of cannabinoids (and it's ratios among each other), hence a therapeutical dose of certain strain to a dude might be a "horror trip" for another mamalian :)

ps.: and yeah, if one dislike the effects, why even bother partaking??? it's not as if the cthullu monster is gonna fetch you, once you don't partake for "hippnes" reasons right?


Well-known member
adverse effects? yup. every time some dickhead in "management" finds out that i smoke weed, they try to fire me. from smoking pot? none at all...:tiphat:


Active member
It absolutely does cause stomach pain in anyone that has a history of peptic ulcer disease, in the same way that smoking cigarettes will irritate that condition.

One. Learn to fade/flush properly before harvest (if you're organic you should be amending less), if you haven't already.

Your fan leaves should be long gone, sugar leaves crispy tan/gold and almost dead all the way into the bud. There shouldn't be any dark or 'nice' green color anywhere on it.
This will help *significantly* with this issue. It's NOT the cannabis. :)

Two. History of Peptic ulcer? Here's relief you never dreamed of. http://www.dadamo.com/typebase4/typeindexer.htm You're welcome. When you finally realize how powerful it is, don't thank me... just pass it on. :tiphat:

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Active member
Noticed any adverse effects of cannabis use?

Why yes, indeed, I have...

My pipe bowl gets really caked up with goo.


Active member
Noticed any adverse effects of cannabis use?

Why yes, indeed, I have...

My pipe bowl gets really caked up with goo.

That is sooooo odd! The exact same thing happens with my bong!!!

I wonder if you're using the same wind we're using?? :tiphat:

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


New member
In my 36 years of smoking I have never smoked tobacco. I can still take a bong hit that will make a mushroom cloud you wont be able to see through I can almost smoke a gram in one puff of anything except maybe a super high test product then half a gram. I mountain bike swim eat right and have never felt better an no parinoia at all hehehe well after all this writing this old fart is going to do a bowload of primo an head out for a mountain bike ride.